2022 reflections from The Porch are in!

I enjoy seeing where the commonality lies each year between each of the Rockers as we all offer our reflections on our individual lives. This year, slow and steady was the name of the game. We need the steady years in life – years without major personal and/or professional events or milestones.  They are the rebuilding years. They allow us to identify areas we’d like to see change, to set goals upon a solid foundation, and to take a breather for those years that catch us by surprise.

We hope you had the 2022 you wished for, and that our reflections foster a connection to your own.

Alison Moreno – Rock Collector

I feel 2022 was finally “back to normal” following the height of Covid in 2020-2021. My son began learning how to drive, my daughter began the decision process for which high school to go to, my husband moved up in his company, and we added a new dog to the family. My family was making advances and I kept things steady.  Professionally, I felt comfortably steady, but not did not experience any growth. Some years are meant for a “steady pace wins the race” mentality and this was one of those years. With the freedom from being my kids’ chauffeur, I am excited to set and focus on my own professional and personal goals moving into 2023.

Vanessa Hickman – Rock Star

Recently, someone mentioned a “covid blessing”. A covid blessing could be a lot of things. For me, it became a positive outcome from the unusual and unprecedented circumstances everyone weathered during the previous two years. The 2020-2021 timeframe created a lot of change for my family. My now teenage boys started at a new school. We attended a new church. Also, we found new ways of working. And, we are grateful for the people those changes have brought to our lives, but I am also thankful for 2022 which allowed us to focus on restoring something old to make it new for our family.

At the end of 2021, we acquired a lake property. So the beginning of 2022 was spent renovating that property. We rebuilt from the ground up, floor to ceiling. We even raised the roof (which still brings me much joy to say)! I draw similarity between the lake house renovation and the year. Reflections on 2022? It was a year of setting new foundations, rebuilding, reinforcing, redesigning, and raising the roof!  

Natalie Rosga – Rock Enthusiast

Thinking about 2022, I’ve tried to make a conscious effort every day to remember to slow down! One step at a time, one task at a time, one breath at a time. It’s ok if not every task is checked off the list at the end of the day. It’s more important to call it a night and wake up feeling happy and rested and ready to tackle the new day. 

This year has also been about carving out time for myself. As a mom, taking care of yourself typically falls to the bottom of the list. I’m learning that making time for myself is ok. Whether it’s a run on the treadmill, a pedicure, drinks with girlfriends, or a night out with my husband…it’s important to focus on myself. 

Slow and steady wins the race! Let’s also not forget that the house is happier when mom is happy! 

Lea Ann Allen – Swiss Army Rock

2022 has been a year where I definitely felt the notion of “the older you get the more you become yourself” take hold. I was more able to focus on important things and simply drop everything that I didn’t need in my life any longer: the naysayers, the time sucks, the unnecessary complications. I felt able to experience some of the joy of my early career in the work that I do, and constantly surprised myself when I found more patience, more stamina or more appreciation that I thought I had in me.

Last spring, my family replaced all the siding on our house which made it stronger and more able to withstand whatever the Texas weather plans to throw at us. At the same time, I honed self-care, exercise, and nutrition to make myself stronger and more able to withstand whatever life plans to throw at me next. Reflections on 2022 make me look forward to 2023 as a better version of my 2022 self!

Christine Finnegan – Media Rocker

In 2022, I practiced gratitude more than any other time in my life. It truly allowed me to view life through a positive lens. My thought process became increasingly optimistic and focused on solutions rather than problems. In the new year I am going to continue on this track by noticing simple pleasures and acknowledging everything that I have and having an awareness on a continuous basis of how I have been given. 

Julie Porter – Chief Rocker

Speaking of gratitude; in our 11th year, I continued to be humbled by the amazing, talented, genuine folks I get to work with, those who entrust us with their branding and marketing, as well as the leaders who refer us to their contacts. Thank you to each of you.

This year my son, while also venturing into leadership roles in college, was able to intern on the Porch, where he too, received the gift of working with the Front Porch Marketing team, clients, and advocates.

I had the pleasure of once-again managing amazing volunteers, assisting with event coordination, and working with an amazing committee so the Jesuit Women’s Auxiliary Christmas Bazaar can steadily grow bigger and better each year.  I have had the honor of regularly spending time with my daughter in her quest to volunteer helping animals. Our experience at Dallas Animal Services (DAS) has enriched our lives and relationship.

