Author Archives: Julie Porter

2021 is your chance to start fresh in marketing your business – so here’s your Marketing 101 for 2021

In the sea of marketing possibilities: programs, platforms, practices, what is the best course of action? It can be overwhelming. And with the promising new year of 2021 approaching, how do you decide what to focus or re-focus on? Marketing 101. Back to basics.

We are finding that many of our clients are spending this quarter reflecting and refocusing. They are homing in on what makes their business better, and then doing more of that for their Marketing 101. They are taking this opportunity – when much of the world is operating under an umbrella of The Great Unknown – to really get to know themselves, and know themselves well. And then take the necessary steps to take their company to the next level.

How did we get here? Pandemic. Panic. And from both of these we are seeing a renewed sense of Purpose. How has that manifested itself? We have all gotten more digitally focused, learning new platforms that keep work working when we can’t be together. We have all learned how to be more efficient with our precious time – doing more with less because we have to. We’ve all become experts at continuing to reach our customers with fewer resources. We have all learned how to focus on what’s important in our daily lives. So we propose Marketing 101: focusing on doing fewer important things for your business in 2021 – and doing them better.

Be the brand of your dreams.

Your brand is the foundation of your business and everything else builds up and out from there. So this is where we recommend starting. Right now is the best time to step back and reflect. Do you know what your mission is? Do you know exactly what kind of people find value in your company’s product or service? Is your brand working as hard as it could for you? Your branding should really represent and reflect your business as it stands now – because like it or not mostly everyone’s business has pivoted to an extent in the past three quarters.

We’ve rebranded a good number of our clients in the past 6 months – helping them really understand who they are, what they stand for, who their core audience is, and how they want to do business going forward. With a detailed Brand Elaborative in hand, business owners can easily discern where to focus their efforts and how to effectively market to their audience. It’s a map that leads them in the right direction for marketing in 2021.

Visual Marketing 101: Refresh your logo to reflect your brand’s mission.

A logo refresh is honestly a great place to start the new year as a Marketing 101 first step. New Year’s resolutions shouldn’t just be limited to a new diet, exercise routine or haircut. Your business can experience the same shot-in-the-arm – with a new logo – that a new haircut gives you. Armed with a strong visual presence, a lively color palette and versatile modern typefaces your brand now has new tools and a new voice to build community with your customers.

When you update your logo, you’ve created a reason to talk about your business, just as you would personally with a new haircut or new exercise routine. Keep your customers excited about the future. People want to hear good news, and celebrate success – since it seems in short supply recently – and with your new look and confident voice you can connect with them and bring them along to share in the journey.

If your brand was a person, would people want to hang out with them?

With your new branding and logo in hand, extend your voice and visuals to your social media and your website with a powerful Content Marketing plan. Make your customers feel like a community. Make them feel valued and a sense of belonging by helping them, educating them, solving their problems and being there when they need you. Your brand can have a definite personality and power. And your brand can use those powers for good. That’s a brand that people want to hang around with – the one that makes them feel important and smart.

Got limited resources? Marketing 101 says use what you have.

We hear you. One super efficient thing that brands can do is repurpose their existing content across channels. One way we maximize our client’s effectiveness is to take a look at what they have already done well and double down.

A great company brochure can be turned into 20 Facebook social media posts and most likely a blog post or two, with relevant bits of information and helpful graphics. Every company’s website is a treasure trove of social media content that’s already been written, just waiting to be broken into little pieces and shared as social media. Sometimes just having a fresh outside eye look at your company’s assets can help you see that you have more than you thought you did!

Be the best version of yourself for 2021.

Overall, when we’re looking at what to recommend to our small and medium-sized businesses for 2021, we keep coming back to these important things. Remind yourself of who you are and why you do what you do (branding), show your audience you mean it (logo) and bring them into your brand’s community (website, social, content marketing).  A brand is a promise, and 2021 can be the year your brand makes a promise to be the best version of themselves.

Finding joy is the overarching theme at my daughter’s school.

