Category Archives: Business Goals

Pre-pandemic, crisis communication was primarily discussed in relation to a business dealing with the fall-out of actions taken (or not) by those associated with that individual business.

Now, businesses across the globe are in crisis due to a situation beyond our control. We can control how we respond, though. And, as business leaders, we must protect the brand.

You can measure a company’s communication and response during a crisis in months – the recovery, years. However, well-prepared businesses and non-profits recover faster.


Communication (internally and externally) during any crisis is paramount. This is regardless of the type or size of your business.

Communication Tips

  1. Silence isn’t golden. Consumers expect brands to take positions on issues. Staying silent during this global crisis is risky. Leadership and brands alike may be accused of sleeping at the wheel. Digital communication, in particular, should continue ‒ because it is cost-effective. It reaches many quickly. It should not be stopped. Consider how today’s communications can build the relationships you need tomorrow.
  2. Content continues to be king. Consumers, clients, parents, donors, etc. do not want email communication unless you are providing a vital piece of information. Now more than ever, inboxes are being overrun with e-mail communications from work, school, etc. Consumers provide email addresses to complete a transaction or to get a deal, not because they want reassurance in a time of crisis. Focus on the quality of your content. Keep the e-mail communication to a minimum.
  3. Timing is important. Communicate as appropriate. However, you don’t set the timeline. Your key constituencies do. In today’s digital world, people have come to expect immediate responses. Remember, though – right or rushed. You can’t have both. Accurate, well-written communication is more important than just throwing something out there to be the first one out of the gate.
  4. Meet your key audiences where they are. Know where your target audiences are most engaged. Where are they asking the most questions, etc. on social media networks? Meet them where they are. Continued communications on those networks make it easy to stay engaged.
  5. Express empathy. Lives are at stake, literally and figuratively. People are sick. People have lost their jobs. Some don’t have the necessities to provide for their families. Leaders are working tirelessly. They are making hard decisions. These decisions affect the teams that they have built and nurtured. It is hard not to identify with what so many people are feeling and experiencing. Communicate that you are with them. You feel them. Authentically create connections. Utilize your business’s communications.
  6. If you have an agency, use them. You are not only partnering with them for their graphics or marketing skills but also their experience. Agencies are experts. They know quickly and intuitively how to approach a crisis.

Crisis communication planning and strategy development require careful attention and time. But when done correctly, it builds a brand’s reputation. You gain customer loyalty.

We are here if you need us.

Click here for our crisis communication services list.

Also, we are here if you need other resources. We can help you run errands, etc. Lean on us. We are also good listeners. If you want to chat about something related or unrelated to COVID-19, reach out. Have a business dilemma you are noodling? A marketing idea you want to launch? In fact, holler. Thus, we are all in this together.

Teamwork is essential in so many aspects of our lives today. How many team hats are you wearing right now?

My kids’ closet shelves are scattered with different hats, jerseys and socks, for instance. I love all our different teams, whether its academic, spiritual, work, sport. We even call our family a team.

“Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results.” – Andrew Carnegie

Big agency life perk is the opportunity to join brands and marketing teams spanning different sizes, categories and geography. Joining new teams to reach goals is one of our favorite things. We are energized and inspired regularly by the talented, dedicated teams we partner with to achieve defined objectives.

Did you know that our Chief Rocker blares Boys of Fall by Kenny Chesney every day in her car during football season? The lyrics resonate with her for many reasons and because of the quotes by some of the greats at the end. Above all, her favorite quote is from Joe Namath: Life is a team game. It is the big game.

Effective teamwork is simultaneously simple and challenging.

We’ve rounded up nine factors that we link to team success. The folks that live and nurture these factors seem to achieve their targets effectively and consistently.

Nine factors of successful teams:

  1. Clear and Defined Goals
  2. Clear and Assigned Roles
  3. Be and Stayed Organized
  4. Respectful Interactions
  5. Constantly Communicate
  6. Equal Contributions
  7. Support Each Other
  8. Produce Quality Outputs
  9. Have FUN!

My family invests a lot of time in sports, we are a football, basketball, soccer and baseball loving crew. Therefore, team sports organically have all these components – how convenient for parenting two preteen boys! Do your teams hit all the notes?

