In my husband’s family, his mother did something wonderful at Christmas every year – she gave them a budget and took them shopping to choose their own gifts. I love this idea, it’s extremely sweet and reinforces the importance of giving. And although I appreciate the lessons inherent in granting children control over these decisions, I just have never felt like I had the time necessary to carry on the tradition.

However, this year, my youngest son Mason saved $13. And, having heard the stories about his father’s process as a boy, begged me to take him shopping, so he could do the same and purchase his own gifts. And so, with 10 people on his Christmas list and $13 burning a hole in his pocket, we headed to the only store that could accommodate him – Dollar Tree.

img_6567And so off we went. He walked in, list in hand, got his cart, and went to work. And I’m just sitting back, enjoying watching it all unfold, when Mason bumps into a friend’s mom in the toy aisle. He proudly tells her what he is doing and asks her opinion about a gift for my niece. And of course, she is as touched as I am. As she tells me how sweet she thinks my son is, I begin to cry. I’m overwhelmed by his goodness and appreciative of the validation.

Mason thoughtfully chooses his precious and thoughtful Dollar Tree gifts and pays for them, spending all $13 dollars, and borrowing the amount necessary to cover tax from me (and quickly re-paying the loan, I might add). He says, “I spent all my money on other people … but I feel really, really good. It feels good to give.”

And that, my friends, is all I need … my child instilled with the spirit of giving.

And it’s a reminder to me, this holiday season and always, that It indeed is better to give than receive.

Happy Holidays, everyone.

Trade show marketing rocks. I sometimes forget how much until we get in the throes of one with a client, which is happening for us at the pace of about four to five a year.
trade show marketing
This is something I have been honored to do since I was right out college, and I have definitely learned a lesson or two along the way. Thankfully, however, we at Front Porch Marketing have a team of people who can do trade show marketing better than me.

And, a few things have changed over a few, okay, over the (cough cough) years. There’s now an app for this and a portable device for that, all of which enhance trade show marketing, sales initiatives, and the visitor experience, which is fab.

Typically, we have months to plan and execute on our clients’ trade show marketing fun … but recently we may have just pulled off a holiday marketing miracle on The Porch over the last seven days (hence the bags under my eyes). Story about the 2016 POWER-GEN International in Orlando, Florida, happening now, is for another bloggity-blog day.

Key Trade Show Marketing Takeaways

So, what can you learn from our Flashdance that has happened over the last week? Here are four things:

Market early and often. The earlier you can develop your strategy, plan and campaigns and start rockin’ and rollin’, the better. There are many other exhibitors, etc., vying for the attention of the speakers and attendees.

If you can’t market early, it can still happen. We have proved almost anything can happen with a rockin’ marketing partner alongside you, but getting there isn’t the prettiest and sure isn’t the cheapest.

Use multiple channels. Send emails. Advertise. Maximize the show’s online and traditional opportunities. Develop a micro-site, website banners and collateral materials. Write blogs. Develop press releases and put them on the wire. Send MORE emails.

Keep it light. Keep it bright. Especially during this time of year and on this of all years, keep it light and bright. Inside and out. We all want a break from seriousness. Holidays can be a stressful time, and moving at light speed may cause a few, tiny bumps along the way.

If you need to get your trade show marketing or any other branding or marketing on the go, holla! We are here and happy to get your strategies, plans and campaigns into high gear and pay attention to how your target responds.

Asta pastas! Going to check in with the folks in the Sunshine state on today’s POWER-GEN International happs.

That’s all she wrote.

It will take you one minute to read this so why not do it right now?


Feeling overwhelmed by the busyness of the season or paralyzed by a long “to do” list? Can’t get started on that big project, or haven’t written your 2017 plan? Can’t find the time to read all of the books, articles, emails, and other information you want to know?

Stop what you are doing to take a minute, or five or ten, to set a small goal and get it done, right now!

