Category Archives: Branding

Branding Rocks!

Duh! Of course we are going to say that. It’s what we do. It’s what we are passionate about! So you have your logo. Sweet! You have a vision. Fantastic! You have beautiful photography. Terrific! But do you have a brand? Not quite.

At the core of every marketer is a storyteller. We love to tell stories about:

  • products
  • places
  • experiences
  • … well we don’t really need a list – we just like to tell stories!

Digital media has opened up the communication lines for marketers. In the ‘old days’ (as my children say) you had a story to tell about your company, product, place or experience but you had to pay mightily for that story to be shared. Now there are several public forums that you can utilize to tell your story, which is a MARKETING DREAM.

So what does this have to do with your brand? Your brand is your story and vice versa. Why is it important to have a BRAND strategy in addition to your marketing plan? Here’s 8 reasons (we could give you 80, but we will save some for porch conversations):

#1 Your story makes you uniquely you! No one else is the same, which DIFFERENTIATES you from your competition.

#2 Consistent branding translates into RECOGNITION.

#3 Your brand is a PROMISE to your customers, your team and to the marketplace.

#4 Brands create an EMOTIONAL CONNECTION with your customer.


#5 Branding creates TRUST with all audiences.

#6 An established brand provides BUSINESS VALUE.

#7 A compelling background, history or brand strategy will MOTIVATE your staff and provide DIRECTION.

#8 Branding can FOCUS and guide your marketing efforts, saving time and money.

Sounds pretty good, eh? So what are you waiting for? It’s time to start rockin’ YOUR brand strategy!

Forrester predicts that in 2016, US advertisers will spend more on digital advertising than TV ads. Interactive marketing spend (email marketing, social media, display advertising and search marketing) will be 30% of marketing budgets (up from 24% in 2014).

Whether you are a start-up, a small business, or a business that is well-established, you should give yourself the gift of an interactive marketing strategy in 2016.

An October 2015 study by Pew Research Center found that 65 percent of American adults surveyed use social networking sites. Without social media as part of your interactive plan, you miss delivering your message to two-thirds of the U.S. population!!

Already rockin’ a social media plan? Awesome. Go you!

Let’s talk Facebook. In 2015, Facebook was the only platform to see a drop in active usage (-9% per the chart below). As Facebook fine-tunes their ad machine, organic growth is almost dead, so efforts on this network seem to be for not. In fact, several articles are calling for a move away from Facebook.

SM data

*Global Web Index – social-q1-summary-report

But not so fast! Facebook is still the largest social media platform with 1.55 Billion users. YouTube is in second place with 1 Billion. All other platforms are in the millions. So rather than move away from it entirely, we suggest you pay attention and leverage your audience.

Gone are the days of random posts and sporadic efforts. You need a strategy to maximize your investment. Your strategy should include content, consistency, connection and currency (advertising spend). With the right approach you can:

  • Maximize your spend
  • Reach new customers
  • Grow your overall interactive reach

As an example, right now, L’Amour Des Pieds (one of our clients) is running a contest, which is a great way to connect. The marketing goal was to increase e-newsletter subscription, so we used a boosted post on Facebook to promote sign-ups.

Entering the contest is easy:

  1. Like the L’Amour Des Pieds Facebook page
  2. Sign up for their e-newsletter on
  3. Follow L’Amour Des Pieds Instagram (@lamourdespieds)LDP_ShoppingSpree

The contest ends today at 5 p.m. and the email database has already tripled! It goes to show what a focused strategy can accomplish.

Do you have your interactive marketing strategy for 2016? The ‘Porch is ready to help you rock it!

We all recently celebrated Thanksgiving, spending the day focusing on what we’re grateful for. But it shouldn’t end there. Gratitude is not a moment, not a day, not a week, but a way of life.

There are obvious things to feel grateful about – food, shelter, family, friends. But don’t stop there. Be mindful. What does being grateful really mean? Where did the feeling come from?


According to The Gratitude Experiment, focusing on gratefulness and expressing gratitude raises our level of well-being and happiness. In an experiment, a test group was divided into three, with one group directed to journal gratitude, one group directed to journal the things that irritated them most during the day and one group was allowed to choose their focus. Not surprisingly, the group focusing on gratitude had a much greater sense of well-being. Statistics show that cultivating an attitude of gratitude increases overall happiness by 5%.

