Category Archives: Business Goals

Do You Have a Plan For Your Business for Next Year?

At Front Porch Marketing, we live and breathe small business marketing success. We love to see our clients grow and thrive, so we’re always sharing our small business marketing tips and tricks! Every week on our blog this year (and past years) we’ve shared some of our insider knowledge on websites, PR, design, content, social media, email marketing and all things marketing to help our readers build their business through marketing done right.

Rock Your Business With These Marketing Tips

Having worked with so many small and medium-sized businesses, in just about every industry, we’ve got quite a bit of knowledge to share. Maybe it might help you set your business up for success in 2023 too! Since it’s the year-end, we’ve gathered up the best marketing tips and tricks for you in the list below. So bookmark this page, and you’ll be building your marketing practice in no time. Need help implementing any of these marketing strategies or tactics? We’ve got you covered, just ask!

Creating your Marketing Plan

Marketing Strategies for Start-Up Businesses

How to do a Branding Refresh

Designing a Logo to Represent Your Brand

Event Marketing Tips

Maximizing Your Marketing Budget

Effective Media Relations

PR Best Practices

Assessing your Social Media

Upgrading Your LinkedIn Profile

How to Do Successful Social Media

How to Write for your Business Blog

Building a Great Website for your Company

Email Marketing Tips

Text Message Marketing Explained

Working with Social Media Influencers

We Hope Your Find Our Marketing Tips Helpful

As we close out the year, we want to thank each and every one of you for reading our weekly blog, and newsletter. Let us know what you’d like to know more about, and we’ll try answering your questions in a blog post in 2023. We wish your business endeavors much success next year.

Put Your Marketing Must-Have Plan in Place Now.

Are you ready to tackle your company’s marketing must-have plans for next year? You’re in luck! We’ve simplified that list for you, to get you started. Your business success can be mapped out ahead of time with these five guideposts put in place to execute against.

Having a plan means you know what to do to build your business according to seasons, holidays, business cycles, trends and more. And, if you need help formulating any of these must-haves — or executing them, please ask us!

The Marketing Must-Haves:

1. Marketing Plan

What are your 2023 business and marketing goals? Define them now. Make a marketing plan. Then add in audiences, competition, SWOT, strategies and tactics. Know who you are and what you’re doing. Know what makes your company unique, and what your brand’s biggest benefit is.

2. Content Calendar

This important calendar includes social media and blogging as marketing initiatives. Know what you’re going to talk about every month and every week using this calendar. Take advantage of social media trends. Every content strategy needs a roadmap with dates, and this calendar is super helpful for engaging your consumer on a regular basis.

3. Marketing Timeline

Calendarize key events pertinent to your business, down to the day. Know what events to capitalize on for business success. Plan out when you will carry out campaigns for advertising, digital or print, as well as event pushes, PR and media relations, holiday and event marketing and more.

4. Marketing operations — including people, technology and analytics

Do you have the right team in place? Do you have enough team to get the job done next year? What tech and analytics tools do you need to execute and then evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies against your goals?

5. Marketing Budget

Once the four above have been defined, put numbers to each of them. Create a marketing budget that maximizes your impact. Plan for this budget quarterly, and then, manage to it monthly. Staying on track will pay off.

No matter the size of your business, start on your marketing must-haves now.

Take the guesswork out of what to do next week, next month, or just next with these five marketing must-haves for planning your next business year! We’ve seen our clients grow year over year when we help them set these must-have marketing goals in place. Then, we work together diligently all year to execute against them for business growth and success. It can work for you too.

Sports Mom Perspectives on Marketing

Here we are. End of a season and that means a sports blog is imminent. I am a sports mom of two boy athletes. This fall season was extra special because we got a double dose of football with one on varsity and one on middle school. Here’s what we learned.

Our freshman is a football enthusiast, works hard and leaves it all on the field. However, we had little expectations for varsity field time because he’s a freshman. At the beginning an upperclassman parent asked: what position does your son play? Stumbling a bit, “we don’t really know yet” the response (in jest) was: “C’mon sports mom, you don’t know what position your kid plays?”

Well, yes, we knew what he wanted to play, but we didn’t know where he was going to fit in the team. He was a newcomer, learning a new system and building relationships. The first game on special teams he got a five-yard penalty on the FIRST play because of a major rookie mistake. He got his first sack in game four. His first strip and recovery in game eight.

He has had equal moments of failure and success on the field, he learned a lot about being a teammate, work ethic, leadership and most important to us — he had a TON of fun.