There is one surefire way to pull yourself out of frustration and procrastination and it’s to quit thinking and start doing – in very small steps. These brief moments of action will force you to make quick and small progress, triggering a sense of accomplishment, reducing the size of that list in your head and training yourself to get things done throughout the day.  Some examples:

  • Do one or two things that each take just a few minutes to accomplish at your desk at the start of each day, then tackle the big stuff. A few important calls, one brief key conversation, send a thank-you note, read a favorite blogger, schedule a future important meeting.
  • Quit talking about all of that holiday shopping you haven’t done yet, pull out your smartphone and order one gift on your list. A few minutes of this daily and your shopping is done!
  • Instead of trying to find a full day to clean out your garage, kitchen, closet, etc. take less than 30 minutes and tackle one drawer or section. You will create a habit of mini projects and the repeated small progress over time will keep you organized.
  • No time to read that book or newspaper? Subscribe to one of many summary services available.
    • Eight-page executive summaries from the latest business books.
    • Quick, entertaining look at the day’s best news stories from Dave Pell.
    • Sunday’s Brain Food newsletter for increasing your knowledge.
  • Need a rest or mental break? Set 10 minutes on your smartphone clock for a power nap or to sit quietly to recharge. Or download the Headspace App on your smartphone and start taking 10 minutes anywhere/anytime for a guided meditation that will positively change your brain and your day.
  • Take a few moments and make a list of needs and goals as a start to the process of writing your 2017 plan – for yourself, your family or your business. Start small and you will develop good habits for writing down plans which is the first step to successful execution and achieving amazing goals. Even better, take a minute and call us because we have the folks on board that can help you write and rock your plan!

And now that you have taken a minute to read this, set a small goal! Stop what you are doing to order that gift, write a thank-you note, sign-up for a summary service, clean out that one desk drawer, or pick up the phone and make that one important phone call.

So set a small goal and get started. It takes just a minute.

If you have worked in retail for any amount of time, you know just how important the Friday and Monday after Thanksgiving – known as Black Friday and Cyber Monday – are to the retail cycle. If you are just starting out, here’s the scoop:

Black Friday kicks off the critical holiday season for retailers and is traditionally the busiest shopping day of the year. It is a crucial opportunity for all retail because approximately 30 percent of annual sales occur between Black Friday and Christmas. For some retailers, such as jewelers, it’s even higher — nearly 40 percent.

According to our very own Rock, Tara Engelland (who spent many years on the Galleria marketing team), “At Galleria Dallas, we were planning for the following year’s holiday before we finished the one we were in. We had some pretty big events that took place each year but we were always trying to think of new things to add that would enhance the shoppers’ experience.”

Today is Cyber Monday. Cyber Monday is the biggest online shopping day of the year. Last year, Adobe estimated it would reach $3 billion in sales.

So how do you market for Cyber Monday?

All things online should be promoted online, so your online strategy needs to be strong. Pull out all your online media stops! From social, email to banners and web, all channels should be pointing to your Cyber deal. Just like Black Friday, marketing plans should be made far in advance, particularly if your business is e-commerce only.

We worked closely with our Front Porch Client, Ellen Hoffman Designs, on her Cyber Monday strategy. We are blasting her Cyber Monday deal – 20% off her distinct, one-of-kind jewelry – across all social media platforms. If you would like to take advantage of her
image001 Cyber Monday promotion, visit and use the promo code Cyber20.

Black Friday 2016 is in the books. According to CNN Money: “It was a strong weekend for retailers, but an even better weekend for consumers, who took advantage of some really incredible deals,” said National Retail Federation (NRF) President and CEO Matthew Shay in a news release. Their full report is here.

How Cyber Monday 2016 stacks up against projections is yet to be seen. What we do know is that if you are in the retail sector, you should be thinking about Black Friday and Cyber Monday 2017. Are you? You should be. We can help.

Interested in learning more about Black Friday and Cyber Monday? These links give a nice broad base of information:

Happy shopping, happy marketing, happy retail!