Teamwork rocks!

Marketing insights are ever changing in the year 2020. Front Porch Marketing is nine this month! To open our celebration, we thought it would be fitting to look at nine marketing insights to help grow your brand and top line. Are you on track for steady, long-term growth?

Marketing Insights

Nine Marketing Insights to Grow the Top Line

  1. Brand architecture is paramount. Think of your brand like a pyramid and focus first and foremost on the base level. You can alter the other pieces and levels as needed, but the base must remain solid and stable. Need help designing that base? Start with a branding exercise.
  2. Referrals are fabulous, but how do you grow them? According to a TrueSpace and Gallup study titled the Five Conditions Assessment, slow and steady (and a tight focus on your market), wins the race. “The project’s data shows that the tighter a company’s focus on its market, the stronger its revenue will be,” according to Charles Fred, TrueSpace chairman and chief executive.
  3. Be consistent with your marketing. Shift your time frame and focus on long-term ROI, not just the instant gratification that comes with getting a flier or social media post out right now. For your brand’s long-term growth potential, consistency – in colors, words, logos, etc.- is key. Along those same lines, one single marketing campaign isn’t your silver bullet.
  4. Blogging is alive and well. Choose your Medium (pun intended!) based upon your target audience’s preferences and vary your content to avoid direct product advertisement only, and blogging is still a huge piece of the inbound marketing trifecta.
  5. Don’t underestimate the power of email marketing. Period. As the second piece of the trifecta, personalized email marketing is a direct, inexpensive and easy way to generate leads. Want to double down and double your leads? Of course, add automation.
  6. Social media rounds out the trifecta. Social media’s influence has grown so much over the past nine years. With its ability to connect brand and audience through real-time interaction, social media is a hugely successful marketing tool. In other words, it is another avenue through which consistent, organic content can “give you wings” without exclusively hacking your own product. For instance, ask Red Bull.
  7. The printed piece is not archaic. Direct mail, business cards, handouts and personalized birthday and holiday cards work. There is something timeless about printed pieces, particularly if your target audience tends towards paper over electronics.
  8. No matter the size of your marketing budget, you can make your mark. For instance, social media, blogging and e-mail marketing mean anyone with a dream and a solid plan can connect with others quickly, easily, and cost-effectively. Don’t let minimal marketing dollars hold you back. Therefore, use the budget you do have effectively by building the right partnerships to execute solid marketing plans.
  9. Teamwork makes the dream work. On the porch, we don’t take this lightly. In other words, we truly believe that to whom much is given, much is required. Giving back to our communities and supporting each other is a cornerstone of our personal and professional lives. Of course, make it a priority to connect with those around you.

Thanks for NINE FINE years!

Above all, we are only able to celebrate nine years on the Porch because of our clients, advocates, friends, family and team. A heartfelt thank you to each of you – past, present and future. Of course, we love what we do and are ready to rock with you this year!

Brand identity book has pride of place on office desk.
Start with your brand


If you are reading this, you are probably curious to learn more about branding! Before we dive deeper into branding, it is critical to understand how your brand represents your purpose. Brian Whipple, CEO of Accenture Interactive, says “Brands must genuinely commit to aligning their businesses with purpose to differentiate themselves.” Innovative companies such as Apple have done this, starting with the “Why?” mentality instead of “Who?” or “What?”  

When businesses focus on why they are doing things, they establish purpose and garner respect. It is important to actively take steps to support your cause, because it is the action instead of words that makes a difference, and people can see this. Customers want to see companies supporting the things they support, and when this happens, they are 63% more likely to purchase.

Why it’s important

To build equity in a customer’s mind, a brand must be: memorable, meaningful, aesthetically appealing, transferable, adaptable over time, and protected legally. It means differentiating yourself and finding ways to stand out among competitors. It matters because brands stick with people!  

How many times do you think you have asked for a Kleenex when in reality you meant a tissue? James R. Hupp states that people refer to tissues as Kleenex because of their well-known reputation and product quality. People become emotionally invested, and while some people will hunt around for the best deals others will stay loyal to the companies they trust.  

