Author Archives: Allison Corona Del Cid

It only takes one person to believe in you.

These words truly resonate with me and are greatly exemplified in the connections I’ve made, both professionally and personally. From being an intern to an associate to now a coordinator, this past year and a half has been an introspective journey that I wouldn’t have changed for the world. 

During the peak of COVID last year, I thought that my plan to gain work experience before graduation would result in a dead end. Originally, I had an internship to work for Eatwith, an authentic culinary experience company, in Barcelona. Then that internship was cancelled due to the national travel ban – one that was completely understandable. Since the summer was about to begin, internships were filled and I worried that I would have a huge gap in my resume.  

Then the best thing happened.  

I shared my story about my internship falling through on Facebook and a friend of a friend led me to Julie Porter, CEO of Front Porch Marketing. From day one I felt like I was an equal to an empowering group of women. A team that truly embodies the meaning of fostering growth in one another, professionally and personally. I couldn’t believe my luck!

As an incoming marketing intern, I learned what felt like a million and one things about the marketing field all at once. From jargon to WordPress to branding, the marketing world was my oyster. Before I knew it, the summer was over and I had experience in working not only with one industry but over five – ranging from beauty to education to technology! 

Upon starting my senior year at Baylor University, I was honored when Julie asked me to continue working for the FPM team. As the new Digital Marketing Associate, I started working more autonomously on client’s websites, content creation, and branding documents. The workload was more intensive and my passion for marketing continued to grow with each passing day.

Those days quickly became a blur and before I knew it, I’d graduated from Baylor University with honors in May. As a graduate, the next stop was decidedly to get my MBA and hone my digital marketing skills. Although it seemed simple enough, the advice I received through my network ranged across the board:

The first connection wanted to connect me with Omni Hotel & Resorts in Dallas.

The second connection wanted me to work for American Express in New York.

The third connection wanted me to get my MBA at Baylor University. 

The fourth connection wanted me to get my MBA at an IVY League University.

And the fifth connection wanted me to re-pursue my interest in working internationally. 

What felt like initially one path, quickly turned into multiple forks in the road.  

The Fork I Took

Through reflection, time, and encouragement my future path is now clearer than ever. Although I’m truly sad to be departing from a company that has become like a family to me, my newest venture is now taking me to Omni Hotel & Resorts where I will be the new Digital Media Coordinator. I cannot wait to apply the lessons, skills, and insights that I’ve gained at FPM to the hospitality industry. I couldn’t have asked for better guidance than what I’ve received from the women of FPM. Without a doubt, I know what those who work with FPM in the future will see exactly what I have been privy to this past year and a half, a team of ladies with love in their hearts for not only the company’s mission, but for each other. 

My people, the FPM Family

In Conclusion

I love you ladies! Thank you for always encouraging me to find my aspirations in life. I cannot wait to take on the next step in my journey with ya’ll cheering me on. This company and each and every one of ya’ll will always have a special place in my heart.

We are a proud supporter of Ursuline Academy!


Front Porch Marketing is proud to support Ursuline Academy of Dallas for six years. Ursuline seeks to provide opportunity and a welcoming environment for students of widely varied ethnic and socioeconomic backgrounds. Front Porch Marketing meets the mission of Ursuline by providing opportunities for students to grow in a mentoring environment and experience first-hand what marketing looks like in a professional setting. From start to finish, interns are able to learn how to conduct research studies, create content, prepare branding documents, meet clients face-to-face, and more.

This summer, we have the opportunity to work alongside Ann Kurian and Sofia Arce, two rising seniors at Ursuline. We are excited to be mentoring the next generation of businesswomen and extend a warm welcome to our newest interns for the 2021 summer.

Ann Kurian

Ann is a rising senior at Ursuline Academy and currently plays the flute for the Jesuit Ursuline Ranger band. She has plans to be a marketing major and promote products for companies that she believes in. She is excited to meet clients and learn about the world of marketing. Additionally, her interests include creating or supporting products that are environmentally friendly and making the world a better place for others.