We are giving thanks for so much. We on the Porch are feeling very grateful. We have the best clients, amazing business partners, wonderful colleagues and the most rewarding professional work imaginable. AND, we get to do what we love Every. Single. Day. It rocks!

Our Team is grateful for all of you. And more!Print

Some beautiful words from the Rockin’ Roller: “I am thankful for our freedom. As I am ready to head to my childhood home to spend Thanksgiving with my family – my husband and daughter, my parents and my sister-in-law, niece and nephews – my brother will not be there because he is currently, voluntarily deployed to Kuwait where he is an Army Blackhawk pilot. I am thankful that there are people in this world like him who selflessly serve and risk their life so that we can enjoy freedom in this country. And I am thankful for amazing people like my sister-in-law who give everything to keep life as normal as possible for their three kids while he is away. And I am thankful for all of the veterans – including my dad and grandfather.”

The Rocketeer says, “This Thanksgiving I am so thankful for my education, my family and my health. If I have learned anything from this year, it is that life is way too short and can be taken from us at any moment. I’m so thankful for the people I surround myself with every day.”

The Rock is thankful for, “Family, friends, a flexible job and, most of all, living in a country where we are free to celebrate the things we are thankful for.”

We celebrate our Rock Artist when she says, “I am thankful for my health. I just had my five-year checkup with my oncologist and I am an official five-year breast cancer survivor! Health is definitely something I did not used to take for granted, but I’m grateful every second of every day now. I am also thankful for our daughter – for my husband and me, being parents is the biggest joy in the world. Watching our six year old learn how to read, make friends and teach us (adults) how to see life from a new perspective is just amazing.”

Our Rock It Launcher has a list of thanks:
  • Family
  • Friends
  • Community
  • Opportunity
  • Charity
  • Kindness
  • Dallas CASA
  • Teachers and coaches
  • and last, but not least, comedians and laughter!

Our Chief Rocker weighs in: “I am so grateful for our team, family, clients, advocates, U.S.A. and Thanksgiving! This holiday rocks. My children continue to amaze me. Coming off Grandparents Day for my freshman and a blessed day with our lil. A highlight from last week was when our intern didn’t know who Snoop Doggy Dog was. I am forever grateful for always learning and gaining a new perspective. I am humbled to work with such great people in a country that allows me the opportunity to run my own business. I am very grateful that I can do this without sacrificing time with my family.”

The Future Rocket says, “I am thankful for opportunities I have. The opportunity for me to be positive and happy. The opportunity to go to class everyday and learn something new. The opportunity that I have to make healthy choices and be active every day. The opportunity to look at events as a chance to better myself, rather than something that will take up my time. Looking at everyday events as a chance to become a better person rather than looking at things as a chore, because so many people would love the chance to go to class early in the morning or go to the gym, but don’t have the opportunity to do so.”

Our Back Porch Rocker wraps it up by saying: “I am thankful for the insight, clarity and perspective that this year has given me. Sometimes, when things fall away, you are given the gift of rebuilding better and stronger than before.”

Happy Thanksgiving, everyone. From our Porch to yours!

Friends, it’s that time of year. The leaves are falling, there is a chill in the air and we are simultaneously looking back at our fifth year in business and looking forward to our next rockin’ year. But before we wrap up our year-long celebration of fives, we want to share these last five branding and marketing vibes from the Porch:

