What should I blog about? I asked my friend, as we texted this afternoon. “Instant connections,” she said. “Whether it’s a business or a personal relationship. Like a friendship born in a seedy Grand Prairie volleyball warehouse.”

IMG_1861It’s true. We became friends three years ago in a cold, remote, loud volleyball warehouse where we spent an entire weekend watching our daughters play for the same club team. We bonded quickly over our disdain for the helicopter parents in attendance and the absurdity of the diet our girls were forced to adhere to. By the next tournament we had a wagon full of inside jokes that we shared … and we were off.

Today she is one of my very closest friends, even though our daughters are no longer close, and volleyball is but a distant memory.

What causes people to gravitate to each other? And what enables those authentic connections to endure? The same can be pondered in business – what causes people to gravitate to businesses or brands and maintain that loyalty?

Brand loyalty doesn’t happen by accident. Brands that cultivate loyalty find ways to emotionally connect with their customers. How is this accomplished? Here are three things to consider:

  1. Focus on what your brand does best. If you try to be all things to all people you’ll end up being nothing to anyone. Be bold. Be unique. Differentiate your brand around what makes you, YOU.
  2. Serve your customers. Wow them. Take care of them. Listen to them. Serve them. Give them reasons to come back to your brand again and again.
  3. Determine what your brand stands for and deliver on your promise. You must become relentless in your dedication to deliver on your brand promise. Every day.

Creating authentic connections and maintaining a successful brand that brings loyal customers to your door is key. Does your brand measure up?

We are passionate about branding here on the Porch! If your brand isn’t speaking to your customers the way it should, give us a call. We can help.

Customer experience is a daily topic on the Porch. Those who know me are probably like “smh” that I would say I learned about customer experience from Disney Princesses ‘cuz mama be like, Hey, Cinderella, what’s the story all about … you know, the Suzy Bogguss song?!?! No? Well, Google it …customer experience

Did you know Millennials ranked Disney number one in the latest Brand Intimacy Report***?

***Survey was not by the Porter family nor was the Porter family surveyed for this report.

Why did they rank Disney number one you ask? Millennials tend toward “escapism and the need for respite” during this point in their lives. Disney delivers. The Disney brand rocks it with Millennials, children, teens, parents, grandparents and everyone in between.

My latest experience at Disney World brings me back to why the most powerful brands are the ones that have mastered customer experience, among other things.

Three customer experience takeaways from Disney:

  1. Hire people who love their jobs and continually give them reasons to love it. They have to love it. There are people of all ages touching Disney Princesses and their hair and clothing for hours on end. Random lils asking questions about the Princess’ movie or last episode of their Disney Junior show. Upon each interaction, there were smiles and dialogue about the show and questions about whether they liked the outcome of that episode or if they knew what Belle’s favorite book was. My favorite answer, “Yes, princess, your hair is the same color as mine.” Swoon.
  2. Consistently deliver on the brand at every touch point. When you call the front desk or housekeeping or the restaurant at a Disney property, you always hear, “Welcome home.” If you ask, “Are you open tomorrow?” You will most certainly not hear, “We are off tomorrow. Sorry.” Take note friends.
  3. Words your team speaks matter. You are called your highness or majesty. Your children are called princess or prince or your highness every time you turn around. How can you not love being at Disney?

Customers and clients are the new royalty. The quality of customer experience you must offer to compete in your market and win is of the utmost importance — now more than ever.

Dream big marketer. Be A Champion.

Disney, you got me hook, line and slipper.



Valentine’s Day, Saint Valentine, and the history behind it all lies in somewhat of a mystery. Today, it seems as if this is just a holiday created by a card company that reminds millions of people all around the world that they need to purchase something romantic and sometimes expensive for their significant other.

Yet, it’s not true. The biggest misconception about Valentine’s Day is that it’s supposed to burn a hole in your pocket. You don’t need to break the bank to give that special someone that feeling of being wanted, you just need to show them that they’re on your mind.

Let’s rewind back to when we were in grade school for a moment, or for those of you that have young children, this will be quite applicable. Remember, each year on February 14th, you would put on your backpack stuffed to the brim with little Valentine’s Day cards that usually had a piece of candy in them. There was one for each student in the class, nothing exclusive. Although you may not have known all the students in your class, it was exciting to receive a little note from everyone. It was the thought that counted. Now, that’s what I believe Valentine’s Day should be about, the thought behind the message, even if it is just a simple one.