To start prompting her inquisitive mindset, we asked her some questions to which she brought a fresh take on. Some examples being:

1. What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity? 

Start by thinking back to your initial reason for starting the brand and where its core values lie.

2. What is the best piece of life advice you have ever received?

“You were born to be real, not to be perfect.”

3. What does good marketing look like?

The end result should ultimately make the consumers happy.

4. What is one of the biggest lessons you have learned throughout your academic career?

Undoubtedly, dividing a large project into chunks and completing a little every day will make it much easier to finish.

Welcome to the FPM team Ann!

Sofia Arce

Sofia Arce is a rising senior at Ursuline Academy. With hopes of going into business in the future, she looks forward to expanding her knowledge of marketing by using her organization skills, attention to detail, and diligence. Sofia is very involved in and outside of school with activities such as playing on the basketball team, being an Ursuline Academy ambassador, participating in Global Advisory Council, and much more. Moreover, she has a passion for creativity and enjoys mentoring others.

To gain some fresh insight, we also asked Sofia what her thoughts were about the marketing field in today’s society and life advice. Some examples being:

1. What does good marketing look like?

Good marketing accurately reflects the business and caters to the client’s target audience in a way that is effective and engaging. Marketing also uses strategies that draw people in, in order to spike curiosity in a business and in services/products.

2. How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

FPM is made up of people with such diverse backgrounds and experiences. This makes for many points of view and approaches to a situation. The team at FPM is driven to helping a business succeed. It’s evident that they have a culmination of knowledge about marketing, communications, branding, digital media etc. It is important to have a tight-knit team and Front Porch Marketing definitely possesses one. It is clear that they value their clients and will help them market their business in creative and helpful ways.

3. What is the best piece of life advice you have ever received?

The best piece of life advice I have ever received is that there is always going to be somebody better than me. Granted, it might sound harsh, but it has helped me realize that comparing myself to others is a waste of time. This is due in part because burning myself out to meet unrealistic expectations is useless. I should instead focus on being the best person I can be by using my talents and strengthening them to be unique.

4. What are your goals for FPM?

My goals for FPM are to take my interest in marketing and learn everything I can about how to execute it successfully. Without a doubt, I am looking forward to learning more about the professional world and broadening my horizons. 

Welcome to the team Sofia!

In Conclusion

These two bright ladies are going to be great additions to the Front Porch Marketing team. We cannot wait to continue mentoring the next generation and empowering the women in our lives. Here is to year six of supporting Ursuline Academy of Dallas and to the brilliant minds of women everywhere!

The Bigger Picture

Picture this. You have the perfect idea for an event, and you feel that it represents your brand’s vision to a T. Yet, there are so many steps to get from A to Z that you start feeling overwhelmed and as the date of the event looms nearer, you realize how many things you wish you had planned for. If you have ever felt this kind of stress before or are currently experiencing it, this is the blog for you.

When it comes to event marketing, there are multiple moving pieces. At times there are so many pieces that it may seem like there are too many starting points. To help set a starting point for you, let’s focus on the big picture and then hone into the minute details that will lead your brand’s vision to the picture-perfect moment.

The First Focus: Scheduling

Imagine event marketing to be like a photographer setting up the most picturesque scene. To capture the moment perfectly, at times working backwards is best. In this case, thinking about what you want the vision to look like as a whole then mapping out how to get to that end goal. Although this may seem unorthodox, this process will lead you to a track record of success while also allowing you to tweak the planning breakdown to fit your needs.

At Front Porch Marketing, we start with writing everything down, especially anything that is time-sensitive i.e. inviting VIPs, scheduling speakers, printing deadlines, and booking sponsors. This timeline allows you to envision a clear reality and identify immediate “strikethroughs” or ideas that should be nixed.

Next, identify your audience, define your message, and determine the experience you want to provide. Having a clear vision is important, because all of the smaller event details and decisions will flow from it.

The Second Focus: Seamlessness

Once you have the deadlines and your audience in mind, choose a venue, food, music, entertainment, format, and feel that aligns best with your vision. Stay true to the experience you want to provide, and these decisions will flow easily.