branding and marketing vibes

  1. Gearing Up. Did you know that the Small Business Association suggests that as a general rule, small businesses with revenues of less than $5 million allocate 7-8 percent of their gross sales to marketing? And did you know that an international media strategy agency predicts that advertising spending will reach $179 billion in 2017? This is a 6.3% increase – the largest since 2010. Rock on with your marketing self.
  2. Looking Forward. The new year is around the corner! We are fully engaged with our clients finalizing their 2017 marketing plans and budgets. We are ready for a banner 2017!
  3. Rocking Our Talent. Our rocking team has it in spades! In 2017 we will continue to give our clients the very best we have to offer. Led by Julie’s second-to-none marketing vision and backed by Vanessa’s stellar branding and advertising expertise, Ann Marie’s excellence in public relations and communication, Tara’s extensive marketing and client management capabilities, Allison’s rocking graphic design capabilities, Jacqui’s blogging and wordsmith acumen and Darcey’s lead-the-charge management ensure that our clients are in excellent hands.
  4. Gratitude. Don’t think we don’t know it – we have much to be grateful for. Rocking clients who are true partners, hard-working and creative team members, talented business associates, loyal friends, and loving, supportive families – we are thankful for each and every one of you! Special thanks to our PeopleResults client partner, Shelli Walker for the invitation to speak at the first ever Arlington Chamber of Commerce Women’s Alliance’s Business in a Box workshop. Gratitude!
  5. Celebration. Five years. It’s a milestone. We celebrated this and more yesterday at our end-of-the-year team jam session.

Thank you, friends. Keep those many referrals coming. Join us on the Porch via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Subscribe to our blog here.

Get ready for more rockin’ branding and marketing vibes in 2017 party people in the house.

When does anything ever really go exactly as planned? Since the answer is almost never and so many variables are out of your control, it may be easy to think – why bother planning?

Unfortunately, even with diligent, proactive risk management, a crisis can happen at any time (as I’ve said in a previous blog). So, you need to prepare, anticipate and plan ahead – because it’s not a matter of if a crisis will occur, it’s a matter of when.

plan-vs-realityAlthough it may seem counter-intuitive, one of the main components of your crisis management plan should be proactive, positive outreach NOWbefore the crisis.

Enter PR. Proactive PR.

Even if you’re not looking to grow your company or you feel like PR is “tooting your own horn,” there are many benefits to proactive PR. Positive media and community exposure will help you tenfold down the road. The strongest crisis communication plans also proactively incorporate these PR components:

  • Build the Image of Your Key Leaders – It is a major advantage for your company if people regard and respect your leaders as subject matter experts and good people. This is why it’s important for top management to appear occasionally in business media profiles and stories as well as at “good news events” such as philanthropic donations.
  • Examine and Strengthen Key Relationships – with local and national media, government officials and the community that you serve. Strong existing relationships will be beneficial in getting the support you need in a crisis and re-building credibility following.
  • Review Your Search and Social Media Status – Put the people and the processes in place to continually and proactively monitor your digital exposure – online news outlets, blogs, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc. This is the first place you may learn about the crisis at hand, and it allows you to respond quickly to misinformation and accusations. (Of course, having a robust and positive existing presence on all of these channels is a must for so many reasons (and that’s why we do what we do on the Porch).

“Do something today that your future self will thank you for.”

“If you fail to plan, you are planning to fail.” – Benjamin Franklin

We agree, Mr. Franklin!!!






I am always learning from my kids. While I try to guide them and nudge them in the direction I think is best for them, the truth is, being their Mother teaches me so much more than I could ever teach them.

Just this week, my high school age daughter was talking to my sons about the difficulties of middle school. Although there were tough days, she actually bore it pretty well, and came out of it with some very sage advicimg_0103e for her brothers on how best to navigate it. And I couldn’t help but notice that it sounded a great deal like the branding advice we give here on the Porch:

“Know Yourself” – It’s a broad, sweeping statement as it relates to being a kid, and the same is true of business; but it is the best piece of advice one can give in both instances. I sadly witnessed many kids trying too hard to be something they weren’t to gain acceptance from a particular group or person. Middle school sharks can sniff that behavior out, and savvy consumers can do the same thing! Embrace who you are and run with it. It is so much better than trying to be all things to all people.

“Be Consistent” – I almost got whiplash watching the roller coaster friendship ride, I can’t imagine how hard it was to live it. The one thing my daughter struggled with the most were girls who were friends in some circumstances but not in others. Friends need to know they can trust and count on each other, just as your customers need to know they can trust and count on you. Be consistent in your messaging. Be consistent in your interaction. Be consistent in your delivery.