It is perfect as children are good at finding joy in the simplest of things. It is also a reminder to find joy throughout the day. Yet, in the busyness of our professional lives, practicing gratitude often takes a backseat. As enter the Thanksgiving season, what if we took the time to find joy in the most miniscule of things each day?

Practicing gratefulness is particularly important for business leaders in challenging times.  Research shows that an attitude of gratitude can mean fewer sick days and higher job satisfaction rates. It is easy to appreciate that both of those things help the bottom line.

“Great things are done by a series of small things brought together.”

~Vincent Van Gogh

Start by finding the positives.

Was that presentation you’ve worked on for a month canceled at the last minute? Great! Now you have time to connect with a coworker or to make the call you have been putting off.  Was a meeting called unexpectedly?  No problem.  Now you can grab that extra cup of coffee while you listen to a presentation.  

Uplift yourself. Each day give thanks for one very small thing or accomplishment. Start daily and increase from there, consistently giving thanks for things that may seem miniscule.

Show simple appreciation.  We all like to know our time is valued. Give thanks to your team for simple things. This can include changing the copy paper or hopping on a call at the last-minute.  Pay attention.  Check in with your team often to let them know you care. Celebrate any and all successes, no matter how small. If they are out of sorts one day, drop them a quick note to let them know you appreciate their work.  Circle back often.

Soon, you’ll notice the culture of your business is more positive.

Why wait for Thanksgiving? What is one small thing you can find joy in today? 

Woman Using Text Message Marketing

Using Text Messaging Marketing in your Marketing Plan

Is your brand using text messaging to connect with customers? Consumer preference to shop and connect with brands continues to increase steadily. Because of the pandemic, the mobile ecommerce growth that was expected to occur over the next 2 to 3 years, happened in mere months in 2020.

In addition to email marketing and social media marketing, text message marketing is an opportunity to speak with your customers in real-time. As a result, you can have real conversations with them throughout their customer journey. And, build brand loyalty. Use the space where they spend the most time – on their phone – to reach them.

Start with your business goals.

First, define your business goals before you incorporate a new marketing strategy. Next, select key performance indicators (KPIs) that will support those goals. These can be simple quantifiable measurements like subscriber growth or they can be revenue driven. Then with a clear plan for your text marketing program, you can set your company up for success.

Brands who text message can engage customers, increase loyalty and even drive revenue. Now more than ever, as consumers and brands are both feeling the effects of COVID-19, it’s important to be able to connect with your customer directly.

Last holiday season, 61% of all ecommerce sales were made on a smartphone. That represents a 27% increase from 2018. Mobile ecommerce will continue to hold a top spot as a customer preferred method of shopping. Capitalize on this shopping trend with text messaging.

Simple reasons to think about using text messaging.

Texting could be a helpful addition to your marketing mix depending on your type of business. With texting you can build the type of relationships with customers that they crave. There are many different ways to use SMS. So, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Welcome new customers
  • Create a welcome offer to new subscribers. Then, build a drip campaign (a series of texts) for these new subscribers. This welcomes them to the brand and give them a reason to stick around.
  • Offer your text message subscribers extra perks for being a subscriber. Make offers ones that aren’t given in your other digital venues. Share early access to shop new items, access to a member’s only special sale or VIP access to products.
Share new products or sales
  • Excite your customers about a new service. Send them a text with a link to your website. Then they can easily sign up for your company’s newest yoga class or hot stone massage.
  • Encourage quick action. Share limited-time deals in your shop, best-selling items running out of stock and Buy One Get One Free offers. Texting helps you highlight the time-sensitive nature of an offer.
Alert and remind
  • Keep your customers up-to-date about steps in a service process. Don’t make them guess or wait or have to track you down. Text them when their tax return is ready. Show them pictures of their new kitchen being built. Keep them aware of when your serviceman is coming to repair their refrigerator.
  • Remind your subscribers about their abandoned shopping carts with a link directly to their cart to finish their shopping journey. As a result, it’s easy for them to finish checking out. Thank them for their purchase. Reward them with a bounceback offer after the completion of their purchase.
  • Share important or timely information to your text message subscribers. If you’re a restaurant, share news like COVID-19 safety precautions, new menu items or dining options.

