Monthly Archives: August 2024

Mobile marketing is still a key component of successful business plans in 2024. Businesses can no longer afford to ignore the mobile audience given the rise in smartphone users. Mobile marketing is important for reaching customers where they spend most of their time, as mobile devices become more prevalent in daily life. According to EarthWeb, as of 2024, mobile devices accounted for around 58.26% of all web traffic worldwide. This change emphasizes the necessity for companies to give mobile consumers top priority in their marketing plans.  

The convenience that mobile marketing provides is one of the key factors that makes it so important. People use their phones for information gathering, shopping, and socializing, which presents businesses with plenty of chances to connect with potential clients. Personalized communication through SMS, push alerts, and mobile-friendly emails is another benefit of mobile marketing that can increase engagement.

 Optimizing Your Website for Mobile 

Businesses require a phone-optimized website to effectively reach mobile users. By guaranteeing that content adjusts for different screen sizes, responsive design improves user experience. Furthermore, since slow websites may turn off visitors, quick loading times are important. Accelerated Mobile Pages (AMP) can be used to increase performance and speed.  

SMS Mobile Marketing  

Since SMS marketing is instantaneous, it is quite successful; timely advertisements and updates have high open rates. For immediate client connection, this basic communication tool is crucial. 

Social Media Engagement 

Mobile marketing of content is a must since mobile devices are used for the majority of social media interactions. Having mobile-friendly links and clear images will greatly increase the impact of your social media approach. 

Mobile Marketing Apps 

For a more consistent and customized user experience, consider downloading a mobile app. Apps improve consumer engagement through better feature integration, such as push alerts, and frequently result in higher conversion rates. 

Mobile marketing is essential for companies hoping to succeed in 2024. Given that mobile devices already account for most website traffic, it is obvious that mobile devices should take priority in your marketing plan. Improving user experience, increasing engagement, and boosting conversions can be achieved by creating a mobile app, utilizing SMS marketing, optimizing your website for mobile users, and participating in social media efficiently. Having a mobile-first strategy can help a company stay relevant and competitive as the digital world changes.

Getting out of your artistic comfort zone can be really scary. It can be intimidating to pick up a new medium and try to learn a new skill. But artistic growth often thrives when you get out of your comfort zone. If you want to try new things and push your creative boundaries, here are some tips that can help you do so.

Try a New Medium to Expand Your Artistic Comfort Zone 

Trying a new medium can be scary but it’s one of the quickest ways to break out of your comfort zone. If you’re a painter who works with acrylics, why not try watercolor or oil paints? If you like to draw with just your pencil, try out pastels, colored pencils, or even charcoal. Try clay sculpting if you usually stick to drawing on paper. Try scrapbooking if you enjoy designing online. There are so many options to try out.

My favorite thing is to go to a craft store and pick a craft I wouldn’t normally pick up. That is how I got into punching needling and embroidery. There are so many avenues you can go down and luckily it’s easy to look up help when things get tough. By working with different materials, you will challenge your skills and maybe ignite a new passion. 

Collaborate with Others 

Partnering with other artists introduces you to new techniques and perspectives. It can inspire new ideas and approaches to your art. Getting together with an artistic group will give you an opportunity to try out new methods. If one artist uses a certain medium that you are not familiar with, let them teach you their skills. It’s always good to bounce ideas off of others to gain knowledge and perspective on a new medium. 

Attend Classes Outside of Your Artistic Comfort Zone

Enrolling in a class or a workshop outside your medium can open up new avenues for exploration. There are many resources online that can help you such as YouTube, Masterclasses, and sometimes even your local community college. There are also in person classes at your local craft store, libraries, or even museums that you can sign up for. Embrace a new venture, don’t let the fear of failure hold you back from trying new things. 

Embrace Failure 

When reaching outside of your artistic comfort zone, making mistakes is a natural part of the creative process. If you don’t make mistakes then you’re not learning. Each mistake is an opportunity for growth. It’s okay if you try something for the first time that doesn’t meet your expectations. At least you’re stepping out of your comfort zone and trying something new. 

Stepping out of your artistic comfort zone is a journey of exploration and self-discovery. By experimenting with new mediums, seeking feedback from others, and trying new things, you’ll not only enhance your skills but maybe find a new passion for a new craft.

We’re hard at work on The Porch — even though its summer — and we wanted to share some of our proven digital strategies so far this year. The summer has flown by, and our team, business and clients have enjoyed many successes balanced with time with family and friends. As we roll into back to school whether it is elementary school, first year of college or next term of an MBA program, we have big goals on our mind at home and work.

With that being said, we are sharing digital strategies and tactics resulting in business success. Here’s what is working for our clients.

We Use These Proven Digital Strategies and Tactics for Our Clients

There are a handful of proven digital strategies that we are using to help build our clients’ brands. Often these strategies work together, and build upon each other. Sometimes they even share assets, which helps marketing budgets go further.

Email Marketing

Consistent communication whether it be weekly or monthly is paramount. Open and click rates for our clients’ email marketing exceed their peers’ average performance. And, their unsubscribe rates are lower than benchmark.

Keys to email marketing success include consistent communication, compelling content and professional creative and visuals.