Sports Mom Takeaway: Be open to new roles and positions. Adopt the “put me in coach” mentality and learn as much as you can as quickly as you can to make a positive impact on your team.

Our middle schooler does dual sports in the fall. Watching him balance two sports with ease and grace brings us joy. In baseball he is a catcher, pitcher, and infielder. He didn’t pitch the first two tournaments. When he inquired with his new coach, he didn’t even know he was a pitcher, because our kid never told him! Faceplant moment here, friends.

At the next tournament we had two game injuries that took the other two catchers out for the season. We thought our kid would be behind the plate the rest of the season, because that was where he was needed. The next tournament he pitched two games. How? His coach knew it was important to him and found a catcher to help us so he could have his shot. He did well.

Takeaway: Respectfully communicate how you want to contribute and back it up with performance.

The dichotomy of having a freshman (who is watching the upperclassman) and an upperclassman – the 8th grader has been fascinating! Both are leading in their own ways. We have noticed student athletes (peers and opponents, underclassman and upperclassman) get wrapped up in titles, positions, and stats. A kid that is so wrapped up in their performance can became unrecognizable by his friends and family.

So, as a sports mom, tap the breaks if the stats are the drive. It’s a game. A game that can teach valuable life lessons, but it is still just a game. Here on The Porch we don’t take our titles too seriously; I have never sung or played an instrument in front of crowd but do try to deliver rockstar results on every project.   

Final Sports Mom Takeaway: Don’t let titles (positions) and stats be your drive. Instead focus on learning and improving your craft.

Modern marketing is inherently a team sport. No one can win the game (or grow their business) alone. Different “players” with different skills must work together to produce results. So on to the next season. In the winter we play basketball, so the sports mom in me will no doubt discover more life lessons to share in the spring. Let’s play ball!

Sustainability is top of mind with consumers. They have more choice than ever on where to spend their money. So more than ever, companies are focusing on sharing their sustainability efforts with their customers. Does sustainability affect consumer buying? The data says yes.

ESG (Environmental, social and Governance) are the criteria used by companies to build value. They organize business objectives around sustainability-focused risks and opportunities. Initiatives can include customers, supply chain, and even employees of a company. So get started! Basically, start by tracking your company’s impact on the environment. Then, measure your sustainability. Finally, share the results. This process can influence consumer interest in your company, your products, and your services.

Sustainability: What is ESG?

The environmental, social, and corporate governance framework highlights three areas where companies can track their sustainability. This can illustrate their impact on the environment.

  • Environmental: Does your company strive to preserve the natural world? Chiefly, talk to your consumers about how you are addressing climate change, pollution, water management or greenhouse gas emissions. This information could take the form of a Sustainability Report at the end of the year. We do this for our client Acme Brick every year. You might apply content marketing on your website. Or use social media posts to highlight specific places where your company has excelled.
  • Social: Does your company focus on including and supporting a diverse community? Referred to as DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion), this set of actions enhances employee engagement and retention. Firstly, this could look like employee spotlight blog posts. Or you can engage the public with PR. Additionally, you might establish and promote programs to broaden your talent pool. Or you could support employees by offering training programs, like our client Diamond Brand Gear does.
  • Governance: This aspect of ESG covers topics like cybersecurity practices, corruption prevention and management structure. Indeed, talking about your company’s efforts in these areas reassures clients that your company is solid. It can highlight innovation. Generally, you can share posts on LinkedIn touting an advance your company has made in one of these areas, as an example.

Consumers Want to Buy From Companies That Support Sustainability

As 83% of consumers demand more ESG best practices from companies, 91% of business leaders now believe that their company has a responsibility to act on ESG issues. Conclusion? Obviously, consumers want to follow, buy from, and visit these companies more readily than ever before. And it’s not just consumers that want brands to take on these initiatives. 86% of employees say they’d prefer to work for companies that care about these issues. Sustainability has become one of the top issues that people care about.

Sustainability as a business goal is not a trend. Certainly, it is key to creating meaningful relationships with your customers and your employees. First, make sustainability your company’s business goal. Next, set up programs that support sustainability. Then, track and talk about your success. Therefore, this process is a fountain of content that you can share with your customers. Grow meaningful relationships with them centered on sustainability. And in turn, grow your sales based on your customers’ desire to make financial decisions tied to the social good your company is doing.

The definition of remote work (also known as work from home or telecommuting) is a type of flexible working arrangement that allows an employee to work from a remote location outside of a company office.