Your customers rely heavily on their smartphones to connect to the outside world right now. Reach out to them using text messaging. Having real-time conversation with your customers lets them know that you hear them, you understand their needs and you are ready to add value to their lives.

Being Mum~my

Fundraising for causes near to our hearts is in the Front Porch Marketing team’s fabric of being.

Last year marked my last of three being involved in Jesuit Preparatory School of Dallas Mum sales.

The new Mum Moms found a new solution to Mum sales in the COVID19 world. No Homecoming Dance or other celebrations. So why spend the time or energy?

Reasons Not to Cancel Your Fundraising Efforts

  1. It is tradition. Everyone wants to continue traditions and celebrations. Even if they look differently. Students want to celebrate Homecoming. Donors want to continue annual giving and / or event attendance. They look forward to it. We are thirsting for normalcy.
  2. Fundraising for Mums helps the school. Our school communities need more funds to operate at their best. Now more than ever.
  3. Volunteers for Mums builds school community. Volunteers help make the work happen. They come together. Celebrate tradition. Share stories. Ask advice. Coming together to make this happen.
making mums for homecoming as a fundraiser

Tips for Fundraising During the COVID

  1. Adjust communication tone. Be authentic and empathetic.
  2. Adapt communication vehicles and their frequency. Email, text and phone are preferred. Make sure they are quick and to the point. Adjust frequency. More emails and texts are needed to break through the clutter. But they must be on point and useful.
  3. Reinvent your event. Socially distant or online. Engage experts if needed. Events can still happen. It takes extra time. More investment of dollars is needed. Keeping the conversation going is immeasurable.
  4. Make involvement easy. SignUpGenius is a great vehicle. Make sure volunteers know where and when to meet. Maximize their time spent. Create opportunities to volunteer from home.
  5. Make donating simple. Eliminate all the barriers to donation. Make sure the donate button or page is front and center. Optimize the speed and ease of use.
  6. Pick up the phone or schedule a video conference. Check in with your donors. Reach out. Show them you care. You do.

My Mum Mom fundraising era has (maybe temporarily?) ended. The relationships I made with all communities and the students are priceless. Make sure your efforts create the same.

A branded Facebook page has the power to be a gathering place, a showcase or a conversation starter for your company. As a part of your social media marketing, a Facebook Business page is a very good addition to your digital asset family to connect with your customers and build a following for your business.

Why should your brand be on Facebook?

Here are five good reasons why your brand should consider being on Facebook, and a few suggestions on how to use this social media channel and it’s features to build your business.

1. Your next customer is looking for a local business just like yours

Potential customers are using Facebook to find a new favorite neighborhood restaurant, plant store, realtor or dentist. You might not think of it this way, but Facebook is a search tool just like Google. People use Facebook to ask their friends about their experiences with businesses all the time…in front of all their other friends. They use Facebook to look up your business to see what your food looks like, what your office interior looks like, what people say about you, and more.


Facebook organically suggests brand pages to people who are located nearby. Facebook also suggests brand pages to people whose friends already like that page and engage with that business. If your brand is not on Facebook, you’re not benefitting from this simple suggestion.

If your business is on Facebook, friends can recommend you easily, give you good reviews and chat about you with their circles. Facebook is a good way to be a part of the conversations that are already happening between friends all over the country…but especially in your local trade area. By having a page, you can present your brand to your community and host those conversations.

Local customers are also looking for events in their area, and Facebook Events – another great Facebook feature – helps you easily create and post an event page with its own URL and mechanism for inviting people right on Facebook. Have a fun outdoor pop-up event next month? Build an Event page and share it. Need volunteers for a non-profit help day? Facebook Events can rally neighbors to help.