Why you should start with branding

Brands define you from the very beginning and act as a launching pad for your business. They are a “lens through which the words and actions of a company, its competitors, and the environment in general are converted to thoughts, feelings, images, beliefs, perceptions, and attitudes, etc., about a product (or family of products).” At Front Porch we place serious emphasis on branding because if you don’t define who you are/your purpose, how will you be credible? 

Is it okay to forget branding just to have something out there? 

In certain rare instances, it is okay to create something just to get it out there. This would be most acceptable for smaller projects or a company who has difficulty defining its brand. If a company is truly struggling , it may suffice to take a step back and begin generating content. Hopefully somewhere in the midst of creating content that company realizes its purpose and is able to establish its brand successfully. 

Key Takeaway:

Much of the value perceived by consumers is completely subjective. If you begin with branding, you will have a solid foundation that the rest of the company’s actions should follow, and you will always have something to circle back to should you stray from your brand image. We believe branding should be first always, and we would be delighted to show you how it’s done!  

As a marketer AND a business owner, I want to start the year off right and lay a strong marketing foundation for the year.

For example, we completed our 2020 business plan. We crafted our marketing plan, budget, blog schedule and content calendar.

What other components should we deploy for our 2020 marketing foundation?

Lay Marketing Foundation

For some reason, I guide marketing strategy for our clients even in my sleep. Chief Rocker, therefore, should walk her talk when marketing her own business. I am determined to do just this consistently, authentically and with purpose in 2020. Cheers to the New Year!

Four Marketing Foundation Fundamentals

  1. Define and know your brand. A prospective client asked us recently if they needed new photography. As a result, our answer was we didn’t know. We didn’t know their brand. Communication coming from its content and leadership lacked clarity. Consequently, no connections were being made. The brand wasn’t defined. Define your brand and rock it.
  2. Team conviction. “Be the brand, Danny.” Can’t help but quote Caddyshack here. For instance, everyone within your team believes your brand’s importance. Your company stands for a specific and important promise. Therefore, the brand and your marketing must be championed internally.
  3. Consistency. Thirdly, deliver on your brand promise at every touch point. Inconsistency dilutes customer/client faith in the competency of the organization.
  4. Discipline. Fourthly, stick to the plan. Meet your marketing calendar deadlines. Likewise, follow your content and blog calendars to a tee.

In conclusion, may these marketing foundation fundamentals rock your brand and top line. Use them for the New Year. Make your brand come alive for everyone it touches.

Most marketing people I know worship at the altar of Seth Godin. He’s a larger than life marketing guru — a best-selling author several times over, an accomplished entrepreneur, an in-demand speaker and teacher, and a revolutionary thinker.

In Seth’s own words:

My favorite thing about Seth Godin, though, is his blog. It’s always an eye-opening, thought-provoking, perspective-shifting few words that arrive in my inbox every day. For the past 11 years. It’s a streak.

“Streaks are their own reward.

Streaks create internal pressure that keeps streaks going.

Streaks require commitment at first, but then the commitment turns into a practice, and the practice into a habit.

Habits are much easier to maintain than commitments.”

Frequently his blogs are just a couple of paragraphs, sometimes they’re longer and more involved. Sometimes they’re deep, and sometimes they are lighter fare. It doesn’t matter. He gets his ideas out there and he does it regularly. And people love him for it.

We preach this philosophy to our clients all the time. The important thing is to blog. Regularly. Dependably. Habitually.

It doesn’t need to be overthought. We hear it all the time – How will I find the time? What will I write? Are my ideas worthy of a blog? Do people really want to read it?

The answer is yes. Your customers (and your potential customers) want to hear from you. They want to get to know you and what you have to offer. They want to make an emotional connection with you. Blogging does that.

So just do it. Take a page from Seth Godin’s play book – start a streak and allow it to become a habit. You’ve got this.

“Play the long game” and “It’s a marathon, not a sprint” are common phrases we have all heard. In the marketing world, traditional marketing focuses on acquiring new clients and sales. But the “long game” is relationship marketing, which cultivates existing customer relationships to create a loyal, long-term base. The focus is on building repeat business through brand loyalty. Think retention vs. acquisition.

Why is relationship marketing critical to your brand?

