aphero72514Want to know a little secret? Summer is not, well, pleasant for me.

Don’t get me wrong! I love spending extra time with my children, the vacations, hanging with out of town visitors among other things.

Working parents have several balls in the air during the school year. When summer comes, those spherical objects spin and a multiply. Heck ~ I dream about them.

In addition to keeping my family’s schedule straight, as a small business owner, I am also managing my team’s vacation schedule and filling in the gaps where needed. Even rockers need vacations!

Here are some things for working parents to rely on during the month of August:

  1. Camps – Even if it is one from 1-4 p.m., sign that boy or girl up.
  2. Helpers – Full time babysitters, part time college helpers, couldn’t get through this chaos without them. I have three and only two kids. No joke.
  3. Friends – Ditto. They help with the shuttle to and fro, the additional activities to keep the kiddos entertained and they are your go to for that much needed GNO.
  4. Family members – Make the call. Most often than not, they want to help and spend time with your children without you around.
  5. Your colleagues – Amazing how helpful they can be in a pinch if you just ask.
  6. Exercise – It changes your mood and increases metabolism.
  7. Mindless activity – Read a trashy novel, do the dishes, watch TV ~ I am currently obsessed with The Good Wife and watch an episode every night before I say nigh nigh. Already plowed through these this summer: Homeland, House of Cards, Revenge and Scandal. Started on episode one, season one on all of them.
  8. Positive thinking – Think half full. Always. Being an optimist reduces your stress and is better for your overall health and well being.
  9. Healthy eating – How do you feel after eating fast food? Nuff said.
  10. Sleep – It is non-negotiable. We need seven to nine hours to be productive.
  11. Music – It can have a powerful effect on mind and body far beyond its ability to promote relaxation and stress relief according to Dr. Andrew Weil.
  12. To do list (Mine is a ta da list) – Hit the ground running in the mornings with focus and a list of tasks at hand. Here’s a great article to how to make yours effective.

Only a couple of weeks before school starts. You can do it!

imagesThe other day, I saw a quote a friend had posted from Jeff Bezos, founder and CEO of Amazon, “Your brand is what people say about you when you’re not in the room.” This is so true and I live this with our clients every day!

A brand is more than just advertising or a logo or social media or a tag line – it’s how your customers perceive your business. And everything a company does, whether intentional or not, shapes the perception of their brand.

Creating a strong brand identity is critical in this day and age when a world of information is at our fingertips and we are given many different options for purchasing the same product. Some of the most successful brands are those that give you a reason to like them and not just the product. Brand is more than just your product – it’s also your reputation.

In order to build a strong brand, the following objectives must be achieved:

  • Have a vision – know where your brand is going. At the end of the day, what do you want your brand to be when it grows up? What’s its highest calling?
  • Have a personality – what are the four adjectives that describe your brand
  • Find your unique position in the marketplace – define your target audience, the frame of reference and your competitive set
  • Define the club that your customers want to be aligned with and know why they want to be affiliated with your brand

Once you have defined these critical things, make sure you have internal buy in. Is your team convicted about them? Is everything you are doing internally and externally communicating your brand strategies? Are your customers or clients connected to your brand strategies?

Once you have asked yourselves these questions and are living it inside and outside your company, here’s what to do next:

  • Have a branding and marketing strategy – recognize market trends and respond to consumer demands to get ahead.
  • Deliver a consistent and unique message. Make sure your message aligns with your brand’s values and personality.
  • Be creative! You want to stand out from the competition and creativity and innovation will get you noticed.
  • Know your competition.
  • Manage your reputation – It’s hard work to build up your reputation but even harder work to maintain it. Make sure you are listening to what people are saying about your brand. People are most likely to do business with companies they like and trust.
  • Make sure you are everywhere your customers are looking.

A strong brand is invaluable to win the battle for customers. It’s important to spend time investing in building your brand. After all, your brand is what your customers come to expect from you. It’s the foundation of your marketing strategy and something you don’t want to be without!


It is all rockin’ on the porch!



: a group of people who compete in a sport, game, etc., against another group

: a group of people who work together

: a group of two or more animals used to pull a wagon, cart, etc.



: of or performed by a team <a team effort>; also : marked by devotion to teamwork rather than individual achievement <a team player>


: to bring together (two people or things)

This past week marked the first team retreat for Front Porch Marketing. Led by our Chief Rocker, our event was an inspiring forum for creativity, innovation, processes and process improvement (oh, and world domination).

It made me ponder a little bit about what teams look like in today’s business environment.

As you can see from the definitions above, the word “team” is a noun, adjective or verb. But, what does that mean to us?

There are huge benefits in working as a team. When teams work well, each member feels they are contributing towards a shared goal. The shared knowledge and camaraderie forges (or frays) are the ties that link us together.

There is also a shared accountability for the success or failure of each project.