2. Engage Your Employees Digitally to Show the Human Side of Your Company

You want people to think of your business as a person that they like. They need to connect to faces, names, voices and personality. Showing the human side of your business endears your brand to your customers, and creates loyalty. You already accomplish these things in your place of business with your own employees, so extend this personality and corporate culture onto your page, giving your employees a digital way to connect with the company. This both gives them the emotional reward of connectivity and shows their friends publicly what a great company you are.

Your employees are your ambassadors. Highlight their accomplishments and their awards on your company’s page, and their networks will see that engagement as well. Value your employees publicly to build positive company culture not just among your current employees, but with your future employees.

3. Your Future Employees Are Keeping Tabs on Your Company

When you use Facebook to showcase your company, you are speaking directly to not just your own employees, but to their communities containing your future employees. Convey the personality of your company and attract new employees who are already a good culture fit.

Facebook also has another helpful feature called Facebook Jobs. Companies with a Facebook Business page can build a job post easily and immediately post it into the Facebook Jobs bank. Your followers will be the first to see your job posting – which also resides as a post on your business page. Who better to be your next employee than someone who already knows all about your brand? Facebook jobs also appear in Google search and display job local to the searcher.

4. Your target demographic is on Facebook

Do you know who your customers are? Facebook Insights can help you discover the demographics of your customers, to better market to them. When people like, visit and comment on your page, you can gather information from their Facebook profiles that is helpful for your business. Using this information, you can pivot what your business does to meet your customers’ needs.

For example, if you are a CPA and your Facebook followers continue to ask you what seems like the same tax question over and over – that might be a cue to write a blog post on your website that addresses that very topic. Then, share that page on Facebook so that your followers get the information they need. And voila, you are the voice of authority and their hero.

5. Build Your Digital Presence with Facebook Traffic

On Facebook you can present information and tell stories about your company a little bit at a time; much like you would become good friends with a person over a period of time by sharing little stories about yourself. These stories give weight to your SEO and give your company better Google Search Ranking.

You can drive traffic to your website from your page. Sign up new email list subscribers. Build your authority in your field by curating and sharing relevant and useful articles. In addition, offer special sales to customers, incentives for activity on your page and hold contests or promotions.

Facebook Business pages are one of the important tools many small businesses use in their digital marketing plan. In conclusion, with 2.4 Billion active Facebook users, more and more small businesses are utilizing a Business page to connect with their customers – and future customers – through daily conversations and brand story telling.

A tracking pixel is a little HTML code that tracks behavior from your customers – it records for instance when a user visits your website or opens an email from you, or interacts with a banner ad that your brand has created. It essentially fills the same role as a cookie but tracking pixels cannot be blocked by normal browsers like cookies, so they offer an alternative information tracking process.

A tracking pixel is also a tiny graphic with the dimension of 1 pixel by 1 pixel. Because it is this tiny, no one notices when it is included on a website or in an email because it is usually designed to blend into the graphics.

Brands can use a tracking pixel to gather this behavior data and then analyze it to make better decisions on what to put on their website, in their emails, on their social channels. Where are most of your customers located so you can market to them at a local level? Are most of your customers are on-line late at night, so it would make more sense to schedule your emails or social media when they are on-line looking for answers? Maybe a tracking pixel could give you more insight into answering questions like these.

How Does a Tracking Pixel Work, and What’s in it for You?

By adding this little snippet of code to a website or email, the brand links a piece of content – like a web page, an email, or a banner – to the pixel’s server. Then when a user, let’s say visits the brand’s website (where the tiny pixel is) the code gets processed by the browser being used and is then registered and noted in the server’s log files.

When this process occurs, several different pieces of information can be transferred in regard to the content that a user is interacting with. Brands can find out answers to questions like:

  • What is the screen resolution of this device?
  • Is this content being viewed on a mobile device or desktop?
  • What is the OS of device the customer is using?
  • Is the customer looking at your content in a browser or in an email program?
  • What is the IP address and location of the viewer?
  • When was the content was viewed?
  • What types of ads does the customer like clicking on?