When it comes to your deadlines, also keep geography in mind. Although it may seem natural to book an event near your location, for your professional partners, sponsors, or guests this location may be new terrain. As such, ensure the professional partners and sponsors you choose to assist you are on board with your vision. Your caterer, photographer, videographer, etc. should also be well versed in what your plans and expectations are for the event.

The Final Focus: Structure

Now that your event is on the horizon, it is time to hammer out the final details. Here are some of my final tips on how to create that picture-perfect moment for your future events.

  1. Create an overall schedule for the day and share with all of your professional partners and staff.
  2. Double-check with your staff on their roles and make sure that all loose ends are tied.
    • Examples of closing loose ties:
      • Posting check-in times to all communication platforms.
      • Pre-inspecting uniforms.
      • Finalizing catering details with the company of your choosing and making sure no cross-contamination occurred.
      • Securing all entrances and marking them accordingly.
      • Making sure that the exits are not blocked by staff or their respected station.
      • Posting last minute schedule changes to all social media platforms.
  3. Notify staff and members who should be called in case of an emergency or in the event that something needs to be addressed.
  4. Do an event run through the night before to make sure that all equipment is running smoothly. Also do another run through at least two hours prior to the event.
  5. Check that social media has been posted and is shareable throughout the event. (A quick way for guests to get plugged in is to post QR codes throughout the location or on deliverables.)
  6. Center the company’s brand at the forefront of the event from color schemes to logos to swag.
  7.  Brand the sponsored content and products by making sure that they are explicitly seen.
  8. Label Wi-Fi passwords and make them visible.
  9. Double-check that all mandated COVID protocols are being followed. Have disposable masks and sanitation stations readily available to increase accessibility and comfort.
  10. Promise a good time (and deliver)!

In Conclusion

We love planning, executing, and marketing events for our clients! Most recently, it has been our privilege to partner with Faith Family Academy to create a socially distanced graduation ceremony that is expandable for future success. We look forward to executing more events in the future and are proud of the recent 2021 graduates.

2021 Faith Family Academy Graduation

I hope that these tips are helpful and got your creative juices flowing! If you need help planning an event come see us on the Porch!

Carson Allen, Senior at UNT

This week, we welcome Carson Allen, our newest intern rocker, to the team!

1. What is the biggest misconception about marketing today?

That its full of people who want to take advantage of others for a quick cash grab.

2. What advice would you give to someone struggling with creating a brand identity?

To be patient and to play the long game. It takes time to build a brand and you need to be incredibly persistent with growth.

3. One of the biggest lessons you’ve learned throughout your academic career?

That when it comes to marketing you want to apply the “KISS” method. Which is “Keep It Simple & Stupid.” Keeping things simple and easy to understand helps draw in clients.

4. What does good marketing look like?

An agency that respects their clients and knows how to properly execute a plan to get them the results they need. The focus should be on helping the client.

5. If you could describe yourself in three words what would they be?

Persistent, outgoing, and motivated.

6. Tell me about a major milestone in your life?

One major milestone of mine is achieving the rank of Eagle Scout my senior year in High School. It took me 8 years of moving up through the scouting program and completing a service project to achieve it.

7. Your goals for FPM?

My goals at FPM are to be the biggest sponge I can be. I want to absorb as much knowledge as possible from this company in regards to marketing and how it works as a business. I specifically want to dip my toes into Search Engine Optimization.

8. How would you describe the culture at FPM?

So far, the culture seems very warm and welcoming. I love that we get to create our own “rocker” name.

9. How does FPM differentiate itself from other marketing companies?

They put a lot of emphasis on the client and they have an easy to work with atmosphere – which makes them more approachable.

10. If you could be anywhere in the world right now where would it be?

I would love to live in a state up North with mountains. Preferably Colorado. Nature is something I always want to be a part of due to my time spent camping in Boy Scouts.

11. If you could go to dinner with one person living or dead who would it be?

I would love to go to dinner with Bruce Lee. He was such an icon in his time. Not just for his fighting techniques but also his philosophy about the way he looked at life.

12. What is a fun fact about yourself?

I really love to cook!