Dr. Robert Emmons, professor of psychology at University of California, Davis is leading a research team to quantify the causes of gratitude and its effect on health and well-being. They feel strongly that it begins with children. If we can raise grateful children, we are way ahead as a society.

Our friends at The Gem also focus on gratitude as part of their recommended daily regimen. It has a place of honor in the daily GEM journal distributed during their “Day in the Life” series. In fact, it is part of the mentality surrounding their brand. As an element of integrative nutrition and holistic living, gratitude is near and dear to the heart.

There is always something vying for our attention. The holidays bring commitments and distractions, professional to-do lists are ever-growing, our culture of connectivity brings with it no shortage of dismal world news, anxiety over the economy and political positioning, and the responsibilities of our home lives loom large. But take a moment at the end of each day and reflect on at least a couple of things to be grateful for. Some days it will pour out. Some days, you’ll be lucky to be thankful for the roof over your head. With practice, it becomes easier.

As a member of the rockin’ team on the Porch, we are actively and mindfully grateful for our wonderful clients and the chance to have an impact on their business and grow with them.

What are you grateful for?

As I began my SMU coursework to earn a BBA in marketing and a minor in advertising, I was excited to jump right in and learn hands-on marketing techniques and design a campaign. However, when I walked into my first advertising class, I was met with a bland textbook and dry lectures. I dreamt of getting my hands on some real work and trying to make a difference.

My prayers were answered this semester when I enrolled in Digital Media Landscapes, an advertising class taught in the Temerlin Advertising Institute at Southern Methodist University. For the past few months I have not only begun to learn the technical side of the business, but have had the opportunity to work hands-on by designing a campaign with my team for an organization on campus.

Here are the top five things that I have learned this semester:

1. Digital is everything. In this day in age, direct communication between a brand and its customers is the key to success. The social media platform has allowed companies to speak publicly and directly to their customers, and my generation of millennials relies on this constant communication to create brand loyalty.

images-52. Teamwork really does make the dream work. This semester our class was split into 10 groups, and we were all given the task of designing a campaign for an on-campus organization that plans to go national next year. While everyone on a team will not and should not possess the same strengths, focusing on each individual member’s talents will produce the highest quality work overall. Even though every idea will not be “the one”, bouncing ideas off one another gave us the ability to combine our strengths to formulate one solution.

3. If you’re not a good strategist… find one. In the marketing and advertising field, every team needs a good strategist; someone who knows the client, understands the customer, and can see the path that makes everyone happy.

4. Communication is key. Communicating with your team, your client, and your audience is necessary for success. Building a relationship with your client allows your client to build a relationship with customers, and in such a competitive market these days, client relationships and brand loyalty are everything.

5. Know your audience. Now, this may seem like an obvious necessity in both marketing and advertising, but forgetting whom you are targeting not only leads to an unsuccessful campaign, but an unhappy client. When you make the audience your number one focus, you drown out the white noise of confusion and unnecessary information, which allows your team to have a clearer vision of the problem and solution.

While memorizing definitions and the history of advertising has been nothing but beneficial to me as I apply that knowledge in this class, there is just something extremely satisfying about creating my own work. I look forward to continuing to apply these valuable lessons in my college career and post-graduation.


Think of the last few things that you bought, big or small—a new phone, a pair of yoga pants, a new car, a pair of shoes, even a food item. All of these products have one thing in common: the company you purchased them from is selling you a lifestyle.

lifestyleSo what is a lifestyle brand?

Webster defines a lifestyle as an individual’s whole way of living, and a brand as (a) an identifying mark or label (b) the make of a commodity or (c) a special kind.

Wikipedia’s says: A lifestyle brand is a company that markets its products or services to embody the interests, attitudes, and opinions of a group or a culture. Lifestyle brands seek to inspire, guide, and motivate people, with the goal of their products contributing to the definition of the consumer’s way of life. They often operate off an ideology, hoping to attract a relatively high number of people and ultimately becoming a recognized social phenomenon.