I believe that companies can learn something from this! Companies can promote their business while also providing social media users with that warm feeling of getting a Valentine in grade school by creating shareable content this Valentine’s Day. Since the invention of the “Share” button on Facebook, there are quite a few ways to spread this thoughtful holiday. Imagine a Facebook notification popping up while you’re in class or at work from that person you’re thinking about on Valentine’s Day. Even if it’s a corny message, you’ll get that warm, fuzzy feeling. On top of that, you’ll create a positive association with the brand that made the Valentine that you’re proud to have on your Wall.

Another way to utilize this shareable content in through Snapchat, and my favorite campaign I saw a Picture1few years ago was something Taco Bell created. Taco Bell generated simple Valentine’s Day cards, similar to those we received in grade school, but digital, and had a space open for “to:” and “from:” The company really went back to the basic meaning of Valentine’s Day, to send a kindhearted card that showed others that they were being thought of.

So this Valentine’s Day, get back to basics! Thoughtfulness still reigns supreme.

It’s not easy being green.

Or is it? The Pantone Color Institute has announced that Greenery is the official 2017 color of the year, number 15-0343 to be exact. And as a graphic designer, there is nothing I love more than a new source of inspiration.

Pantone_Greenery-215x215In the world of marketing, color has a way of evoking feelings and attitudes toward companies and their brands that words can never quite achieve on their own. Color brings about meanings and connotations that cause the viewer to associate that brand with their unique personal experiences. Whether it’s the specific Pantone shade you have chosen for your company logo, the background hue of your website, or the paint on the walls of your store, color is powerful and can have an immense impact on the way customers perceive your company.

To complicate it even more, color works in harmony with shapes, graphics, and images to portray your brand or company. Color can increase brand recognition and symbolize meaning behind words. A fiery red portrays vibrancy and energy, while a cool blue conveys relaxation, loyalty, and tranquility. Even the names of colors matter. Research has shown that people prefer a mocha sweater over a brown one, and lemon colored plates over yellow ones. Even when they’re the exact same shade! There is actually a chemical reaction in the human brain that produces an emotional response to color. This reaction triggers various thoughts, memories, and associations. And when it comes to your brand, of course you want to make sure you are triggering the reactions you are looking for.

But what about this fresh new hue? What does green represent? It’s known for all kinds of things! A green traffic light means go. “Going green” means being environmentally conscious and recycling. “Feeling green” can mean you are sick, and “green with envy” symbolizes jealousy. Green also represents growth and rebirth. But what about this particular shade? Pantone describes Greenery as a refreshing and revitalizing shade, and symbolic of new beginnings. They say it is a fresh and zesty yellow-green shade that evokes the first days of spring when nature’s greens revive, restore and renew. Illustrative of flourishing foliage and the lushness of the great outdoors, the fortifying attributes of Greenery signals consumers to take a deep breath, oxygenate and reinvigorate. What a rich and inspirational color!

Here’s a fun fact: did you know that there are more shades of green than any other color? Think of all the shades out there: lime green, avocado green, army green, emerald green, grass green, to name a few. There are so many green things to love:

  • Green foods, like avocados, zucchini, broccoli, cucumbers, kiwis, limes, pickles, pears, and even green M&M’s (Legend has it that they are an aphrodisiac, or so we hear!)
  • Lucky four-leaf clovers, and leprechauns on St. Patrick’s Day
  • Sparkling green emeralds
  • Evergreen trees, fields of grass, and lush foliage outdoors
  • Green animals, such as frogs, geckos, turtles, lizards, snakes (ok, maybe not snakes)
  • Money, also called greenbacks
  • Legendary characters like the Incredible Hulk, the Grinch, Peter Pan, Shrek, the Jolly Green Giant, and Kermit the Frog

A few of our other favorite green things, here on the Porch:


Feizy green pin-striped rug (Duprine Collection), green juice from The Gem, and green jewelry from Ellen Hoffman Designs. We love green so much on The Porch, we even rocked it for our most recent team photo.

So next time you’re thinking green, or feeling green, or seeing green, try to remember how much color matters, and what it can do for you and your company. It is always smart to consider whether it’s a good time to rebrand yourself. What color is going to be the source of inspiration for your brand this year?

The term “Pick Six” has long been associated with big success:

  • In horse racing, Pick Six is a wager in which a bettor picks one horse in each of six races, leading to a big payout.
  • In football, Pick Six refers to an interception (pick) being returned for a touchdown.
  • In lottery terms, Pick Six refers to the big payout that occurs when six regular numbers are picked.
  • In wrestling, Pick Six is a ranking system used by the Ring of Honor to determine championship contenders.Front Porch Marketing big success

Big. Successes.