We are incredibly excited to have Carson Allen on the Front Porch Marketing team. He is going to do fantastic things. We cannot wait to see his creativity shine, through his future endeavors.

R Studio 101

You may be wondering, what is R Studio? Is it easy to learn? R Studio is a programming language for statistical computing and graphics. The overall goal of R Studio is to help you summarize and analyze data that will provide insights for making data-driven marketing decisions. While it is not initially easy, like most things, through practice and many trials you can hone your skills just as I have.

This past semester, at Baylor University, I had the pleasure of doing in-depth customer analysis through R Studio and learned how to create data visualizations and perform different statistical analyses using R codes.

Data Science

Data science is the future of business analytics, yet it is often difficult to figure out where to start. The last thing you want to do is waste time and money with the wrong tool or program. Making effective use of your time involves two pieces: 

(1) selecting the right tool for the job at hand

(2) efficiently learning how to use the tool to increase value for your business.

This blog focuses on the first part, explaining why R is the right choice in three points.

Reason One: High Return on Value

The first reason for why R may be the right tool for the job is if you are looking to use a statistical programing language that lends itself well to an extensive infrastructure of big data. R covers a wide range of topics such as econometrics, finance, and time series. R has the best-in-class tools for visualization, reporting, and interactivity, which are just as important to business as they are to science. Because of this, R is well-suited for scientists, engineers, and business professionals.

With the analysis of customer analytics through R, business professionals can:

  1. Increase sales to new and existing customers.
  2. Increase response rates and customer loyalty.
  3. Reduce campaign costs by targeting customers most likely to respond.
  4. Increase sales force effectiveness by targeting qualified prospects.
  5. Reduce customer churn by accurately predicting customers most likely to leave and developing the right proactive campaigns to retain them.
  6. Deliver the right message by segmenting customers more effectively and better understanding target populations.
  7. Deliver higher returns on marketing and promotions investments by contacting the right customers with highly relevant offers/messages.

These all important marks for a company and can be drastically improved through R.

Reason Two: Free Open-Source Tool

When downloading R for business use, one of the greatest pros is that it is an open-source program. Therefore, it can be modified and redistributed as per the user’s need. It is great for visualization and has far more capabilities, compared to other tools like Python.

Companies, such as Facebook, Microsoft, and Google, are using R programming as their core platform to make online advertising more effective. They also use R for economic forecasting and Big-Data statistical modeling. Due to the results that the ‘console’ and ‘plots’ provide in R, these big-name brands are able to make dutifully noted decisions.

Reason Three: Easy to Use

What is great about using R Studio is that once you understand the basics, you will be able to transcribe codes to more advanced stages since they have similar frameworks. Although it takes a couple tries to understand the statistical language, through failure comes success. To help create successful codes and interpretations, the RStudio Cheatsheets are a great reference guide for R syntax as well as YouTube videos.


Whether you use R or Python or another program, find out what your customer data strategy is and what your marketing strategy is to find that perfect balance between the two.

Seamless, sharp, and sophisticated. That is the vision that Front Porch Marketing has for you and your brand as we share why you should style your Instagram highlights.

With the right color scheme, design, and icons, you can drive more views and engagement with your Instagram bio at little to no cost.

If you are looking for a push to execute this vision and wow your audience the next time, they see your page, this is the blog for you!

The Vision

When you open up your company’s Instagram page, what is the first thing you see? Most likely, your eyes go to the colorful posts or maybe a bold profile picture with a strong branding icon, but acting as an overlooked middleman is a row of highlight icons. Currently, there may be as little as 0 or as many as 100 on your page – the sky is the limit.

Truly, the only limit that is regarded is that only up to 100 pictures can be posted within a story highlight, but highlights – much like a reel – should be seamless, sharp, and sophisticated and not fragmented, sloppy, and cluttered. Most importantly, they should be an extension of your brand’s story.  

The Highlight

Many take a lot of time and effort to create the perfect “story” to post on Instagram. Whether it includes colorful gifs, a unique poll, engaging videos, or a giveaway you are extending a vision to viewers about your brand and its values. What is disheartening about all that time and effort is that it dwindles in significance alongside the 24-hour frame that stories are set on. Plus it requires the utmost strategic thinking.