In Forbes article A Survival Guide For Symbolic And Lifestyle Brands, they point out “(Lifestyle Brands) deliver strong social benefits through which a consumer will be able to subconsciously answer the question, “when I buy this brand, the type of people I relate to are…” they create a sense of belonging or disrupt the status quo. So, Nike aligns people who want to push their limits. Club Med connects those who wish to communicate; The Body Shop, those who value nature.”

If you are a lifestyle brand or if you aspire to be a lifestyle brand, you must fully grasp the lifestyle your customer aspires to and you must reflect it in thought, word and deed. You need to clearly communicate that you embrace the same ideals as your customer, but also define your product.
Consumers have started referring to brands as if they have their own personalities. Have you found yourself saying “That doesn’t seem like them” or “That was off-brand”? Case in point: a brand whose red cup can wage a war on Christmas.

In today’s constant barrage of communication, people want transparency, authenticity, and honesty. They want to admire and trust the brands they bring into their life. To create a lifestyle brand, you must:

  1. Discover Your Brand: What do you want people to feel about your brand? Determine what lifestyle aspirations your brand fulfills, and communicate accordingly.
  2. Create your Brand: Clearly define your brand personality. Your identity needs to be holistic. What is your brand’s whole way of living?
  3. Communicate Your Brand {with confidence}. Be conversational. Our friends and family enhance our lives with their adventures and personalities. Consumers expect that from a lifestyle brand. Create experiences. Share your personality. Form connections. Express your personality on many different platforms.

“In designing a lifestyle brand, you have to know more than just designing clothes,” Tommy Hilfiger

Here on ‘The Porch we are making brands rock your lifestyle daily.

You’ve gotta have a plan. And when starting a new business, everyone knows that you need a strong business plan. But for some reason, many times business owners forget about a marketing plan, which is just as critical to the success of a business.

A marketing plan focuses on how you are going to get the customers you need to survive. It’s your plan of action – what you are going to be selling, who is going to buy it and how you are going to reach those potential customers and convert them to sales.

Here’s how to create a marketing plan that works:

Who are you? Define your company, the products or services you offer, and what sets you apart from the competition. Positioning your product requires a complete understanding of the market segment you are entering. You must know what your competitors are offering and what makes your product or service unique or a better value.

Include an overview of your company’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats. Strengths and weaknesses will be factors within the company while opportunities and threats are external factors.


Who is your target audience? Describe your prospective customer – this can be done in terms of demographics or by lifestyle. If you’re marketing B2B you may define your target audience by the type of business, size of the business, job title or any other factors that make them potential customers. It is important to know exactly who your target customer is in order to plan your marketing strategy.

What do you want to achieve? Write down a list of measurable goals.

Develop strategies and tactics. These are the guts of your plan! Focus on reaching prospective customers at all stages of your sales cycle, whether they are cold or warm prospects. Outline your primary marketing strategies, then include a variety of tactics you’ll use to reach prospects at any point in your sales cycle. This should be a combination of several tactics that can include social media, traditional print advertising, online advertising, blogs, customer events, loyalty programs and email marketing. It’s important to know which media your customers and potential customers will go to for information on the type of product or service you sell.

Remember, a great marketing strategy needs to be realistic and implemented consistently over time. Building brand awareness takes time and patience. If you need a guiding hand, we on the Porch can steer you in the right direction!

In the latest installment of my never-ending quest for more energy and mental acuity, I recently turned to our friends and clients at The GEM. Nature and age have a way of guiding those ready to hear the call for a healthier lifestyle.

While inspiring, I didn’t feel ready for a juice cleanse. But I was delighted when The GEM offered the chance to experience a gentle route to health and well-being in their newly launched  “A Day in the Life of a Gem” series. A Day in the Life is a four-part series led by Chief GEMologists: Leslie Needleman, Mary Kathryn Bass, and Maury Neirling.

And let me tell you, It’s been an eye opener.

I have learned that in addition to juice and cleaner eating, there are other elements to this whole GEM lifestyle thing. And guess what? It makes a huge difference.

I love to cook (full disclosure: In my opinion there is nothing that wine or a stick of butter can’t fix!). And while I have always been cognizant of the importance of eating healthy, what I thought was good nutritional value at our dinner table couldn’t live up to the nutritional standard I learned about at The Gem.