But, what do teams look like today? By definition, all of us are part of a team of some sort. For small businesses, there is an ebb and flow to the group. Some work in virtual teams, i.e. depending on the goal, project or time of year, individuals or groups come in and out of a project/initiative/account. This creates an efficient working structure and high value to the customer/client.

Whatever your team looks like, just remember – we’re all in it together!

Make Waves … I remember the email that started it all, seems like only yesterday …Wave Maker Julie Porter

Patti Johnson, CEO and founder of PeopleResults, sent it a few short years ago.

She hired a company to assist her in redesigning and updating her company’s website and received round three or four of creative. She forwarded the concepts to me to get my opinion and eventually partnered with Front Porch Marketing to manage the project.

First step, we had several brand strategy meetings to outline the PeopleResults brand architecture.

Next step, we used the brand strategies to drive the website creative.

Along that journey, we recommended:

  • Adding a blog to the site ~ you can subscribe to it here. It ROCKS!
  • Then, defining the social media strategy for the brand and the individual partners
  • Conducting team and individual social media training
  • Creating a social media content calendar and blog schedule
  • Developing a team marketing bar where team members could present their individual marketing ideas and several other initiatives, but trying to keep this brief


And, the rest is history.

We initiated change with smart, concise thinking tailored for key personalities at PeopleResults: the PeopleResults Partners. From there, the strategies were clear, and together we built fresh path forward for the leadership team and brand.

Patti recently credited me for starting her journey that resulted in, “Make Waves: Be the One to Start Change at Work and in Life.” For that, I am very honored and humbled. It was a team effort though. Without her courageous leadership, a trusted, two-way partnership and the willingness of the leadership team, it wouldn’t have happened.

The book is available on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Books-A-Million, Indie Bound and Walmart.

Wave Maker out!

I know, I know, it is about time!

We are finally launching our blog where our team will share our perspective on current events, new technology, branding and marketing insights, thoughts and wacky ideas that we hope you will find entertaining.

We also hope you can learn a lil’ bit more about us, who we are, what we do and the impact we have on businesses today.

We encourage you to be part of the discussion and subscribe by e-mail or RSS. Also, join our Facebook and Twitter discussions or follow us on Instagram.  

We are Off Our Rocker, that’s what makes us who we are.

We take our work and business seriously, sometimes maybe too much so, but ourselves, well … not so much.

Rock on!

Jobs MovieOne of my favorite movies of the year is Jobs. Who doesn’t like to watch Ashton Kutcher on any screen … sorry I digress …

They had me at, “Don’t be better. Be different.”The. Best. Marketing. Advice. ITHOE. 

In a few critical points in product development, Jobs calls in Steve Wozniak, to help him develop a new product for Atari (that was 1980 somethin’), reinvent the Macintosh, etc.

It got me thinking.

Who is my Woz? Everyone needs one (or 10) Wozs on their team.

Here are a few roles a Woz can play:

  1. Whiz Bang Woz – The creative genius you run a situation or opportunity by, or pass off to, and they come up with THE brilliant idea
  2. Practical Woz – The one who tells you, “They didn’t call your baby ugly.” Enough said.
  3. Relationship Woz – The one who is your people person. Always looking at how thing are interpreted and will play out from the people side of the business.
  4. Financial Woz – The one who asks you the real numbers questions. You may not like the questions they ask but know the answer. Thank goodness for these folks.
  5. Work Life Woz – The one who reminds you to keep it real. The voice that is the same in your head. Work is for work. Enjoy and be present with your family.

Have them in your iPhone contacts and you are good to go.

It was homework for our team members to watch this movie.

One comment was, “Steve wasn’t a nice man.”

Truth. Sometimes the best business owners or leaders are not nice but they are smart enough to surround themselves with folks to remind them to be or they let others lead the people part of the business.

Have you met the Rockette and The Rock?

Julie Porter is the Chief Rocker at Front Porch Marketing. You can follow her or her company on Twitter @JulieDPorter01 and @ItsFrontPorch and Instagram @Julie_Porter and @ItsFrontPorch. Connect with her on LinkedIn or email her at julie@itsfrontporch.com.

Creativity and inspiration come in many forms. And, collaborative creativity rocks.

So … What inspires us on the porch? What gets our rockers going? A lot, to be sure!!!

So you are asking yourself, to blog, or not to blog, that is the question. Really?

We say yes! How else does one share the pearls that all of us might be thinking, but don’t get around to verbalizing? Share. Please share.

All of us enjoy having someone else validate our offbeat humor. Think about it this way.

There are many different ways to communicate. Condensing to 140 characters will get the tweet out. Facebook captures our pics and thought bubbles.

Make no mistake, we love social media!! Nothing gets us rocking like a fabulous tweet or Twitter conversation. But sometimes it just doesn’t do justice to the topic. So, we say blog on!

If it seems insurmountable and you don’t know where to start, think of it this way Shakespeare penned (and we do mean “penned”) 37 plays and 154 sonnets in his short 52 years. Think of that as your typing by the light of the fire.

And since brevity is the soul of wit … our work here is done.