Now, with story highlight reels you are able to make the stories on your Instagram stay permanently on your profile for viewers to enjoy at any given moment. By adding this extra step to your Instagram branding strategy, you are able to strategically use a prime location on your bio and create an immediate place of engagement with users.

Step 1: Be Seamless

What is great about engagement is that you can cast the vision for what viewers see and find different ways to resonate with them. For example, aesthetics are incredibly favored amongst millennials and are a growing target market for many companies. Thus, considering aesthetics on all social media platforms allows you to connect with this audience and others like it.

To create a seamless experience for users, use highlights to promote content that can showcase your products or services, express your brand, drive traffic and market your business. If your profile has bold colors, seamlessly transition the same color palette to your story highlights while also extending a nod to your brand as a whole. If your posts have a color scheme, extend it to your highlight to establish immediate brand recognition or go with a splash of color to draw in your audience with a double look. No matter what you choose, think about your brand as a whole and embody that within your highlight story covers – the first picture that viewers see on a highlight reel.

Step 2: Be Sharp

When it comes to your story highlight covers, always use high-definition content and think “succinct” when it comes to titles. There is a 10–11 character count rule of thumb when it comes to highlight covers. The more characters you use, the higher the chance that your highlight title will end up with an ellipsis instead of the word you were trying to promote. Whether you use CTA words like “events,” “promotions,” “sales,” or “giveaways,” be consistent and above all, do not be misleading in any way.

Step 3: Be Sophisticated

Last but not least, when it comes to Instagram story highlights create a look of sophistication. By using sites like Canva, Unsplash, and/or Pinterest, there are 100’s of highlight cover designs that are pre-made and ready to go at a moments notice for you and your company. No matter if you choose icons, HD pictures, graphic designs or a color palette, always keep your brand at the forefront.

In Conclusion

First, to bring your Instagram to the next level, revamp the look of your Instagram’s aesthetics with a seamless, sharp, and sophisticated look. Second, when it comes to highlight covers think about what story you want your viewers to plug into. Third, see your platform through the viewers eyes to see which highlights you want them to engage with first.  In summary, bring the middleman to the forefront.

The Clean Up 

Spring cleaning comes in many forms but have you extended it to your social media? Although this sounds like an odd notion, tidying up your social media ensures that your online platforms are building up daily engagement and generating leads. 

When you don’t pay attention to your social pages, your platforms become dated – something that should always be a priority to avoid. 

By focusing on these five points in your social media, you can make sure to revamp your social presence, renew your look, and refocus your brand strategy.

When it comes to spring cleaning, start out with the basics. Your logo! Are your colors dated? Should you go brighter? Bolder? Is your logo still considered modern? These are all questions you should ask yourself to make sure that your company is putting their best foot forward and aligning with today’s day and age. 

The Header 

The header is one of the first things that your viewers will see when they come to Facebook and LinkedIn! When you look at it, ask yourself if the picture is…

  1. High quality? 
  2. Modern or dated? 
  3. Reflecting the season your company is in? 
  4. Updated with the awards and certificates your company has gotten throughout the year? 
  5. Used across all platforms? 

Once these questions are answered, your social media strategy is that much closer to being polished.

The Bio

The bio for your company may be short and sweet or long and informative but is it as updated as possible? Are there new hashtags you want to include that are easily found? Are there any typos you may have missed the first time you wrote it? 

No matter how fantastic your bio may be, the smallest writing error can cast doubt about your capabilities to be detail-oriented. This is a mistake you never want to have reflected in your platforms.

The Feed

When it comes to your feed you want to make sure that it is an extension of your latest brand strategy. If your brand is bold then extend that message through bold colors, sharp photos, and succinct captions. If your brand is playful then extend your brand through bright colors, whimsical photos, and emojis. 

Now that you know what you want your feed to look like, look at it from a grander scale.

Do the last posts reflect a past brand strategy? Do you want that to be the first thing that viewers note? Or do you have a new brand strategy that you want to promote and want that to be the focal point? 

