“Business Lessons” Are Not Your Typical Mother’s Day Tribute
This past weekend, we all celebrated Mother’s Day. Some of us celebrated by remembering their mothers who are no longer with us. One of the things I remember the most about my mom is her sensibility. She had a philosophy for life that was kind, inclusive, smart and at the same time funny. That’s why I can remember some of the bits of wisdom she both repeated and modeled to me as a child, and have used them as business lessons in my career.
While most of these were not given to me in the business context, I have been able to apply these 5 life lessons as 5 business lessons. Moms sometimes have a very clear vision for what makes a successful brand, company, or business. And now I can say that my mom was my first business consultant. So I’m going to share some of her wisdom with you in honor of Mother’s Day.
Close enough for government work.
We might all just stop trying to be perfect. You are good enough just the way you are! My mom would always say “close enough for government work” when something didn’t come out exactly as I expected it would. And instead of being upset, we’d all laugh. And we’d move on. And we’d try again.
Because heck, if a giant business like the government doesn’t do it perfectly the first time, then how can we be expected to do so? Do your best and that will be good enough. It’s our effort and perseverance that counts.
Not what I would have done, but just as good.
As a business leader, recognizing that your colleagues or direct reports might not solve a problem exactly as you would have, evaluate others’ work through fresh eyes. Weigh their solutions against the brief or the client ask, and if it works (even if its not what you would have done) then it’s good.
This simple and valuable business lesson will go a long way toward building trust and loyalty within your team. After all, you hired these people and they are experts at what they do, so treat them as such.
Take care of everyone smaller than you.
When I was very small, this meant if a friend falls down on the playground go help them up and make them feel better. Or if a kid younger than you seems like they need a friend, be one. Share your snack with kids who don’t have one. That sort of thing.
As I got older, the meaning became less literal and more figurative. “Smaller” could mean less access, fewer resources, more burden. Anything that made someone’s life smaller than yours.
So now as an adult, if you have access to something that others don’t, share your access. Hire a non-traditional intern who might never have had the opportunity. Bring a younger colleague to an industry event or dinner. Give public kudos and rewards to your team. Create and support programs in your company that create a more equal, diverse and inclusive environment for everyone.
Practice what you preach.
If you say one thing, but do the opposite, what message are you sending about yourself? You’re damaging your credibility said my mom. When you demonstrate this business lesson — that you know what you’re talking about — then people will believe that you are an expert.
For example, if you are a digital marketing agency that handles social media for your clients, but your own agency doesn’t have social media channels, how can potential clients know that you’re an expert?
If you need help, ask.
This was one of the most important lessons that I learned from my mom, that I’ve applied to my entire career as a business lesson. It’s ok to not know how to do everything. It’s ok to say in a meeting “Well, I don’t know the answer, but I will go find out.”
Leaders, surround yourself with people who are better at things than you are, and ask them when you need help, and you’ll always be successful. We are all over the “fake it til you make it” mantra. Be vulnerable, ask for help. In the process, you’ll be giving someone else a compliment by asking for their expertise. And you’ll probably be learning something new.
My Business Lessons From Mom Made Me a Successful Business Person
I hope you’ve enjoyed some of the wisdom that my mother shared with me. She always said that if you can do something that might help someone, take that opportunity. I’ve tried to follow that advice my entire career. And I would consider myself successful in that regard…and to me that’s the aspect of business acumen that matters the most.