One of the most common use of tracking pixels is for retargeting. Did you just look at a pair of shoes yesterday and now you’re seeing those shoes in Instagram? Do you feel like you were just talking about a specific thing and BOOM there it is in Facebook? That is a tracking pixel doing its job. That little guy is trying to be helpful!

Tracking pixels are also used to measure a marketing campaign’s performance or track conversions. They can be used to build an audience base for a new product or service.

How to Insert a Tracking Pixel

Web and social analytics tools such as Google Analytics and the analytics available within Facebook for Business, for instance, give brands thorough explanations and tutorials on implementing tracking pixels. There are two ways to include a tracking pixel in your website:

  • Through your CMS dashboard.
  • In the hardcode of your website. If this is the case, you will need to get your web developer involved.

What’s in it for your customers?

Tracking pixels can benefit customers over time, as the data garnered can be used to make offers more relevant, questions answered more readily, and overall make the user’s experience better. Privacy advocates argue that pixels violate user privacy and allow spammers access to personal data more readily. User consent must be secured first and GDPR rules require the choice of opting-out of being tracked.

Many of the data points tracked and logged by a tracking pixel can be helpful information to brands when they decide what to highlight on their website – which part of the website is the most popular and gets the most traffic? One could infer that this particular content is valuable and sought after and therefore create more like it to be more helpful to their customers in the future.

Use tracking pixels wisely and carefully by being a responsible brand – answer their questions, be helpful, get them the information they need. In this way, the tiny tracking pixels can yield big results for both you and your customers.

Curbside Sales for restaurants and retailers appear to be here to stay – so think upselling, at least for a while. Your customers still crave your product. But, they want to enjoy the purchase and the consumption of it in their own homes. The simplest way to keep retail and restaurant doors open is curbside service.

Upselling the Curbside Pick-Up

Rather than shopping in your store, customers can order on line or by phone. Then, they can swing by your store as you bring their package to their car. Instead of dining in your restaurant this evening, customers are calling in their order. The customer then pulls up to your curb 15-20 minutes later ready to take their meal home.

Curbside pick-up – partnered with on-line or phone ordering – gives restaurants and retailers an effective way to keep selling. Indeed when things open back up again, this is also a new way to increase sales to an additional audience beyond the traditional in-store or in-restaurant customer.

Pick-up is not a new practice, but it is one that has been quickly honed during the pandemic.

There are best practices for curbside sales that will benefit both the customer and the business owner. Keep in mind that the easier you make things for your currently stressed-out customer, the more likely they are to return for this convenience again and again.

Get ready for curbside pick-up by optimizing your website and social media

  • Get your website, customer email and social media up to speed. Make sure your customers know you offer curbside service and how that works is a way of upselling. Put this information on the homepage of your site. Build a separate landing page for curbside and link to that on your social platforms. Zanata Restaurant in Rockwall added a pop-up talking about Curbside Pick-up on its homepage.
  • Remind customers weekly on social about curbside service. Consider having a weekly curbside special with a great photo of the item and the deal.
  • Build community with your customers. Encourage them to take a picture of their purchase (food or clothing or whatever it is) and tag your store on social media. Then you in turn repost their picture thanking them publicly. This is called “User Generated Content” and is a best practice by big and small brands alike.

Make the ordering process easy for everyone

  • When customers are ready to order, provide an on-site phone number for the customer to call or text to let you know that they are at your curb ready to pick up their order.
  • Process payments in advance either on the phone or via your website or app. Keep the transaction at the curbside swift and contactless. If you must transact at the curb invest in a mobile card processor.
  • At the time of order, ask your customer for their type and color of car picking up, and a description of the driver for clear instructions to deliver the right order to the right car.
  • Designate a parking space or a specific spot as the curb service pickup area. Mark this area with signage that has clear instructions and the on-site phone number for the customer to call once they have arrived.
  • Create a designated table inside to place curbside orders to streamline delivery during busy times. Have plastic ware, extra sauces, etc here to add to bags for food orders. Add tissue and gift bags here for retail merchandise.
  • If you have the outside space to create a pop-up drive thru, this format can make things easier for both the customer and the business for upselling. Emporium Pies in Bishop Arts District built a pop-up “Pie-Thru.” Customers get pie without leaving their cars, mimicking their famous long line of people waiting to get pie on any given weekend.