Whatever the case, you will want the most current brand strategy to be noticeable at first glance. Take the time to see your company from the eyes of your viewers.

The Website

When your customers look for your website, are they able to find it easily? If not, you may need to revamp and renew the list of keywords that is used for your SEO (Search Engine Optimization) on each page.

By using the most up-to-date keywords, you’re able to make sure that your site is found in an easy manner. Decreasing the level of friction for customers to be able to locate your website and find the information they are looking for is important because it can be the difference of gaining or losing a lead. 

You’ll also want to make sure that all the tweaks that you make on your social media platforms are extended to your site. If you made the colors brighter on your logo, extend that color palette to your site. If you modernized your feed, make sure that your photos and messaging on your site reflect that change. For every action there will always be a reaction.

The Conclusion

No matter how big or small your spring cleaning is, always keep your brand at the forefront. Taking the time to be detail-oriented, using these focal points, and putting your brand first is sure to create a springtime glow for you and your company.

The Pinnacle Moment

If you had to think of a pinnacle moment with the C.E.O.S. in your life, what does that look like?

Does it center around an act of kindness that was fueled by previously voicing a need? Providing a spectacular purchasing process because you answered all of the customer’s questions? Or simply, being affirmed by a team leader for a job well done?

Through each of these experiences, the space to have a conversation was created.

The Pinnacle Question

Celeste Headlee, award-winning journalist, professional speaker and best-selling author of We Need To Talk: How To Have Conversations That Matter, is notorious for creating these spaces with people and raises an important question in 2016 that is still relevant today.

 “Is there any 21st century skill more important than being able to sustain coherent, confident conversation?”

To put it simply, no.

Headlee believes that in order to hone this skill people need to engage in “honesty, brevity, clarity and a healthy amount of listening.”

Yet, sadly, this skill has been greatly inhibited by a highly polarized culture. One that is constantly driven by the need to speak with the intent to be heard instead of speaking with the intent to listen.

This egotistic intent, where the focus is on oneself instead of others, has created an unbalance that Headlee hopes to restore to balance.

“A conversation requires a balance between talking and listening, and somewhere along the way, we lost that balance.”

This unbalanced, polarized culture is fueled by the most trivial of issues from politics to entertainment. Nowadays people are so passionate for or against a side that the idea of compromise has become pointless to them.

“Pew Research did a study of 10,000 American adults, and they found that at this moment, we are more polarized, we are more divided, than we ever have been in history.”

Although this study seems daunting and irrevocable, Headlee’s decades of professional speaking experience allowed her to create a framework that will help renew the balance and bring people back to the roots of speaking with the intent to listen.

Headlee’s 10 ways to have a better conversation:

1: Don’t multitask. Be present.

2: Don’t pontificate. Enter each conversation with the assumption that you have something to learn.

3: Use open-ended questions. Find out the five W’s: Who? What? Where? When? Why?

4: Go with the flow.

5: If you don’t know, say that you don’t know.

6: Don’t equate your experience with the other person’s experience. All experiences are individual.

7: Try not to repeat yourself.

8: Stay out of the weeds. Focus on the root of the story not the trivial points.

9: Listen.

10: Be brief.

Although 10 rules seems like a lot to remember, Headlee states that if a person takes the time to master even one of these rules that they will be skilled enough to create a space to enjoy better conversations with coworkers, friends, and team members.


Whether you use one or more of these rules, Headlee’s TED Talk boils down to this, “Go out, talk to people, listen to people, and, most importantly, be prepared to be amazed.”

I am truly amazed each day by the people in my life and grateful for the conversations that have made me into the person I am today.

My hope for you, is that this framework will help you flourish in your day to day conversations with the C.E.O.S. in your life and encourage growth in your soft skills.

Go out and do great things!

Bio on Headlee

Celeste Headlee presenting at TEDxCreativeCoast on 10 ways to have a better conversation.
Celeste Headlee presenting at TEDxCreativeCoast on 10 ways to have a better conversation.