If you’re a Gen Xer like me, working remotely wasn’t in the realm of possibilities when you entered the workforce. You commuted Monday through Friday to your office. If you were lucky, you might have had a laptop and the ability to work from home one day a week. Video conferencing? What’s that? You sat in a conference room face to face with your colleagues. Jeans at work? Only on Fridays.

The Workforce Has Changed Tremendously

Fast forward to 2022, and the pandemic made many companies realize that employees don’t need to be located in the same building to be productive. And, because of this, more and more remote jobs are emerging worldwide every day. Here at Front Porch Marketing, we’ve always been remote, and it rocks!

For many people, gone are the days of worrying if you are going to be late to a meeting because you were stuck in traffic. Business casual and casual Fridays are a thing of the past. It’s business on the top, sweatpants on the bottom. Want to work in a different location? Just change your virtual background on Zoom. Work lakeside. Work from the beach. The options are endless.

Overcoming the Pitfalls of Remote Work

Working remotely definitely has benefits that can range from eliminating a long commute to more control over your work hours to spending more time with family. On the other hand, it can also have drawbacks. Whether you’re a long-time pro of telecommuting, or new to the game, let’s talk through three of the pitfalls people make working from home and what you can do to avoid them.

1. Not having a dedicated workspace.

While not everyone has an extra room in their home for a dedicated home office, it’s important to find a space that is free of distractions. Setting up camp from your couch or bed is ok from time to time, but is not advisable for the long term because it lessens your productivity and blurs the lines between work and home.

Think of your work space as your home cubicle. Maybe it means rearranging your bedroom to make room for a desk and chair. Or, do you have a breakfast nook or dining room that no one uses? If so, make it your own with a fun lamp and a picture or two, but most importantly, keep it simple and organized and solely focused on work. This home office environment allows you to set firm boundaries between work and home.

2. Household distractions.

Having the ability to do a load of laundry, being home for a repairman, or putting dinner in the crockpot are all benefits of working from home. But, if you’re not careful, you’ll find yourself wasting a good chunk of your day working on household responsibilities instead of your work task at hand.

Utilize your work calendar by scheduling breaks and a dedicated lunch hour. Use short breaks time to take out the trash, fold a load of laundry or prep kids’ lunches for the next day. Your lunch hour is also a great time to run a quick errand, or get your blood flowing and go for a walk around the neighborhood. If you plan out your time, you’ll find at the end of the work day you have accomplished your work responsibilities and freed up some time in the evening by checking off a few nightly chores from your to-do list too.

3. Work-life balance.

If you are accustomed to being in an office, you more than likely are used to a set start and end time. Sometimes you might go in early or stay late, but typically when you leave the parking garage your work day is over. This isn’t the case when you work remotely.

While flexible hours are a benefit of working from home, it’s important to set boundaries. For some that might mean a set start and end time. Log in at 8. Log out at 5. For others, it might mean working chunks of hours to accommodate kids’ schedules. Whatever your work hours are, when you aren’t working log off your computer and turn off email notifications on your phone. Let your colleagues know this time is dedicated for family or personal time. When you have a balance, and time to disconnect, you will find you are happier and more productive while you’re working.

Remote Work is Here to Stay

It may take time to get used to a remote work environment, and find the schedule and tools and resources you need to be successful. Just know that more than likely you are not alone. Reach out to your colleagues and friends and family. They might have some tips and tricks to help too!

I get asked what it’s like to work with my mom, the boss of Front Porch Marketing, Chief Rocker Julie Porter. Well, let me tell you. It’s a lot harder than you would expect. Why? Because she expects so much more out of me and she knows that I’m capable of doing almost anything and everything.

Is work easier when your mom is the boss?

A lot of people usually say “oh she definitely lets you slack off” or “oh I bet it’s so easy”, but they couldn’t be more wrong. It adds a lot of pressure on me when I do work for my mom’s company, because I want to do my absolute best in order to impress my mom. I want to live up to her expectations of me. But, it is also very comforting to know that my mom is the boss and CEO. 

The boss always has your back

While she is always challenging and expecting the most out of me I know that she will always have my back and be the most understanding when it comes to work. No matter what, there will always be someone in my corner. She also tends to have a great support system.

She surrounds herself with the very best team members which makes my situation a lot more comforting. Seeing her support all of her employees, and create a successful remote working environment makes it a lot easier and more fun for me to do work for her, and the other Front Porch Marketing team members. I don’t say it a lot but when it comes to working with and for her sometimes, I can be a little excited. While she has taught me a lot about marketing, she’s also taught me about running a business. Because she is good at this.