Upselling: Keep them coming back for more

  • Restaurants: include an order menu in the bag with the take-away food to make it easy for the customer to order again. Hand write a thank you note on the menu. Let the customer know how much their order meant.
  • Ask the customer if they’d like to add a gift card to their purchase to either use next time, or to share with a friend. Or, if the customer hits a certain dollar amount on an order, add a gift card to the order as a thank you. This gift card will act as a bounce back for them to return to your store again.
  • Invest in higher quality to-go containers to maintain integrity of your dishes. Presentation and temperature are still important. Big Al’s Smokehouse BBQ packages every to-go order in tamper-proof, sealed packaging. Consider branding your to-go packaging with stickers or hand-written “Thank Yous.” Adding stickers with your store’s logo and phone number or website helps remind customers how to find you.

Think outside the to-go box for upselling

Big Al's Smokehouse BBQ
  • Consider narrowing the selection of items to your restaurant’s most popular items to offer curbside to streamline delivery.
  • Offer Family Meals versions of your most popular items. Make it easier for families to just order the “Daily Family Meal for Four” for instance.
  • Package an appetizer-entrée-dessert. This is an easy to pick-up choice. Switch out this special weekly to allow for local availability of ingredients or a chance to use up what’s on hand.
  • And of course, have staff deliver bags or packages to customers’ cars wearing branded masks.
  • Add the ability for the customer to add grocery basics to their order: milk, eggs, butter, bread, fresh veggies. Saving them an extra trip to a store can earn you a more loyal customer.

Go above and beyond to offer an experience while they wait

  • Live music outside adds enjoyment when guests come to pick up their order.
  • Some restaurants, depending on TABC laws, offer drinks to go to sip on while you wait for your order.
  • Customers can order ingredients for one of your signature dishes with instructions to learn how to make it themselves at home. Some restaurants have even staged events. Consumers buy the ingredients kit and then tune into a Zoom with the chef to make from home.

There are more North Texas restaurants good to go best practices for how to do curbside service right by upselling. And there are several ideas for optimizing the outdoor space you do have. Re-imagine how to use it for curbside service and outside sales.

You can successfully make this way of doing business good for your bottom line.

Communicating with your target audience is always important. Using the right tone to do so is paramount, particularly in the current climate.

There are several examples we can use from the last few months. Similarly, some have already popped in your head.

Here are three tips to avoid the wrong tone in communications:

Stay connected. Social media and email communications play a crucial role in our interactions with clients, consumers and co-workers. Engage with each of them consistently across platforms.

Build relationships. Don’t focus only on sales. Work to build relationships by sharing content meaningful to your audience, not simply advertising your products and services.

Strike the right chord. It is important to acknowledge, in a genuine manner, the challenges facing the world. Changing your email greeting or signature is one simple solution. However, don’t simply throw an email together full of overused phrases such as “in these uncertain times” or “our new normal.” Use rhetoric and language relevant to your audience, but do not pander.

Clients have asked us if they should communicate about certain issues. We are always happy to provide our feedback. If you have worked with us before, you know we have opinions. We are not afraid to share them either.

But, above all, we want what is best for our clients personally and professionally and what is best for their businesses or organizations.

If you are going to participate in a conversation about sensitive issues, here are three additional tips:

Choose wisely. If you are going to engage regarding sensitive subjects, make sure you add value to the conversation.

Explain your position clearly and succinctly.

Commit to specific actions. Share those commitments with your audience and be accountable to them.

How you communicate is as important as what you communicate. The tone is equally as important. Do not be tone-deaf.

In conclusion, no matter the topic, always be genuine. As a result, say what you mean and mean what you say.