Celeste Headlee, the speaker of this TED Talk, “10 ways to have a better conversation,” has over 20 million total views to date. Celeste’s work and insights are featured on TODAY, Psychology Today, Inc., NPR, Time, Essence, Elle, BuzzFeed, Salon, Parade, and many more. She has presented to over 100 companies, conferences and universities including Apple, Google, United Airlines, Duke University, Chobani and ESPN, and received the 2019 Media Changemaker Award, (

Loving upon your C.E.O.S.

With Valentine’s Day fresh on our minds, let’s talk about how we can love upon our C.E.O.S. (Customers, Employees, Owners, and Suppliers). Most people shy away at the idea of expressing love in a professional context. However, by the end of this article, I hope that I’ll be able to reframe your mindset.

My own mindset shifted when I recently read The Servant by James C. Hunter. I was humbled, enlightened, and awe-struck at how simple yet empowering loving others can be. I started looking inward at how I express love and what that kind of love looks like outwardly.

If I were to ask you who you love in your life and how you show that love what would you say? Family? Friends? Hugs? Kisses? The answers are endless and the thought of being that personal and intimate with C.E.O.S. seems like a bizarre notion – which is completely understandable. Yet, when I talk about love I am not referring to the feeling of love. Instead, I am referring to the act of love.  

The type of love that I want to focus on is agapé love. This type of love is shown through actions of service for others. Extend yourself for the needs of others. Become an active listener. Be present. It’s being intentional. Most importantly, it’s being a leader that embodies a servant heart.  

The First Step

The first step towards embodying a servant heart is to think about other’s needs before your own. For our C.E.O.S. what does that look like? Would you be able to recount their needs and have them agree with what you said? There is a huge difference between wants and needs, yet in the business world, that gap becomes greatly nuanced. If you are constantly trying to meet the wants of everyone, that can quickly become a tiring and daunting task. “Wants” are grandiose and greedy in nature and as quickly as they’re met, more take their place.   

On the other hand, if you are intentionally seeking to meet the needs of the C.E.O.S. and devoting time to understanding why those needs should be met, I assure you that both parties will come out victorious. A solid foundation, a blooming partnership, and a deposit in the emotional bank account will be the fruits of servicing your C.E.O.S. In other words, meeting a want can be a fleeting win but meeting a need can become a foundational victory.  

The Second Step:

Being an active listener is the second step to loving upon your C.E.O.S. Who loves being ignored? No one. We live in a culture where being silenced is stifling and being expressive is stimulating. Communication thrives through the multitude of platforms that technology has given us: Facebook, FaceTime, instant messaging, Snapchat, Twitter – you name it – yet, these platforms have hindered us. We have become so reliant on being heard that the moment others try to speak, we are quick to counter or revert the attention back to the point we were making. In other words, it has become a norm to listen with the intent to speak instead of listening with the intent to listen.  

If we take the time to practice active listening with our C.E.O.S. without a doubt, we will gain much more than just a business contract. For example, trust becomes fostered, patience is cultivated and respect is rewarded. In the words of James C. Hunter, “listening is probably our greatest opportunity to give attention to others on a daily basis and convey how much we value them,” (The Servant, pg. 106). This act of love is transformative in relationships. As a result, your C.E.O.S. truly sees that you value them.  

The Third Step:

Being intentional is the third step to loving upon your C.E.O.S. Showing that you intentionally value others is a beautiful thing. You are letting them know that no matter what their title is, that you see them for who they are as a person. Moreover, by taking the time to understand who they are no matter where they are on the totem pole, you are making deposits into their emotional bank account and garnering respect.  

Being intentional can start with small actions. For example, if you praise someone for doing something, be sure to be sincere and specific. Additionally, when you need to fix a problem, be sure to make the problem the focus, not the person. Lastly, if you’re having a conflict with a team member, try to see the conflict from their point of view. By incorporating intentional gestures into your everyday manner you will not only see a world of a difference in the people around you but you will feel it.  

In Conclusion:

I urge you to love upon the C.E.O.S. in your life with these three steps in mind. In conclusion, go the extra mile to serve others, practice active listening, and be intentional with all that you do. If you have a favorite way to show love to those in your life, please share them with us in the comments below. We would love to get to know you and your heart for others! Above all, my hope for you today and every day is that you are shown love and empowered by the notion that to give is to receive.  