Takeaways from a summer internship with a parent

All in all, this summer has been great so far and it has been a pleasure to heighten my business relationship with my mother. I’ve learned so much from my mom the boss, that I can apply to college and my future job endeavors. I owe it all to her and I love her so much. Thanks mom!

Blogging for Business Benefits in 2022

Is your business blogging? Blogging for business benefits is a cost-effective way to establish your thought leadership and more. One of our new clients asked us last week why they should be blogging. Working towards being the expert in your industry means sharing your expertise.  Blogging is a simple, clear, cost-effective way to do this. When done properly and consistently, blogging brings benefits to your business. And this translates into more visibility, more customers and customer loyalty.

What are the Benefits of Business Blogging?

Business blogging contributes to your marketing strategy. This particular practice of marketing is called Content Marketing. When you consistently write about topics that are important to your audience, you’ll enjoy these three business benefits:

  1. Creating new branded content to share. Are you always trying to come up with something to share on LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram that supports your branding? Write a blog! This blog post can then become branded content. Share on your social channels, like our client The Slay Diaz Group does.
  2. When you offer a behind-the-scenes look into your product, your process, or your industry, you are building loyalty with your customers. Share insider information — like our client Diamond Brand Gear does — and it will help you build a relationship with your existing customers and attract new ones.
  3. You can also instruct people on how to do something specific. Help them achieve a goal or get an answer to a question, like our client Spot On Talent does. Here, you are establishing your authority and building organic SEO (search engine optimization) with Google. Putting keywords that speak to a topic in your headers and copy about that subject in your blog post makes you more likely to be the one that Google sends people to on search results when they ask Google a question.

Sharing Your Business Knowledge Makes You a Leader

If you’re a long-time reader of the Front Porch marketing newsletter and blog, you’ll see that we put these content marketing strategies into practice not only for our clients, but for ourselves. We want everyone to succeed, and we want you to be able to benefit from our business experience. So we share it openly. We want you to be able to optimize your LinkedIn profile, practice successful PR, and know what’s important in marketing if you’re a start-up business.

If you’re ready to level up your marketing and demonstrate to your industry that you’re a leader by adding Content Marketing to your mix, let us know. We can guide you through the process and help you set up an easily-executable calendar, schedule and topics. We can even ghost write your blog posts for you, share your content to your social channels, and optimize your content for better SEO.

Our new high school interns Abby and Anna will be joining us on the Porch this summer.

Everybody say hello to our interns from Ursuline Academy of Dallas. Every summer we host interns from this high school, and give them a little taste of what a professional marketing career might look like. They’ll be visiting clients, creating content, researching topics, preparing branding documents, learning some analytics and PR skills, and we’ll even have them write a blog post here on our blog. We are proud to support and mentor the next generation of Ursuline Academy students, as we have for the past seven years.

We asked our Ursuline interns Abby Sanders and Anna Wilson a few “get to know you” questions, so y’all could learn more about their GenZ perspective.

Ursuline Intern Abby Sanders

1. What makes you want to have a career in marketing? I have always been really creative and have a playful sense of humor. I believe that marketing may be a good way for me to be able to express these traits while pursuing a career I enjoy.

2. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned so far in your life? During the pandemic, I learned the value of not stressing out over the small things and how much I should value the time I have with others. 

3. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be? Friendly, Optimistic, and Hard-Working 

4. What are your goals for your time at Front Porch Marketing? I am really excited to learn about what a profession in marketing would look like and develop skills that will be helpful throughout my life. 

5. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be? I would choose Walt Disney because he followed his dreams and pursued his passions to become immensely successful doing what he loves. My family and I love to go to Disney World, so I would love to meet the man that made those bonding experiences possible. 

6. What is a fun fact about you? I love to travel with my family and I have been able to visit 7 different countries!

Ursuline Intern Anna Wilson

1. What makes you want to have a career in marketing? I want to have a career in marketing because I love social media and understanding people. Marketing is always growing, especially with the influence of social media. It allows people to gain so much information all in one place. I also find it fascinating the way people consume information and how one Tik Tok can immediately make someone buy a product.

2. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned so far in your life? One of the biggest lessons I’ve learned is that balance is a necessity is all aspects of my life. Whether that be between school and my social life, or making time for myself, I feel the best, and do the best work when I do not overwhelm myself with one thing. 

3. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be? In three words, I would say I am enthusiastic, caring, and determined.

4. What are your goals for your time at Front Porch Marketing? My main goal at FPM is getting exposure to the marketing world. Seeing as marketing is not a class in high school, I want to learn as much as possible through real world experiences. 

5. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be? I would go to dinner with my grandma to hear her advice and understand her life from my current, older perspective.

6. What is a fun fact about you? One fun fact about me is that I love cows and think they are really funny!

Two Rockin’ Additions to the Front Porch Team!

Altruism is a core value at Front Porch Marketing, and being community connected is at the forefront of our decision making, both as a company and individually. Our team gives back to the communities in which we live and serve. Our team gives our resources — in time, knowledge, and dollars — because we believe to whom much is given, much will be required.

Where might you see us when we’re not on the Porch?

We spend time in our children’s schools volunteering. And they are broad and wide because we are all in different communities. Some of the schools we support are public. Some are private. But the goal is the same: paying it forward to the next generation. Right now, we are hosting two amazing high school interns for the summer as we do every year!

Some of us volunteer at our churches. Others serve non-profit organizations including the Faith Family Education Foundation, and the Grant Halliburton Foundation, among others. In addition to filling our tank, we serve a greater cause. And, organically, it benefits our business by building brand awareness, and boosting brand engagement. We are known as community helpers. We not only help the community ourselves, we help our clients align their businesses with a cause where they are passionate to make an impact.

Community connections are important.

In addition to schools, non-profits, churches and the other organizations our team members spend time with, there are networking organizations for which we are aligned. They help communities on a much larger scale and we are honored to be part of their missions. They connect us to community and beyond. We are grateful for the Fort Worth Chamber, GS10KSB, NAWBO and WBENC, just to name a few.

Is being community connected important to you and your business? Looking to make a difference in your area? Strategically need to align business with a cause? Want to talk to us about anything? Email us here.

The 2020’s Have Been Tough

The beginning of this decade has been a tough one. No one expected a pandemic in the 21st century. At least not one that would impact the way we live, learn, and conduct business. Covid-19 has forced humanity to adapt to the era of online learning, and remote work. Now that we have all had a taste for what its like to work at home I don’t think we’re going back to the office anytime soon. Or at least not back to full time positions in an office. In 2021 America experienced a momentous event: everyone started to quit their jobs. Journalists have called this “The Great Resignation”.

Following this, major companies in marketing and other knowledge industries like HubSpot, Twitter, Airbnb, and Microsoft announced that they’re switching to going fully remote or remote/hybrid. Due to this transition, more companies have started to look towards future advances in a new era of work. What comes next? The Metaverse.

What is the Metaverse?

So what is the Metaverse? The Metaverse is a virtual 3D world that can be accessed by using either a VR headset or through a computer. Its goal is to create a world that is more layered and connected than the internet. It will allow users to create their own avatars and converse with one another, making remote projects significantly more efficient.

What Might Business in the Metaverse Look Like?

So how does this effect businesses like marketing? Well, to start off, one of the many challenges in working from home is communication. It takes a very well structured team with consistent communication and clear goals to make remote work flow efficiently. The Metaverse would only help this work style. It would allow for more open communication and allow people to separate their home life from their work life.

Often times people blend their work life with their home life when they work remotely, and this would solve this problem. You would simply say good bye to your coworkers once work is done in this virtual world, and log off. You would no longer have this distance problem. And be able to have more effective collaboration while you’re there. Just imagine everyone having a shared virtual space where you can freely move around. It could be the future of remote brainstorming sessions.

A Cheaper Alternative

Business might want to shift towards implementing the Metaverse, because in the end it’s going to save them money. There would be no need to pay office rent anymore. No need to fly employees out to meet clients in other countries and rent them hotels. This gives smaller businesses a chance to do business with clients overseas. In a way, it could even the playing field to meet in a virtual world.

Having a Metaverse office might also allow companies to save time on trainings. With this new technology managers will be able to train new employees at a much faster rate. Instead of just sending them a standard pdf of the tasks they need to complete, they could jump into a virtual simulation that has been specifically designed and tested to maximize their efficiency. The possibilities are endless.

Is the Metaverse a Necessary Change?

It may seem like a sudden and drastic change, but that’s what life has been like these last two years. And as humans, we continue to adapt to all of these sudden changes. I think the way we look at work — at least in the corporate setting —has forever changed since 2020. “The Great Resignation” is proof of it. It may take awhile for companies to change, but I believe there is no going back to fully in-person at the office in the future. I think you could compare this time period to a time in history when we stop using horses and started driving cars. It was a sudden drastic change that the world was not expecting, but over time it just became the new normal. You can either adapt and stay up with the times and join your colleagues in the Metaverse, or stay behind. There’s no moving backward now.