I am also grateful for the opportunity to take on a physical building project this year. The beach is my happy place.  It is a consistent vacation choice for my family because it allows me to rest and reset. In January we purchased a beach condo. We envisioned saving money on trips to the coast and creating a revenue generating rental experience. As these endeavors often do, the condo process has not gone as quickly, as smoothly, or as cost-effectively as I hoped. However, I cannot help but be grateful for reflections on the lessons I’ve learned and the people I’ve met along the way.  I have also been able to view first-hand the awe-inspiring tenacity and resilience from the people of Florida as they rebuild following a catastrophic hurricane season.

On a Steady Path: Reflections On Gratitude

Some seasons are awash with major developments, milestones, or life-altering events. Some are meant to keep us on a steady path. I have learned there is a lesson in all of them and to find gratitude in each.

We hope that you had a relaxing 2022 holiday season with family, friends, and we wish you steady growth in 2023.

Do You Have a Plan For Your Business for Next Year?

At Front Porch Marketing, we live and breathe small business marketing success. We love to see our clients grow and thrive, so we’re always sharing our small business marketing tips and tricks! Every week on our blog this year (and past years) we’ve shared some of our insider knowledge on websites, PR, design, content, social media, email marketing and all things marketing to help our readers build their business through marketing done right.

Rock Your Business With These Marketing Tips

Having worked with so many small and medium-sized businesses, in just about every industry, we’ve got quite a bit of knowledge to share. Maybe it might help you set your business up for success in 2023 too! Since it’s the year-end, we’ve gathered up the best marketing tips and tricks for you in the list below. So bookmark this page, and you’ll be building your marketing practice in no time. Need help implementing any of these marketing strategies or tactics? We’ve got you covered, just ask!

Creating your Marketing Plan

Marketing Strategies for Start-Up Businesses

How to do a Branding Refresh

Designing a Logo to Represent Your Brand

Event Marketing Tips

Maximizing Your Marketing Budget

Effective Media Relations

PR Best Practices

Assessing your Social Media

Upgrading Your LinkedIn Profile

How to Do Successful Social Media

How to Write for your Business Blog

Building a Great Website for your Company

Email Marketing Tips

Text Message Marketing Explained

Working with Social Media Influencers

We Hope Your Find Our Marketing Tips Helpful

As we close out the year, we want to thank each and every one of you for reading our weekly blog, and newsletter. Let us know what you’d like to know more about, and we’ll try answering your questions in a blog post in 2023. We wish your business endeavors much success next year.

The recent elections completely dominated the news. And will continue to do so in the days that follow. An unpredictable news cycle can occur at any time. This presents a challenge for businesses looking to align their PR in the news.

5 Tips to Draw Out Content in an Unpredictable News Cycle

Erratic news cycles negate the valuable time that is put forth to pitches. These cycles prevent your client’s story from gaining traction. Try one of these techniques for engaging with journalists to get the best results:

1. Flexibility

A client usually has a set date for an announcement or event. It’s absolutely necessary to pivot the strategy if a major news story breaks. If a date cannot be moved, then the plan has to rely on post coverage. Always make sure that ample photos and videos are banked and submitted once the heady headline of the unpredictable news cycle has ebbed.

2. Response

Response time is important! Become the person that a journalist can depend upon. When a news story breaks, reporters are on tight deadlines. Respond immediately to requests for images or quotes from a client that you represent. Always provide links to hi-res photos, a press release with a quote, a product or person overview and a company boiler plate.

3. Newsjacking

David Meerman Scott coined this term in his book, “Newsjacking.” According to Scott, Newsjacking is the process of adding your client’s thoughts and opinions into breaking news stories. Newsjacking is a piggyback onto trending news topics. Clients can still get noticed during unpredictable news cycles using this technique.

4. Evergreen

Evergreen content has virtually no expiration date. So ideally it will retain its value over the long-term — just like trees that never lose their leaves. In terms of value, this content never loses significance. It even continues to gain traction. With the right strategy, evergreen content will consistently generate interest over time. People will reference it for years to come, regardless of the news cycles.

5. Media Downtimes

Generally media downtimes take place during the holidays. During this period, journalists are more receptive to evergreen content, byline articles and feature stories. Incorporate this timeframe into your client’s editorial calendars. Pitch ready stories in mid-November to use at any during the holiday season. This strategy is effective for the obvious fact that the client is getting media coverage. The bonus is that it will run when most people have the time to watch or read the content.

Don’t Fret — This News Cycle Will End

Unpredictable news cycles do end. So in the meantime instead of panicking, try one of these techniques to keep your client’s brand top-of-mind. Preventative or proactive PR and media relations can be a very successful approach to use to keep your client from defaulting to reactive solutions.