Where are you on your 2021 goals right now?

Already, we are halfway through January. What has the year looked like for you? Are you following through with your resolutions? Are you on the trajectory to meet the goals you have set for yourself?

Or are you going through the motions? Because it already feels like you don’t have the time to start or already missed your chance.

Creating resolutions or goals at the start of the year may seem frivolous or trivial to some but these ideas can truly kickstart your year on a high note. When it comes to 2021 goals for your company or for yourself as a team member, I want to encourage you to commit to getting things done. By putting your mindset into one that is proactive, realistic and driven I believe that you have the ability to accomplish any goal that you set your heart to.

Now that I’ve got your mind thinking about your goals or potentially lack there of, it’s time to get to business. Grab the nearest paper you have or even open your notes app.

Think of three types of goals you want to set for yourself.

Three Types of Goals: Physical Goal

The first kind of goal is physically oriented. There are numerous ways that this goal could look like to you. It could look like a number on a scale or the number of workout classes you take per week. Or it could look like you getting more rest than you are getting right now and allowing yourself the time to recharge. We could also pivot to nutrition where you may want to be more proactive about what you put into your body rather than what you do with it. Maybe that looks like eating a salad twice a week or skipping desserts until the weekend. Truly, YOU know your body best – what do you want this goal to look like?

Three Types of Goals: Mental Goal

The second kind of goal is mentally oriented. Do you let yourself take a breather when you need it? Or do you push through and jump onto the next thing on your never-ending to-do list? While endurance is admirable, I want to encourage you to also take the time to listen to what your body and mind are telling you. If you take a break after a long day there is nothing to be ashamed of. If anything, you deserve that breather and I am proud of you for persisting with as much tenacity as you have.

This goal may also look like setting healthy boundaries that you’ve always wanted to set but felt like it just never stuck. I myself, have difficulty with setting boundaries but with practice it has become easier to find pockets of peace in my day. This could look like you sending automated messages through your work email past a certain time. Be more proactive with your work/life balance.

Although silly, something that helped me was writing in my agenda “me time.” This was my way of giving myself the space to do whatever I wanted for one hour. Therefore, not to stress about the other things on my agenda. It allowed me to recharge. Hit the ground running with new ideas and a positive attitude.

On the flip side maybe you are so set in boundaries to the point that your no’s in life highly outweigh the yes’s. Give yourself the mental space to step out of your comfort zone. Therefore, try something new. Start saying yes to things that you wouldn’t normally do and discover a different side of yourself that you may have never explored. In the infamous words of Babe Ruth, “never let the fear of striking out keep you from playing the game.”

Three Types of Goals: Personal Goal

The third kind of goal is personally oriented. Think about something that you want for yourself. Is there a raise that you’ve been wanting for some while? But, haven’t been taking the steps to get it? Are there monthly profits you want to accomplish for your company? Or is there an activity that you always wanted to try out but never did?

No matter what this goal looks like, make sure that it makes YOU happy. Ask that person out that you’ve always wanted to but never have. Try new foods that you’ve been too nervous to try. The world is your oyster. With an entire year ahead of us, time is on your side.

Dig Deep

Goals and resolutions buzzing through your head? I encourage you to write them all down. No matter how frivolous they may seem. Take a moment to dig deep. Then, analyze what you’ve written. Is there a common thread? Something that surprised you?

Whatever it may be, I want you to group them up as best as you can and find those three core goals. With the simple act of just writing these down, “you are 42 percent more likely to achieve your goals.

How fantastic is that!?!?

Have Your Three?

Now, figure out a game plan. Plan out realistic smaller goals. Reach your overarching goals and resolutions. Create consistency. Is your goal to get a raise? Then, start looking at the historical value that you bring to the company? Should you do more? For instance, meetings you could attend during your free time? And are you taking the steps to reach that goal?

In conclusion, whatever goals you choose to set, remember to make 2021 the year of getting things done.