“Be Original” – This advice may go against the survival instinct of any middle schooler, because fitting in is everything at this age; but I watched my daughter make original choices over and over again, and I think it served her very well. She chose electives and activities that truly interested her – not just those that “everyone else was doing.” As a result, she has a wide cross-section of friends, and she is a much more interesting person for having taken that route. Branding demands that your business also be original. You must stand out from your competitors. Make bold, original choices. You will be remembered for them.

“Have Depth” – This last one isn’t my daughter’s advice, it’s mine. My daughter has tremendous depth of character, and I admire it immensely. So do her friends. Your business must have the same layers of meaning and purpose to create a sense of emotion around your brand.

Know Yourself. Be Consistent. Be Original. Have Depth. Important branding choices for your business. Important choices for living your life.

Rock on, friends!

Your brand is one of the most important parts of developing or reinvigorating your company. The process of branding examines the emotions you want your customer to feel about your company and its services.

Branding means different things to different people. When working with Clients, we on the Porch serve it up this way:

Simply put, your brand is your promise to your customer.

One of the steps in our branding elaborative is defining brand affiliation. This is done after the vision, personality and positioning are established, because all these factor into the affiliation.

Brand affiliation is best described as what “club” customers are joining when they choose your company. Humans are compelled to affiliate with people like themselves, people they admire or people they aspire to be like. Brand affiliation is what you want other people to think of your company when they learn they are aligned with you.

Once your affiliation is established, you can position yourself in environments that share your affiliation. Say what?

Depending on your company, that might be more complicated than it seems. Here’s an example from our very own Porch:

We want to work with forward-thinking, passionate business leaders and entrepreneurs. We want everyone to have a knock-your-socks off, head turning, register-ringing marketing strategy!

So how do we do that, and maximize our affiliation?

  1. We live, breathe and sing marketing strategy and insight with anyone that will join us on the Porch.
  2. We provide marketing implementation.
  3. We align ourselves with groups and organizations like Vistage, WBENC, NEW, Community Partners and liked-minded business owners.
  4. We conduct workshops like our Chief Rocker’s November 4, “Business in a Box” workshop at the Arlington Inspired Women Luncheon.



Your brand is derived from who you are, who you want to be and who people perceive you to be. Define it and Rock It. Every Day. All Day.


We here on the Porch are huge proponents of blogging.

guest-blogging-sourceFor companies and entrepreneurs, establishing and growing an online presence is essential in order to gain subscribers, leads and ultimately revenue. An online presence is a dynamic animal, and simply can’t be achieved by merely having a website.

Creating a blog with content that is valuable, informational, interesting, and entertaining is an important piece of the puzzle. It will:

  • increase search engine traffic
  • humanize your brand and show the personal side of your business
  • work hand in hand with your social media marketing plan
  • establish you as an authority in your industry
  • generate leads

Very important things indeed.

I am privileged to work with our own Front Porch Rockers and many of our clients on their blogs. I am part writer, part editor, and part cheerleader! Writing anything, much less a weekly blog, can seem daunting. But it can be accomplished.

Here are a few blogging tips I have learned along the way:

  1. Just Write. Have an idea or a raw nugget of inspiration? Just write. Lists, fragments, rambling thoughts – all valuable. Get the words and ideas out and worry about polishing later.
  2. Write What You Know. You are a rock star! Get your wisdom out there. Your audience wants to hear it.
  3. Show Who You Are. Be yourself. Use vernacular that is your own. Let your audience get to know you. Write about things that are interesting and important to you. Have some fun!
  4. Mix It Up. Some blogs should highlight your company and its services. Some blogs should be informational. And some blogs should just be interesting to your readers. Aim for a good mix.
  5. Ask for Help. Have someone review your writing. Sometimes it only takes a minor tweak by someone with fresh eyes to make it infinitely better.

And above all else, just do it!

I’m here to tell you, it’s fun.