Reminder: its almost Gratitude Week — or as most people call it, Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is one of our favorite times of the year. Why? Because there is much to be grateful for and so many blessings to celebrate. So here’s your gratitude reminder!

Gratitude for Those Around Us

On the Porch, we are thankful for our team, supportive families and friends, clients and advocates. We are always looking for ways to show our gratitude to our village. In doing so, we often have opportunities to create new, authentic connections as well.

Five Ways You Can Share Your Gratitude to Clients and Customers:

  1. Share experiences. Host an event or invite them to attend events with the team. The time spent together is invaluable in building relationships and expressing gratitude toward one another.
  2. Share socially. Acknowledge loyalty on your company’s social networks.  Follow, like and comment on others’ posts.
  3. Share financially. Donating to a cause they care about signals your attentiveness to what is important to them.
  4. Share milestones. Commemorate birthdays, business founding dates, anniversaries together. Celebrating success is motivating and boosts confidence. We can all afford to celebrate more in life!
  5. Share simply. Thank them at each touchpoint and in every interaction. A simple “thank you” goes a long way. Gratitude is a gift you can share any time of the year!

A Big Thanks from The Front Porch

Your clients and customers play huge roles in your success and should be reminded of your gratitude at every opportunity. So from all of us on the Porch, thank you to our own clients, customers, and readers of this blog. We appreciate you and wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!

Put Your Marketing Must-Have Plan in Place Now.

Are you ready to tackle your company’s marketing must-have plans for next year? You’re in luck! We’ve simplified that list for you, to get you started. Your business success can be mapped out ahead of time with these five guideposts put in place to execute against.

Having a plan means you know what to do to build your business according to seasons, holidays, business cycles, trends and more. And, if you need help formulating any of these must-haves — or executing them, please ask us!

The Marketing Must-Haves:

1. Marketing Plan

What are your 2023 business and marketing goals? Define them now. Make a marketing plan. Then add in audiences, competition, SWOT, strategies and tactics. Know who you are and what you’re doing. Know what makes your company unique, and what your brand’s biggest benefit is.

2. Content Calendar

This important calendar includes social media and blogging as marketing initiatives. Know what you’re going to talk about every month and every week using this calendar. Take advantage of social media trends. Every content strategy needs a roadmap with dates, and this calendar is super helpful for engaging your consumer on a regular basis.

3. Marketing Timeline

Calendarize key events pertinent to your business, down to the day. Know what events to capitalize on for business success. Plan out when you will carry out campaigns for advertising, digital or print, as well as event pushes, PR and media relations, holiday and event marketing and more.

4. Marketing operations — including people, technology and analytics

Do you have the right team in place? Do you have enough team to get the job done next year? What tech and analytics tools do you need to execute and then evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies against your goals?

5. Marketing Budget

Once the four above have been defined, put numbers to each of them. Create a marketing budget that maximizes your impact. Plan for this budget quarterly, and then, manage to it monthly. Staying on track will pay off.

No matter the size of your business, start on your marketing must-haves now.

Take the guesswork out of what to do next week, next month, or just next with these five marketing must-haves for planning your next business year! We’ve seen our clients grow year over year when we help them set these must-have marketing goals in place. Then, we work together diligently all year to execute against them for business growth and success. It can work for you too.

Sports Mom Perspectives on Marketing

Here we are. End of a season and that means a sports blog is imminent. I am a sports mom of two boy athletes. This fall season was extra special because we got a double dose of football with one on varsity and one on middle school. Here’s what we learned.

Our freshman is a football enthusiast, works hard and leaves it all on the field. However, we had little expectations for varsity field time because he’s a freshman. At the beginning an upperclassman parent asked: what position does your son play? Stumbling a bit, “we don’t really know yet” the response (in jest) was: “C’mon sports mom, you don’t know what position your kid plays?”

Well, yes, we knew what he wanted to play, but we didn’t know where he was going to fit in the team. He was a newcomer, learning a new system and building relationships. The first game on special teams he got a five-yard penalty on the FIRST play because of a major rookie mistake. He got his first sack in game four. His first strip and recovery in game eight.

He has had equal moments of failure and success on the field, he learned a lot about being a teammate, work ethic, leadership and most important to us — he had a TON of fun.

Sports Mom Takeaway: Be open to new roles and positions. Adopt the “put me in coach” mentality and learn as much as you can as quickly as you can to make a positive impact on your team.