Here are three reasons:

  1. Marketing costs may be decreased as much as 10% by focusing on retaining customers rather than trying to acquire new ones.
  2. Research has shown that revenue may be increased by as much as 25-95% with as little as a five percent increase in customer retention,
  3. When you cultivate your existing relationships and develop a loyal following, those customers will refer their friends and family. This saves you time and money. Word-of-mouth is free marketing, making your loyal customers great brand ambassadors.

While the focus of relationship marketing is retaining customers, “Good relationship marketing should appeal to the random viewer as powerfully as it appeals to your long-term customers.” writes Caroline Forsey in this Hubspot blog.  Ensure your customers can grow with you over time.

Here are five tips she offers for a successful relationship marketing strategy:

  • Focus on personalized customer-service.
  • Meet your customers where they are.
  • Offer incentive and rewards for customer loyalty.
  • Create valuable content that tells a compelling story.
  • Collect feedback regularly.

The brand-customer relationship takes time to build and work to maintain. Market to your customer by getting to know your customer. Keep things fresh. Offer new content and diversify both your content and your platforms.

Customer loyalty is hard-earned. Play the long game to score the most points.

You know that part in the movie “Talladega Nights” where Will Ferrell’s character Ricky Bobby is being interviewed and he doesn’t know what to do with his hands? That is what socializing and networking for me is like, its like I don’t quite know what to do with my hands.

I would rather be at home, binge-watching a show and hanging out with my husband. I like my time alone, in my head, in my little world.

You could say I’m an introvert.

hand holding a cup of coffee that says "Busy Introverting" on it
Coffee helps introverts network better.

It’s taken me a long time to realize that my introversion is not some professional character flaw. It has not set me back professionally. My reserved nature means that I have to be mindful about how I manage my attention and energy levels when it comes to networking and socializing.  It means knowing that I do better in certain social situations versus others.

For the most part, I do not like, what I like to call, “chamber mixers” or “rubber chicken lunches.” I’m sure you have been to a similar event before – networking events where you are thrown into a room with hundreds of people, eating mediocre appetizers, holding an overpriced beer and trying to talk to random strangers. These events can be very, very painful. The haphazard nature of who attends these events makes it seem like a real-life version of Tinder. But instead of bad dates, you just get bad conversations.

So, what’s the antidote for networking mixers like these?

Structure and Format: An Introvert’s Best Friends

There are other types of networking events besides large assemblies of random people. In my experience, I feel much more comfortable attending events that have structure and format built into them (rather than a networking free-for-all).

Conferences are one of my favorite networking events because a) they attract a large group of like-minded people and b) you get to learn something to boot. You can talk to your fellow conference attendees but don’t forget to talk to the speakers before or after their presentation. If you do not get the chance to say hi in person, send them an email with a few thoughtful questions thrown in.

An event series I’ve recently discovered is 1 Million Cups (1MC). 1MC is an event for local entrepreneurs to meet and present their startups to their local business community.  The program was developed by the Ewing Marion Kauffman Foundation and is based on the idea that “entrepreneurs discover solutions and engage with their communities over a million cups of coffee.”

The format of these events goes something like this:

Once a week, two small, local businesses make a short presentation about their business. Then the audience gets to ask them questions and critiques of their business. Lastly, the 1MC moderator will ask the speaker “What can we do help you?”

I like the 1MC events because it gives me something to talk about (introverts are great at asking lots of questions), it’s a dynamic group of folks, and the whole event is done over coffee.     

Socialize with a Purpose

Another great opportunity to network is by volunteering, or what I like to call, socializing with a purpose. Now, I am not advocating that you volunteer for an organization that you do not have the heart for. I believe that when a person gives, whether that is money or their time, they should give with their whole heart, not expect anything in return, and give to causes they believe in. At the same time, that doesn’t mean you can’t make friends and possible business connections along the way.

When you volunteer, you are automatically joining a group of like-minded people. This is key – it gives you something to talk about with your fellow volunteers. And who knows, you might have other things in common. (You most likely will).

Find an organization or two that you can devote your time and talents to – organizations that give you the greatest chance of doing good while also crossing paths with people you might be able to work in the future.

