As we are staying-at-home, trying to flatten the curve, how should businesses and non-profits adjust their marketing strategies?
Double down on digital.
There is substantial evidence to suggest that the next new normal will look very different. Much as 9/11 changed how we fly, this pandemic will change much of how we live our everyday lives.

Tap the Breaks
A business leader’s first reaction may be to slam on the breaks on marketing. Knee-jerk reactions are not helpful. Decisions made from fear are not helpful.
Let’s gently tap the breaks.
Yes, overall spending on digital ads is down 33% and spending on traditional media is down 39% from what companies had expected to lay out. But Nielsen data shows that when people are forced to stay inside, they watch about 60% more content than usual.
And, there is more good news. Home goods saw a 51% sales increase in Q1.
Don’t stop all your marketing and advertising. If your company or organization stops marketing all together, when shelter-in-place ends, you will have to start all over again introducing your company to consumers and clients.
Double Down on Digital
Advertising is most effective when it is consistent. Shift your advertising spend instead of just stopping suddenly.
While everyone else is pulling back, you may be able to maximize your ad spend. Because there has been such a steep drop ad spending, your company can take advantage of cheaper rates and lower bids on pay-per-click advertising.
“The best time to double down is when others are not. You may not see the biggest return right away, but in the long term, you will.”
Neil Patel, Marketing Guru
The Return of Email
Email is a crucial part of your marketing mix. Remind your customers through email that although storefronts may be closed, they can still purchase your products and services online. Don’t go in for the hard sell, just be reassuring and compassionate. Remind them that you are here for them, in whatever capacity that may be, no matter what.
Your company is on the metaphorical Ark right now. Unlike the housing crisis and other events before it, we can see land (relief) in sight.
We are pleased to see companies coming to us to re-fresh their brands. Companies are asking us to update their collateral materials. And, some are asking us to help them double down on digital.
At some point, we will be able to go back to our everyday lives, with new and different habits to practice. Prepare now for that moment when you reach land. And in case we must get back on the Ark again, you’ll know what to do.