Our middle schooler does dual sports in the fall. Watching him balance two sports with ease and grace brings us joy. In baseball he is a catcher, pitcher, and infielder. He didn’t pitch the first two tournaments. When he inquired with his new coach, he didn’t even know he was a pitcher, because our kid never told him! Faceplant moment here, friends.

At the next tournament we had two game injuries that took the other two catchers out for the season. We thought our kid would be behind the plate the rest of the season, because that was where he was needed. The next tournament he pitched two games. How? His coach knew it was important to him and found a catcher to help us so he could have his shot. He did well.

Takeaway: Respectfully communicate how you want to contribute and back it up with performance.

The dichotomy of having a freshman (who is watching the upperclassman) and an upperclassman – the 8th grader has been fascinating! Both are leading in their own ways. We have noticed student athletes (peers and opponents, underclassman and upperclassman) get wrapped up in titles, positions, and stats. A kid that is so wrapped up in their performance can became unrecognizable by his friends and family.

So, as a sports mom, tap the breaks if the stats are the drive. It’s a game. A game that can teach valuable life lessons, but it is still just a game. Here on The Porch we don’t take our titles too seriously; I have never sung or played an instrument in front of crowd but do try to deliver rockstar results on every project.   

Final Sports Mom Takeaway: Don’t let titles (positions) and stats be your drive. Instead focus on learning and improving your craft.

Modern marketing is inherently a team sport. No one can win the game (or grow their business) alone. Different “players” with different skills must work together to produce results. So on to the next season. In the winter we play basketball, so the sports mom in me will no doubt discover more life lessons to share in the spring. Let’s play ball!

How do you define a testimonial? Put simply, a testimonial conveys an individual’s thoughts or feelings toward a product or service.

In marketing, praise from a happy customer is one of the most important tools a company can use to show potential customers the value of its products and services. Not only that, they help your business build trust with customers, which ultimately leads to increased sales. And it goes without saying, a satisfied customer is your brands best advocate.

Testimonials are powerful marketing tools

Leveraging testimonials is a powerful tool you can use in your marketing efforts and there are many ways you can implement them in your strategy. Let’s spend a few minutes highlighting three ways to take advantage of them.

1. Display testimonials on your website.

Think about your favorite websites? Now go visit a couple of them. Chances are you’ll find a customer comment or two prominently displayed on the homepage of the site (or sprinkled throughout the site.) Your website is your front door for customers to learn about and purchase your product or service. So it makes sense you use this valuable real estate to tout what your loyal customers are saying.

2. Use testimonials in your social media efforts.

Do you ever find yourself at a loss for fresh social content? Testimonials are a great way to engage customers. They are usually short in content making them perfect for sharing across your social channels. If you want to take it a step further, try video testimonials. Start by asking your customers to submit a short video reviewing your product or service and their user experience. Conclusion? A customer providing insight into how your company positively impacted them can be very powerful.

3. Incorporate them in your email marketing.

Email marketing is yet another way you can incorporate customer praise. First, tie it into your email content. For example, if you’re promoting your top-selling coat for the winter season ahead, include two or three customer testimonials all raving about varying benefits (value, warmth, style, etc.). Second, email is a great way to collect customer testimonials. So, try to include a link to a feedback form and ask customers to submit a testimonial for potential use in upcoming marketing initiatives.

Overall, I think you’ll agree it’s easy to see why testimonials are a popular strategy in advertising your business products or services. If you haven’t considered implementing them into your marketing initiatives, what are you waiting for?

Welcome Debbie, or shall we say “Rock Climber”!

It’s time to welcome a new team member to the Porch. We love adding members (and their fun rock-based titles) to our team, and we’re so excited to introduce you to Debbie Stern. You can read her deets on our team page, and we’ve asked her a few questions so you can get to know her better. And then you can send her a big “howdy!”

What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

People often say they don’t have the time or the money to do any marketing. This naivete is typically due to a lack of facts, education, and information that impedes growth. First, there are countless professionals available to assist small businesses with maximizing their resources most effectively. The right agency or team can develop a strategy to meet your needs on a limited budget. Even some smaller, inexpensive initiatives (such as online promotions, press releases, email marketing, and social media campaigns) can be implemented without spending a fortune and still demonstrate a successful ROI.

What advice would you give to younger Debbie Stern?

Sometimes taking risks and making mistakes is the best way to learn.

What is one of the biggest lessons you’ve learned in your career?

There is value in networking, building, and maintaining relationships. It’s not what you know, it’s who you know that makes the difference.

What does good marketing look like?

Good marketing engages or educates your target audience in some manner. If you can also demonstrate a ROI, then it’s even better.