Network & Learn

Learning in a group is a great way to meet people. This can take the form of a course at a local university or a more focused seminar series.  

Taking a class, much like volunteering, puts you in a room with like-minded people. And since it’s not a one-time thing, like a conference or workshop, you can take the time to get to know people and really bond with your classmates and instructors.   

Take a Chance and Expand Your Network

When I was a senior in college, I went to a conference just for new marketing professionals. I went to a panel and there was one speaker who was so funny and engaging, that I made it my mission at that moment to introduce myself, say hi and get his card. Then I ran home to email him (don’t giggle, it was 2004) and thanked him for his time and insights, and I asked him if he would be open to giving me fifteen minutes of his time for an informational interview. 

I did several informational interviews with other marketing professionals over the course of that year and I have to say, most of them were just okay. But this one interview, with the panelist from the conference, turned into an internship at United Way of King County, a real milestone in my early marketing career. When I go to a networking event, I try to keep that memory in mind – that sometimes all it takes is a hello and a little following up to spark something big.     

Remember, you are not trying to become friends with everyone. That would be exhausting. You are merely trying to widen your social circle a little – just enough for a little bit of luck and opportunity to get through.

It’s summer halftime, and the heat is on – both literally and figuratively.  June came and went, the first half of July is near, and we are on point through the end of August.

How are our working parents doing at halftime? My current status:

Because traffic is lighter in the summer (fewer cars & less business), it’s the perfect time for travel, lazy days and sunshine. Spend extra time with family and friends, but don’t take your eye off the remainder of the year.

Soon enough the temperatures will cool down (we hope), but with the arrival of fall, business will heat up. The halftime of summer also marks the halftime of 2019. Time is going by fast, isn’t it?

Here’s your two-minute warning

If you already have your second half marketing plan set, congratulations! We hope you rock it! If not, now is the time to start researching, planning, and executing.

When life and business get busy, a plan serves as a tool to keep you on course.

As you know, you simply can’t hope people will find you or do business with you. Being a successful business owner means constantly marketing and promoting your business.

We huddle at halftime

Here on the Porch, after we travel, relax by a body of water and spend a little extra time with our people, one of our favorite summertime activities is writing and facilitating marketing plans. So if you aren’t quite ready to score in the second half of 2019, give us a shout.

We can help!

There is no shortage of scientific research indicating the importance of familiarity and brand awareness in customer decision making. Advertisements appear everywhere we turn – from window decals to television and social media. Brand management is essential to differentiate yourself from the competition. Here are seven elements to successful brand management:

1. Construct a strong foundation.

Design and build your brand. A branding exercise can help you define essential elements of your brand. Explore who you are, what your vision is for your brand, and how it is relevant to your target audience.

2. Define your USP.

Once you understand how you fit into your target market, determine how your brand is different from the competition. This is your unique selling proposition (USP).

3. Build the cornerstone.

Use your USP and create a short message defining your brand position. The message should be subtle and easily recognizable to your audience. Use that message as the cornerstone of your marketing.

4. Manage your brand from the inside out.

  • The best ambassadors for your brand are its team members. Collaborate and communicate with them. You need them to buy-in and be trained for any interaction to maintain brand consistency.
  • Create standards and policies to use internally outlining how marketing materials are to be named, stored, and utilized. These include logos, slogans, previously used concepts, etc. Guidelines can help your brand maintain consistency and stay efficient in times of employee turnover.

5. Build a community. Develop relationships.

  • Social media has become a principal source of customer service. Engage consistently and continuously with your audience to build a connection and a reputation for authenticity.
  • Influencers can be a strong ally in growing your brand. As with any relationship, you have to make sure the influencer is a good match for your brand and then work to keep the relationship healthy and growing.

6. Protect your investment.

Your brand’s reputation is hard-earned. Once you’ve developed it, protect it.

  • Set up Google Alerts so you may be instantly informed if there is news impacting your brand. Be vigilant on social media.
  • Crises will happen. Take ownership. Be honest and transparent with the information you have and how you are working to mitigate any damages.

7. Update and polish regularly.

Track the results of any marketing campaign. If needed, polish existing fixtures and upgrade as needed.

We would love to help you design, build and manage all aspects of your brand!