And so, in honor of our sixth year in business, we on the Porch formulated our own Pick Six … for business success, big success!

  1. We’re picking Brand Architecture. It’s so important. When was the last time you really evaluated your brand? Is it due to be re-visited? We can help you look at it in a fresh way to ensure you are capitalizing on what makes you unique.
  2. Number two on our list of picks: What have we been up to on the Porch? We had an extremely rewarding experience (and an absolute blast) at the PowerGen Trade Show in Orlando with our rocking client, TodoModo. Check out our blog about the experience!
  3. Number three involves talking, and lots of it. What have we been talkin’ about? Maximizing your marketing! We spoke about that very thing at the Arlington Board of Realtors‘ Meeting January 27th.
  4. What we are off our rocker about? The Super Bowl! The Atlanta Falcons and the New England Patriots will face off in this colossal battle February 5th and we know what we will be serving at our soiree: The Barefoot Contessa’s Parmesan and Chipotle Popcorn, a chili bar (seriously genius idea – thank you Food & Wine Magazine) and Iron Skillet Peach Crisp. A Texas menu if we’ve ever heard one.
  5. Highlights from the Porch Team bring us to our number five pick. Our rocking’ interns, Grace and Rachel, have been an impressive breath of fresh air around here – and we are enjoying watching them weigh their next steps, as their graduation dates are rapidly approaching!
  6. And our final pick: The power of the referral in gaining new clients. We are continually amazed and humbled that our Porch family continues to grow through marketing and referrals. Thank you for all you do to keep our Porch rocking!

Please keep those many referrals coming. We are so grateful. Join us on the Porch via Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn. Subscribe to our blog here.

Thanks, friends, for riding the sixes with us. Here’s to another wildly successful year!

Do motivational quotes really work?

I, for one, am a firm believer in the power of motivational quotes. While studies about their effectiveness are divided, I can personally attest to the fact that reading my favorite quotes in the morning has truly helped me have a more positive outlook each day. I used to think quotes were “cheesy” and ineffective, but throughout the past year, I have strategically posted motivational words and phrases in my living space to start my day on a positive note; and it’s worked.

Screen Shot 2017-01-22 at 4.27.46 PMMy two personal favorite quotes are: “Always believe that something wonderful is about to happen” and “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day”. Reading these words every morning reminds me to count my blessings and to look on the positive side every time something “negative” happens. Although I am already a positive person, I believe these practices have made me a better student, friend, and overall person.

So what do you have to lose? Give it a try! Here is my advice about how to utilize positive quotes in your daily life:

  1. Spend some time researching. Find words and sayings that really resonate with you. Write them down on sticky notes, or print them out and hang them somewhere prominent.
  2. Read them to yourself in the morning and remind yourself of the importance and relevance of each quote.
  3. Once you find your favorites, share them with friends or family!

Hopefully, soon you will find yourself living the mantra. Words are powerful!

P.S. If you’ve ever wondered why we on the Porch prominently display our favorite inspirational quotes on our Facebook feed or Instagram every morning, now you know!

The beginning of a new year is always a great time to have a brand review and create a fresh approach to achieving your business goals. Growth is always a goal for any business, but as your business grows and develops, you need to check and see if your brand reflects the business as it is today – not what it was last year or the year before.

brandHere are some tips for checking up on your brand for this year: 

  • Does your brand reflect the personality and values of the company? If you don’t think it does, customers certainly won’t either. While the mission, vision and values of your company shouldn’t change often, shifts in your business or marketing strategy may affect the brand. A brand review gives you the opportunity to align it with your mission and vision so that you are connecting with the right people and growing your business year after year. Integrate your brand into everything you do – from answering the phones to your website design to your business cards – every customer touch point needs to be considered.
  • Get feedback from external sources and be aware of how your company is perceived. People make decisions based on emotions so you need your brand to emotionally connect with your audience and feel assured that they know the who, what and why of your business.
  • Review your brand standards and make sure every element translates across all delivery channels to ensure your brand is consistent.
  • Define your key messages and make sure every member of the team knows what they are so they are aware of and can effectively communicate your brand attributes.

Completing an annual brand review will ensure that you are staying true to your brand, which will help ensure customers come back again and again.

Come see us on the Porch if you are in need of a brand review. We can ensure that your strategy and activities are aligned with your brand to maximize success!

marketing mistakes to avoidMarketing mistakes happen. Heck, mistakes period happen. Seems the older I get the more I make them. I blame it on my kids age.