If you could be anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

Sipping a glass of wine in a piazza in Florence, Italy

If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead, who would it be?

My teenage son, whom I never see at dinner, or anywhere else, for that matter.

If you could describe Debbie Stern in three words, what would they be?

Persistent. Resourceful. Thoughtful.

What is your favorite thing about Front Porch Marketing?

The commitment, dedication, and shared expertise.

Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

A major milestone is occurring right now. My 17-year-old son is applying to colleges while I am transitioning my parents from their lifelong home in Houston, to Dallas. A lot of change at one time.

In what ways do you see the team at Front Porch Marketing have aligned values?

We are all devoted to moving the needle for our clients, whatever it takes. We enjoy the process of research and discovery and developing the most creative, competent, and cost-effective solutions for our clients.

How would you describe the culture at Front Porch Marketing?

Collaborative. Flexible. Authentic.

From your perspective, how does Front Porch Marketing differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

Projects are assigned to the right person for the right job. Front Porch Marketing plays to the expertise and strengths of our team, ensuring that each person is the best match for the assignment. This allows each team member to contribute most effectively to powerful branding by making connections, informing, educating and generating engagement.

What is a fun fact about you?

I am addicted to a plethora of TV shows and was once a contestant on Wheel of Fortune for College Week.

How can your company create better social media content and increase engagement? A cost-effective marketing strategy that is often overlooked today is employee — we prefer “team”— activation. Not only can employee activation, hence forth, team activation, benefit brands externally but internally as well.

What is Team Activation?

Team activation provides team members with social media guardrails. This approach allows them to share content and ideas on social media that align to their interests and professional goals.

More than 10 years ago, employee advocacy was popular. Team activation is similar but more engaging and collaborative. Employee advocacy forces team members to blast boilerplate messages and brand content to their social networks. The generic approach and efforts of employee advocacy fizzled out over time.

But team activation encourages employees to authentically create and share content that aligns with their company, on their own channels. If done properly, team activation benefits brands from employee engagement and communication to marketing and sales. As well as much more.

How does this work on different social channels?

Team activation works across all the social networks, Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Pinterest, TikTok, Twitter, YouTube, etc. Over the past few years, according to our clients’ successful team activation campaigns, we have found:

  • Team members grow to consistently like brand posts on Facebook, Instagram and Pinterest.
  • Whereas they like LinkedIn posts and tweets, they also reshare or RT the information to their personal accounts.

How does this help the brand internally?

When team members are socially engaged, they are more likely:

  • Stay at their company
  • Optimistic about the company’s future
  • To believe the brand is more competitive

How does this approach help the brand externally?

Here’s a fact: sales reps using social media as part of their sales strategies outsell 78% of their peers. According to Social Media Today, content shared by employees receives 8x more engagement than organic content shared by brand channels. More and more, social algorithms bury a company’s page posts, tweets, pins, etc. And, people believe individuals’ social media posts and engagement are more authentic and creditable than a brands’.

Done well and right, your team becomes real brand advocates. Think less expensive form on influencer marketing. We can help. Front Porch Marketing holds collaborative in person or virtual team workshops. Also, we do one-on-one team member training.

This week, my Texas heart was deep in the heart of Florida. Florida is my second home. My son is there. My extended family is there.

My heart breaks to see all the devastation left by Hurricane Ian. Some there said it was the worst storm that they’d experienced. Hurricane Ian’s wrath is incomprehensible to those of us who watched it from afar. And even more unbelievable for those who suffered through it. And yet, I was lifted up by this story in the Orlando Sentinel. Ian “couldn’t sink New Smyrna Beach.” The heart of Florida is strong, but it has weighed heavily on me, on all of us, this week, and will for months to come.

But here’s how to help. Wherever you are in the country, if you are so inclined, we are grateful that you might extend your heart to others:

Organizations that are working in the heart of Florida right now:

American Red Cross – Red Cross disaster relief teams have been working around the clock with partners and local officials to provide emergency assistance to those in need. In the wake of such a devastating, widespread disaster, families and individuals impacted urgently need your support. Donate here.

Communities Foundation of Texas – Our local organization has posted a helpful list of organizations to support, that are working to lend aid to Florida at this time. Click here.

Florida Disaster Fund – This fund raised more than $20 million in 48 hours for The Florida Disaster Fund. That is a testament to the absolute generosity and compassion from people across Florida and in fact across the country.

Lastly, we want to say thank you to our clients, advocates and team for the patience and grace this week. You constantly remind us that we’re all in this together and we could not be more grateful.