Four Keys to a Successful Influencer Marketing Plan 

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To be influential, one must hold the power to determine, guide and/or impact the decisions and perceptions of others. When applied to marketing, the goal is advocacy. “Influencer marketing is getting others to share your story, generate interest and make your case.” ~ Ardath Albee

Influencer marketing is a marketing strategy focused on capitalizing on the power of people (influencers or brand ambassadors) to advocate for your brand.influencer marketing

“Never mistake the power of influence.” ~ Jim Rohn

By utilizing influencer marketing, your benefits are solid. You gain access to a pre-established, receptive audience which already has a built-in level of trust with the brand ambassador. This helps build credibility. You also get additional help creating content. This content meets your target’s needs. Know your content and message are getting out in the right way, to the right people at the right time.

Is influencer marketing right for you? That depends on what you’re trying to influence (see what we did there, friends?). Know your business and marketing goals, audience, strategies, tactics and measurement. These help determine if influencer marketing is worth the considerable amount of time it can take.

Mapping out an influencer marketing strategy up front can help you minimize the time it will cost you and maximize your results.

Four Keys to a Successful Influencer Marketing Plan

  1. Know Your Audience. Make sure you are spreading your message to the (targeted) audience you need to see it, and in the places they are most likely to see it.
  2. Know Your Goals. Make sure you have set, measurable objectives. Otherwise, it will be impossible to measure your success.
  3. Know Your Ambassadors. The most powerful tool influencers bring to the table is the foundation of trust their audience has in them. This allows the influencer to authentically advocate your brand to your target. It is critical we don’t confuse influence with popularity. TIME does not grant their annual 25 Most Influential People on the Internet influential status based upon the number of followers they have on social media. Instead, they “evaluated contenders by looking at their global impact on social media and their overall ability to drive news.”
  4. Know Your Space. Influencer marketing is not limited to social media platforms. The places where the people in your audience are hanging online (if they aren’t on your site) are key to know as those places are influencers. Depending on your audience, you may have better results through specific bloggers’ websites over Instagram (or vice versa).

YOU are your brand’s biggest ambassador. However, when done successfully, having others advocate for you is powerful. Influencer marketing can help you in cultivating the growth you want for your brand.

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