Category Archives: Business Goals

marketing mistakes to avoidMarketing mistakes happen. Heck, mistakes period happen. Seems the older I get the more I make them. I blame it on my kids age.

Many of the business owners and marketing leaders we have talked with so far this year have said Q1 2017 projections are even more positive than anticipated. Fan – freakin’ – tastic!!

Avoid these three marketing mistakes this quarter:

  1. Chasing the new, shiny object(s). Wait. What was I blogging about … With all the artificial intelligence news, virtual reality hype, etc., don’t forget the foundation – the 2017 marketing plan with strategies, goals and tactics. Don’t get me wrong, keeping your eye on the latest and greatest is a must, but don’t let what brought you here and all that you planned to do fall by the wayside.
  2. Lack of communication with your team. We get it. You are being pulled in a million directions, and it sometimes can be a challenge to make sure your team knows what is going on in all parts of your business. Your team can help and want to do so. If you can’t keep up with your regular team meetings, calls or emails, ask someone to step up in your stead. Your team and marketing partners will thank you and your business will also reap the benefits of continued internal communication.
  3. Give everyone a say in marketing decisions. When it comes to marketing and branding, opinions are like … sorry, started to quote my friends Salt-N-Pepa. You don’t need to pass marketing ideas around to each and every business partner, team member, family member (spouses included) and friend. Trust your team. You know, the people you pay to own and create your marketing plan, initiatives and assets.

I will leave you with those thoughts. May your Q1 2017 continue to rock. Oh, and happy freakin’ birthday week to me (shameless birthday brat plug).

Chief Rocker Julie Porter can be followed on Twitter and Instagram and so can her company. Follow Front Porch Marketing on Twitter by clicking here, like us on Facebook by clicking here and follow our LInkedIn company page and Instagram fun.

As the ball drops and another year is rung in, we all create New Year’s Resolutions. These resolutions are typically something like staying fit and healthy, spending less and saving more, or learning something new.

learn-new-skills-for-the-new-year-thumbHowever, as a senior in college, my New Years resolution is to secure a marketing career before graduation. Similar to many other students, I completed the application process for companies right as school began, and to my dismay, I have become all too familiar with the response: “We appreciate your desire to join our company, but at this time, we are not hiring yet for the spring.”

The Marketing major’s path to finding that first job is much different than those of Finance, Supply Chain, Accounting and even Management majors. What I have come to notice is that these other specialties seem to offer jobs early in the fall, while marketing companies have the tendency to wait until the spring. Being the girl that has always been highly organized and a big planner, this is something that I have struggled with.

Rather than letting this get me down, I plan on being positive in 2017 and using this to my advantage. As I watch many of my friends accept job offers they have received as early as August, I have to wonder if that would be best for a person like me. The uncertainty of where I will be in the future has motivated me to develop myself, my skills, and my portfolio, and has kept me from catching “senioritis”. The upper-division classes I am taking supply me with both hands-on experience and material that I can confidently discuss in upcoming job interviews.

Because I have been constantly focused on making myself a stronger job candidate, I have also had to grow my network. I have applied to dozens of marketing companies, both agency and corporate, consulted with career advisors, and attended many job fairs. This has not only helped get my foot in the door of many places, but has also led me closer to deciding exactly which career is right for me. I know that this ambitious flame inside of me would have dimmed and I would not have been able to consider the endless opportunities that are out there if I had jumped the gun and accepted a job in the Fall.

So to all my fellow Marketing majors out there, or any upcoming graduates on the job hunt, let’s shake up 2017! Look at this as the ultimate chance to grow yourself, develop your skills and learn about all of the different paths that there are. Good things happen to those who wait and remember that if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward.

Happy New Year, Y’all!

It will take you one minute to read this so why not do it right now?


Feeling overwhelmed by the busyness of the season or paralyzed by a long “to do” list? Can’t get started on that big project, or haven’t written your 2017 plan? Can’t find the time to read all of the books, articles, emails, and other information you want to know?

Stop what you are doing to take a minute, or five or ten, to set a small goal and get it done, right now!

There is one surefire way to pull yourself out of frustration and procrastination and it’s to quit thinking and start doing – in very small steps. These brief moments of action will force you to make quick and small progress, triggering a sense of accomplishment, reducing the size of that list in your head and training yourself to get things done throughout the day.  Some examples:

  • Do one or two things that each take just a few minutes to accomplish at your desk at the start of each day, then tackle the big stuff. A few important calls, one brief key conversation, send a thank-you note, read a favorite blogger, schedule a future important meeting.
  • Quit talking about all of that holiday shopping you haven’t done yet, pull out your smartphone and order one gift on your list. A few minutes of this daily and your shopping is done!
  • Instead of trying to find a full day to clean out your garage, kitchen, closet, etc. take less than 30 minutes and tackle one drawer or section. You will create a habit of mini projects and the repeated small progress over time will keep you organized.
  • No time to read that book or newspaper? Subscribe to one of many summary services available.
    • Eight-page executive summaries from the latest business books.
    • Quick, entertaining look at the day’s best news stories from Dave Pell.
    • Sunday’s Brain Food newsletter for increasing your knowledge.
  • Need a rest or mental break? Set 10 minutes on your smartphone clock for a power nap or to sit quietly to recharge. Or download the Headspace App on your smartphone and start taking 10 minutes anywhere/anytime for a guided meditation that will positively change your brain and your day.
  • Take a few moments and make a list of needs and goals as a start to the process of writing your 2017 plan – for yourself, your family or your business. Start small and you will develop good habits for writing down plans which is the first step to successful execution and achieving amazing goals. Even better, take a minute and call us because we have the folks on board that can help you write and rock your plan!

And now that you have taken a minute to read this, set a small goal! Stop what you are doing to order that gift, write a thank-you note, sign-up for a summary service, clean out that one desk drawer, or pick up the phone and make that one important phone call.

So set a small goal and get started. It takes just a minute.