The results include business growth by referral from existing clients and customers as well as inquiries from prospects and connections.

Digital Advertising

Our clients are spending their ad dollars on digital advertising strategies and tactics this year. The results continue to exceed the norm. LinkedIn and Google ads, geotargeting and retargeting continue to result in business growth.

Social Media

Content calendars are king. Client connections and reach on social media for the companies we work with have been strong — above industry averages. Social continues to be a proven digital strategy YoY.

LinkedIn continues to lead on the business-to-business front. Our clients’ senior leadership are embracing the power of LinkedIn. They are consistently active. This is resulting in broader brand awareness and increased employee engagement among other things.

Hashtag strategies continue to evolve. Less is more is proving successful for our clients. Protip: Utilize free tools to evaluate the relevance of the hashtags you use. We are happy to share our go-to tools. Email us!


At least two blog posts per month continue to engage our Clients’ key audiences, their existing customers and new prospects. Google Analytics confirms this on the monthly reports we provide to clients. In addition to this, our clients’ websites’ SEO is benefiting from this proven digital strategy.


Short and long form video marketing is increasing our clients’ SEO. Videos are a proven digital marketing tactic that also provides compelling, engaging content for social media. Repurposing these videos for digital advertising has also been a hit.

Website Refresh

Continuing to add content whether it be through blogging or keeping the look and feel of your company’s website updated has been a win this year as a proven digital strategy in 2024. Have you looked at your website lately? Is it working hard for your business? If not, we can help. If you don’t know how to figure out if it is effective, we can help with that too.

Implement These Proven Digital Strategies and Tactics for Success in 2024 and Beyond

The fall time period is the perfect time to re-assess your marketing plan and add some of these proven digital strategies to your brand mix. Reach new customers. Broaden your brand’s horizons. Share new products. Build loyalty. It’s all possible by starting now, and sticking with it.

In today’s interconnected world, the boundaries between PR and Digital Marketing are increasingly blurred. Both disciplines play a crucial role in shaping a brand’s image, reaching target audiences, and driving engagement. When blended effectively, these two disciplines can create a powerful force that amplifies brand messages and achieves strategic objectives. In best practices terms, that means integrating them to maximize their combined impact.

Align the Goals and Strategies of PR and Digital Marketing

Successful integration of PR and digital marketing begins with aligning goals and strategies. Ensure that both teams or functions are working towards common objectives, whether it’s enhancing brand visibility, generating leads, or driving website traffic. Establish a unified strategy that leverages the strengths of both PR and digital marketing.

For instance, if a PR campaign is focused on increasing media coverage, digital marketing efforts can complement this by amplifying the coverage through social media channels and paid promotions.

Create Consistent Messaging

Consistency in messaging is crucial for maintaining a coherent brand voice across all platforms. Ensure that the messaging in your public relations materials — such as press releases and media pitches — aligns with the content shared through other marketing channels, including social media posts, email campaigns, and website content.

This consistency helps reinforce your brand’s key messages and creates a unified narrative that resonates with your audience. Regularly review and update messaging guidelines to ensure alignment across all communication efforts.

Leverage PR and Digital Marketing Data and Analytics

Data and analytics are invaluable tools for optimizing both of these efforts. Use insights from digital marketing analytics — such as website traffic, social media engagement, and conversion rates — to inform PR strategies.

Conversely, PR metrics, such as media coverage and sentiment analysis, can provide valuable context for digital marketing campaigns. By integrating data from both camps, you can make informed decisions, track performance, and adjust strategies to achieve better results.

Enhance Content Distribution

Content distribution is a key area where these two team players can intersect. PR efforts, such as media placements and influencer partnerships, can drive traffic to digital assets, such as blog posts, landing pages, or social media profiles.

Further, digital marketing trends can help amplify public relations content by sharing it across social media platforms, using SEO tactics to improve its visibility, and leveraging paid media to reach a broader audience. Develop a content distribution plan that outlines how these marketing efforts will work together to maximize reach and engagement.

Collaboration on Campaigns

Collaborative campaigns that integrate can lead to greater success than isolated efforts. For example, if you’re launching a new product, a coordinated campaign that includes a press release, social media announcements, influencer endorsements, and targeted digital ads can create a comprehensive promotional strategy.

Foster communication and collaboration between teams to ensure that campaigns are well-coordinated, messages are consistent, and resources are used efficiently.

Engage with Your Audience

Engagement is a critical component of both PR and digital marketing. Use PR efforts to build relationships with media, influencers, and industry thought leaders, while leveraging digital marketing channels to interact directly with your target audience. Encourage two-way communication by responding to comments, participating in conversations, and addressing feedback. Engaging with your audience in a meaningful way helps build trust, strengthen relationships, and enhance your brand’s reputation.

Harnessing the Power of PR and Digital Marketing Integration

The intersection of PR and digital marketing offers a wealth of opportunities for brands to amplify their messages and achieve strategic goals. In today’s digital age, it’s not just a best practice — it’s a strategic imperative for achieving holistic and impactful communication. As you navigate the complexities of modern marketing, remember that the partnerships in marketing can be a powerful tool for your brand’s growth and success.