My biggest concern going into this was the food itself — because for me, food means comfort and an expression of love for my family. And I asked myself, will this satisfy my taste buds or ruin my cooking mojo? And if so, is it worth it? So, I set about this with a tiny bit of skepticism. And I am happy to say, it was unfounded. I couldn’t have been more wrong.


Each session starts with a delicious sampling of Gem fare. The savory lentil soup in a quinoa salad, topped with a dollop of smooth, fresh jalapeno pesto scaled my taste buds like an episode of The Chew. And the nutritionally dense, but creamy and flavorful Tahitian Pearl smoothie was beyond delicious. I have been impressed with just how good it all tastes, all while following the 80/20 rule: eighty percent plant based foods.

After a light bite, we move on. We learned about the importance of water – the right kind of water. Filtered water. Thirty two ounces first thing in the morning to flush the system and then consistently throughout the day. It’s surprisingly easy.

A lot of the other things covered I was already doing. Excercising every day? Check. Stretching every day? Getting there. Supplements? Yes, but they have helped me make some healthy tweaks. Buy organic? Mostly. But it was interesting to learn how important it is to buy grass-fed meats. And, to find out how little we need dairy. Your mother’s food pyramid has changed.

Some things have proven to be a little more difficult. Under duress, I gave up my artificial sweetener. That hurt. And, I’m still wrestling with swapping wine for calm tea.

What’s especially nice is that the series is broken down into sessions focusing on a specific part of the day. We started with morning, and the late session covered mid-day. Having a week to practice everything between sessions is very useful and allows time to incorporate changes into your routine.

We walk away with three focus items each week.  And the Gem team is always available to answer questions.  You get the feeling that they genuinely want everyone to experience the vitality that comes with making a few changes. It’s not just about juicing, it’s a lifestyle and it’s hard not to walk away motivated. I’m looking forward to next week’s session on Pantry Cleanout and Kitchen Essentials.

The Gem Mantra is “Diamonds on your Inside”. I may not be shining bright like a diamond yet, but I do feel more energetic and focused. There is a reason this brand is so successful!



Friends, it may be time for a branding and marketing intervention: We love you. We value you. But sometimes, you need to recognize when it’s time to play in your own sandbox. branding and marketing

We say it all the time on The Porch, “Branding and marketing are more an art than a science,” and our rockin’ Front Porch Marketing Team has spent more than a combined 80 years honing this art form to make a difference in our client’s businesses.

But we can only make a difference if our clients let us.

Our best clients are passionate, excited about their work, and open to new ideas that will enable them to leap ahead. We tell our prospective clients that we work best when we are partners, not vendors, and are treated like a member of their internal team. We believe in direct conversation and diving in the strategy debate while getting our hands dirty.

So … in the spirit of direct conversation (which is a foundation on which The Porch was built), here are a few recent examples of when you, Ms./Mr. business owner, leader or department head, should rock away from the branding and marketing table … rock far, far away friends:

  1. You scribble your logo ideas down on paper and/or mock them up yourself on whatever design software du jour. Design software and a favorite font do not a creative director make. Our team of creative professionals work with our clients through a formalized branding process that crystallizes the brand’s vision and ensures that the brand puts itself out there in the best way possible.
  2. You recommend a CMS platform for your website because that is the platform you use to manage your child’s sports team and its schedule. We develop and re-design websites constantly for our clients and their brands. We know what works and what doesn’t. Trust us to make these decisions that will accomplish your business needs and goals.
  3. You are going to hire an intern or an admin to manage your social media. Both of those positions are vital to a company’s operations. But neither are qualified to take on something as important as social media. Why not go ahead and have your financial manager do it??? (See what I am trying to say here?)
  4. You call a half day meeting with your business consultant, VP of sales and VP of marketing because your VP of sales doesn’t like a showroom sign created by the marketing department. Give the power to the people and let sales and marketing handle their feud that has lasted longer than the Hatfields battled the McCoys.

We believe collaboration is key. Bringing team members in from other departments for planning meetings and brainstorming sessions can add new perspective, create different ways of thinking and spark new ideas. Says Pharrell:


Remember, however, we branding and marketing peeps like to work “in a room without a roof.” So let’s work together! We are fully vested in getting your business the desired outcome. After all, if you aren’t successful, neither are we.