Over the last four weeks, strategic business leaders and owners have come to us to go back to their branding and marketing foundations. They are focused first on their team’s safety and well-being. Most talk of the “return to normal” and taking it “day by day.”

They use this time to re-evaluate and plan. The COVID-19 crisis is causing business leaders to be strong and agile. One of our favorite client quotes over the last several weeks is, “With drive, passion and desperation, we will RISE!”

Strategic leadersDavid McCormick, the C.E.O. of the hedge fund Bridgewater, was a Treasury Under Secretary during the 2008 crisis. At that time, he said, “America must step up to retain its economic might.” This rings true today.

Step up we must.

Another business leader told us recently, they feel like everything is, “Ready. Aim. Fire.”

This does not have to be.

Focus on your foundation first.

3 Strategic Branding & Marketing Fundamentals

  • Define or re-evaluate brand architecture. Think of this as the foundation of your brand. It has four pillars: brand vision, brand personality, positioning and affiliation. Our branding process is collaborative. It builds conviction. The process is built upon perceptions and goals held internally by key stakeholders. Using all points of view, we ensure brands are both differentiating and emotionally relevant.
  • Build or revisit your marketing plan. Every business should have one. Marketing drives new business development. Without those sales, you do not have the resources required for your business’s long-term stability and success. Therefore, as important as these plans are, most business owners and leaders do not devote enough time and resources to them. We tell our clients use a rifle vs. shotgun approach. Your services and/or products are not for everyone. The plan focuses on key targets who are most likely buyers. Think fewer, deeper. As a result, more meaningful strategic initiatives on a consistent basis develop connections and broaden awareness.
  • Re-evaluate or enhance your website. Is your website true to your brand? Its personality? Is the navigation user friendly? For instance, lucrative website loads fast and is mobile friendly. In other words, make your site work hard for your brand. Don’t get the veto vote because it doesn’t.

Successful business owners and leaders take the time to develop their brand architecture. Then, they develop marketing strategies and plan to build a company with a purpose. Above all, remember, “With drive, passion and desperation we will RISE!

As we are staying-at-home, trying to flatten the curve, how should businesses and non-profits adjust their marketing strategies?

Double down on digital.

There is substantial evidence to suggest that the next new normal will look very different. Much as 9/11 changed how we fly, this pandemic will change much of how we live our everyday lives.

Tap the Breaks

A business leader’s first reaction may be to slam on the breaks on marketing.  Knee-jerk reactions are not helpful. Decisions made from fear are not helpful.

Let’s gently tap the breaks.

Yes, overall spending on digital ads is down 33% and spending on traditional media is down 39% from what companies had expected to lay out. But Nielsen data shows that when people are forced to stay inside, they watch about 60% more content than usual.

And, there is more good news. Home goods saw a 51% sales increase in Q1.

Don’t stop all your marketing and advertising. If your company or organization stops marketing all together, when shelter-in-place ends, you will have to start all over again introducing your company to consumers and clients.

Double Down on Digital

Advertising is most effective when it is consistent. Shift your advertising spend instead of just stopping suddenly.

While everyone else is pulling back, you may be able to maximize your ad spend. Because there has been such a steep drop ad spending, your company can take advantage of cheaper rates and lower bids on pay-per-click advertising.

“The best time to double down is when others are not. You may not see the biggest return right away, but in the long term, you will.”

Neil Patel, Marketing Guru

The Return of Email

Email is a crucial part of your marketing mix. Remind your customers through email that although storefronts may be closed, they can still purchase your products and services online. Don’t go in for the hard sell, just be reassuring and compassionate. Remind them that you are here for them, in whatever capacity that may be, no matter what.

Your company is on the metaphorical Ark right now. Unlike the housing crisis and other events before it, we can see land (relief) in sight.

We are pleased to see companies coming to us to re-fresh their brands. Companies are asking us to update their collateral materials. And, some are asking us to help them double down on digital.

At some point, we will be able to go back to our everyday lives, with new and different habits to practice. Prepare now for that moment when you reach land. And in case we must get back on the Ark again, you’ll know what to do.