Many of the business owners and marketing leaders we have talked with so far this year have said Q1 2017 projections are even more positive than anticipated. Fan – freakin’ – tastic!!

Avoid these three marketing mistakes this quarter:

  1. Chasing the new, shiny object(s). Wait. What was I blogging about … With all the artificial intelligence news, virtual reality hype, etc., don’t forget the foundation – the 2017 marketing plan with strategies, goals and tactics. Don’t get me wrong, keeping your eye on the latest and greatest is a must, but don’t let what brought you here and all that you planned to do fall by the wayside.
  2. Lack of communication with your team. We get it. You are being pulled in a million directions, and it sometimes can be a challenge to make sure your team knows what is going on in all parts of your business. Your team can help and want to do so. If you can’t keep up with your regular team meetings, calls or emails, ask someone to step up in your stead. Your team and marketing partners will thank you and your business will also reap the benefits of continued internal communication.
  3. Give everyone a say in marketing decisions. When it comes to marketing and branding, opinions are like … sorry, started to quote my friends Salt-N-Pepa. You don’t need to pass marketing ideas around to each and every business partner, team member, family member (spouses included) and friend. Trust your team. You know, the people you pay to own and create your marketing plan, initiatives and assets.

I will leave you with those thoughts. May your Q1 2017 continue to rock. Oh, and happy freakin’ birthday week to me (shameless birthday brat plug).

Chief Rocker Julie Porter can be followed on Twitter and Instagram and so can her company. Follow Front Porch Marketing on Twitter by clicking here, like us on Facebook by clicking here and follow our LInkedIn company page and Instagram fun.

As the ball drops and another year is rung in, we all create New Year’s Resolutions. These resolutions are typically something like staying fit and healthy, spending less and saving more, or learning something new.

learn-new-skills-for-the-new-year-thumbHowever, as a senior in college, my New Years resolution is to secure a marketing career before graduation. Similar to many other students, I completed the application process for companies right as school began, and to my dismay, I have become all too familiar with the response: “We appreciate your desire to join our company, but at this time, we are not hiring yet for the spring.”

The Marketing major’s path to finding that first job is much different than those of Finance, Supply Chain, Accounting and even Management majors. What I have come to notice is that these other specialties seem to offer jobs early in the fall, while marketing companies have the tendency to wait until the spring. Being the girl that has always been highly organized and a big planner, this is something that I have struggled with.

Rather than letting this get me down, I plan on being positive in 2017 and using this to my advantage. As I watch many of my friends accept job offers they have received as early as August, I have to wonder if that would be best for a person like me. The uncertainty of where I will be in the future has motivated me to develop myself, my skills, and my portfolio, and has kept me from catching “senioritis”. The upper-division classes I am taking supply me with both hands-on experience and material that I can confidently discuss in upcoming job interviews.

Because I have been constantly focused on making myself a stronger job candidate, I have also had to grow my network. I have applied to dozens of marketing companies, both agency and corporate, consulted with career advisors, and attended many job fairs. This has not only helped get my foot in the door of many places, but has also led me closer to deciding exactly which career is right for me. I know that this ambitious flame inside of me would have dimmed and I would not have been able to consider the endless opportunities that are out there if I had jumped the gun and accepted a job in the Fall.

So to all my fellow Marketing majors out there, or any upcoming graduates on the job hunt, let’s shake up 2017! Look at this as the ultimate chance to grow yourself, develop your skills and learn about all of the different paths that there are. Good things happen to those who wait and remember that if you are not moving forward, you are moving backward.

Happy New Year, Y’all!

It’s been a rockin’ year at Front Porch Marketing and for our blog, Off Our Rocker. Off Our Rocker Blog

Our team shares their musings, wisdom and counsel about branding, marketing, trends, pop culture, being a working mother and motherhood in general here.

We love to blog for clients, our team members, advocates and ourselves and have decided to countdown and share with you the five most-read blog posts for 2016.

We would love for you to look back and read them again or maybe read them for the first time.

So, we will leave you with these.

Happy almost New Year.

No. 5 Blog

Motivation: 5 Ways to Find It When You’ve Hit a Wall, by Ann Marie Bishop

No. 4

Do Your Actions Speak Louder than Likes?, by Darcey Newsum

No. 3

4 Lessons Learned By Losing, by Vanessa Hickman

No. 2

5 Rockin’ Things About Branding & Marketing Businesses, by Julie Porter

No. 1

Being a Working Mom: Five Things That Saved Me This Summer, by Jacqui Chappell