Rock on friends.

Chief Rocker Julie Porter can be followed on Twitter and Instagram and so can her company. Follow Front Porch Marketing on Twitter by clicking here, like us on Facebook by clicking here and follow our LInkedIn company page and Instagram fun.

people-train-public-transportation-hurry-mediumYour brand’s reputation is among the most valuable assets your company has so how are you protecting your brand? It defines your company and helps it stand out from competitors.

As Warren Buffet said, “It takes 20 years to build a reputation, and five minutes to ruin it.”

This is especially true today with social media – what used to be a 24-hour media cycle is now a 24-second social media cycle.

Unfortunately, even with diligent, proactive risk management, a crisis can happen at any time. No company is immune to misconduct by employees, the sudden resignation or illness of a key leader, product recalls, accidental injuries/fatalities, natural disasters, etc. So, you need to prepare, anticipate and plan ahead – because it’s not a matter of if a crisis will occur, it’s a matter of when. The cost of a crisis to a company can be huge, and most crises require attention within the first 24 hours.

What can you do to prepare?

Create a crisis management plan to ensure a rapid and adequate response, maintain clear lines of reporting and communication and set rules for crisis termination. You must protect your brand.

Crisis management is NOT THE SAME as risk management. Risk management serves to minimalize and hopefully avoid crisis. Crisis management is actually dealing with a crisis.

To create a crisis management plan:

  • Research your company’s record
  • Identify all potential crises
  • Create and prepare your crisis team
  • Schedule media training sessions
  • Stage regular crisis readiness simulations
  • Assess and update crisis plans

Want to learn more?

Come hear Front Porch Marketing present on “Protecting Your Brand” at Danger Zone 2: Active Shooter Seminar presented by FBI Dallas Citizens Academy Alumni Association this Thursday, September 3, at the Charles W. Eisemann Center in Richardson, TX. The seminar is designed for individuals, business leaders, school teachers and administrators, church leaders and anyone seeking to gain knowledge should you ever encounter an active shooter in the workplace.

As a country, we are averaging one active shooter every three weeks. No location is immune from these events happening. Danger Zone is a great program with a proven track record of success that will greatly increase your chance to survive the ordeal.  For more information and tickets, click here.

A special shout out to our friend and advocate Rod Fullenwider at D&L Entertainment for including us in this event. We appreciate your continued support Rod!

I _______ summer!

2015-06-12 14.30.28

Jumping into summer!

If you have children … there are two clearly defined summer camps. Working parents either love it or loathe it. ‘Tis the season for sleepaway camp, trips and being our kids social directors. You have sleepovers and playdates. Camps and sports. Staying connected to friends (as important as family time). Relaxed routines. The list goes on. We on the Porch have watched and listened to these two groups …

From the LOVE camp we saw lots of pictures, “100 activities to do this summer” lists, happy emoticons and summer forever, summer needs a speeding ticket and summer lovin’ taglines. I LOVE SUMMER.

From the maybe not so much love camp, the conversation was about sibling squabbles, last minute requests for supervision, open letters and sarcasm – Worst-end-of-summerEnjoyable Summer Sarcasm.

The common thread between the two camps was that they had a plan. A SUMMER plan! Where the kids would be and when, who was watching them, vacations and a screen time system.

screen time plan


If you own a local business … again there have been two definite camps this summer. You have either thrived or you have suffered from the dreaded North Texas summer sales slump. If sales were swinging – congrats! If they were slow, perhaps there is something you can learn from Summer Mom. Have a plan. This can include anything from a summer sale to a special event, new product introduction or staffing change. Once you have it – rock it and chill!


Successful summer promotion from our favorite GEMs

The Porch rocked our brands this summer, but we were watching others. We saw some interesting approaches, which ran the gamut from closing the doors to aggressive promotions to strategic affiliations. There’s no escaping that the kids will be at home and families will travel during the summer months, so a dedicated summer marketing plan is always a rockin’ idea.

As for me, sign me up in the I LOVE summer column! I also LOVE fall. They are all my favorites.